4,823 research outputs found

    Academic and Non-Academic Factors Associated with Retention of Undergraduate College Students

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    The purpose of this study was to critically analyze both academic and nonacademic factors that may influence retention of health science students and the potential for future effective admission strategies beyond cognitive admission standards. The health science professions are fortunate to attract intelligent, competitive applicants to the professional programs. However, applicants may not possess the emotional intelligence skills to be interpersonally competent, caring healthcare providers. College institutions have only recently begun acknowledging the value of noncognitive criteria in admissions and student retention of beginning undergraduate students. The purpose of this correlational and comparative research study was to test a hypothesized model about students\u27 sociodemographic characteristics, emotional intelligence skills, and academic performance. A randomly selected sample of 109 undergraduate health science students in the College of Health and Human Services at Indiana University - Purdue University Fort Wayne (PEW) participated in this study. The online Emotional Quotient Inventory (EQ-i) research instrument and a researcher-designed online Student Profile sociodemographic questionnaire were used for this study. Results of psychometric analyses indicated estimates of reliability and validity related to the EQ-i. Respondents\u27 sociodemographic characteristics: gender, age, student enrollment status, class standing, and organizational and volunteer activity were predictive variables of their emotional intelligence skills. Male students scored higher on most of the emotional intelligence scales. Students\u27 34 to 45 years of age scored significantly higher in total EQ, stress management, and general mood scales. Students who were enrolled full-time had significantly higher total EQ scores than the students enrolled part-time. The students\u27 emotional intelligence scores were predictive variables with their academic performance (grade point average). Findings indicated students with high GPAs scored significantly higher in the following emotional intelligence scores: interpersonal, stress management, and impulse control skills. Structural equation modeling in future studies may further explain relationships in hypothesized models involving sociodemographic characteristics, emotional intelligence (noncognitive), and academic performance (cognitive) of undergraduate students. The generalizability and implications of results from studies measuring emotional intelligence of college students needs to be studied further. Additional research in this area is needed to determine whether health professions programs can directly influence future healthcare providers by using nonacademic factors

    Використання показників стану учнів під час проектування систем адаптивного навчання

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    The paper discusses what scientific ideas could be used to increase effectiveness of adaptive learning systems. Possibilities to use changes of learner's cognitive state indicators under influence of internal (heart rate and blood pressure) and external (speed and density of solar wind) factors are discussed. It is described experience of use of the learner's cognitive state assessment (accounting psychological, physiological and external parameters) to assess his/her cognitive changes over weeks. The experimental results demonstrated individual nature of subjects' psychological and physiological changes over observation time (1,5 month) and their relationship. The authors' approach is based on the model describing formation and functioning of the “functional system of cognitive activity”. The question discussed is: what indices of a human performance indicators (behavioral, internal and/or external) could be useful for model construction? A human cognitive load can be under influence of different external and internal factors that can provoke his/her performance degradation. The results demonstrated the similar tendency for studied groups of subjects in previous studies: individual nature of changes of cognitive and physiological indices in day-to-day performance, as well as potentially significant influence of parameters of solar wind on them. As a result, such type of measurements of internal (physiological) and external (solar physics) parameters in combination with test performance indices could be used for assessment and prediction of effectiveness of cognitive activity, and adaptation of learning process according to the particularly learner's readiness to learn on a particular day and time. Different approaches and methods were proposed to take into account a human state, abilities, individual features to plan a human activity. Looking at learning as a type of activity in human-system integration, it is possible to consider today’s learner as an operatorresearcher who acts in digital environment. At the same time, a human and tools of activity need mutual adaptation in complex systems. Psychophysiological model of learning and cognitive abilities development could be a basis for more effective design of learning achievements, organization and process, their quality, namely for adaptive learning on the base of accounting a learner's current cognitive state indices. Those results could be applied in design of adaptive learning systems, as it was made for industry in the previous developments of the authors. Principles of use of student's state indices in adaptive learning systems are proposed.У роботі обговорюється, які наукові ідеї можуть бути використані для підвищення ефективності адаптивних систем навчання. Обговорюються можливості використання змін показників когнітивного стану учня під впливом внутрішніх (частота серцевих скорочень та артеріальний тиск) та зовнішніх (швидкість і щільність сонячного вітру) факторів на когнітивні показники. Описується досвід використання оцінювання когнітивного стану учня (з урахуванням психологічних, фізіологічних та зовнішніх параметрів) для оцінки та прогнозування його когнітивних змін для індивідуалізації навчання. Експериментальні результати продемонстрували індивідуальну природу психологічних та фізіологічних змін випробувачів протягом часу спостереження (1,5 місяця) та їх взаємозв’язок. Автори підходу ґрунтуються на моделі формування та функціонування «функціональної системи пізнавальної діяльності». Обговорюється питання: які показники діяльності людини (поведінкові, внутрішні та/або зовнішні) можуть бути корисними для побудови моделі? Пізнавальне навантаження людини може знаходитись під впливом різних зовнішніх та внутрішніх факторів, які можуть спровокувати погіршення продуктивності діяльності. Отримані результати показали, що загальна тенденція була однаковою для всіх спостережуваних осіб, як і в дорослих у попередніх дослідженнях: індивідуальний характер змін когнітивних та фізіологічних показників у повсякденній роботі, а також потенційно значний вплив на них параметрів сонячного вітру. Як результат, вимірювання внутрішніх (фізіологічних) і зовнішніх (геліофізичних) параметрів такого типу у поєднанні з показниками ефективності тесту можуть бути використані для оцінки та прогнозування ефективності пізнавальної діяльності та адаптації навчального процесу відповідно до індивідуальної готовності до навчання конкретного учня. Запропоновано підходи та методи з метою уникнення цього явища враховують стан людини, здібності, індивідуальні особливості. Розглядаючи навчання як тип діяльності в системі «людина-техніка-середовище», можна вважати, що сьогоднішній учень може вважатися оператором-дослідником, який діє в цифровому середовищі, причому як людина, так і інструменти діяльності потребують взаємної адаптації в складних системах. Психофізіологічна модель навчання та розвитку когнітивних здібностей може бути основою для більш ефективного проектування навчання, організації та процесу, їх якості, а саме для адаптивного навчання на основі врахування поточних когнітивних можливостей учнів. Ці результати можуть бути застосовані в ІКТ, які включають адаптивні системи навчання, використовуючи досвід попередніх промислових розробок авторів. Запропоновані принципи використання показників стану учня в адаптивних навчальних системах

    Adolescent Values and Exercise Behaviors

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    In recent decades, there has been a significant increase in adolescent obesity in America (Mayo Clinic, 2006). Given this, there is a corresponding need to develop targeted adolescent obesity interventions. The current study examined how a psychosocially based intervention impacted adolescents\u27 perceived value, frequency, and amount of exercise. Participants included 55 adolescents, (28 male, 26 female) ranging in age from 15-18. Separated by class, the three groups included one control group and two separate intervention groups. All groups completed an Exercise Checklist (Anshel, 2006), measuring the value, :frequency, and amount of exercise prior to any intervention. Classes then received different levels of the intervention including a psycho-educational presentation and three-week exercise challenge. Exercise value, frequency, and amounts were re-assessed at weeks three, six, and a twelve. Findings showed that an adolescent\u27s value, :frequency, and amount of exercise increased post intervention. Overall, this indicates that when educated about the psychological benefits of exercise, and then challenged to choose a reasonable exercise regime, adolescents are more likely to value exercise and increase the amount of times they exercise on a weekly basis

    Inteligencia emocional rasgo como amortiguador del estado de ánimo en docentes de educación infantil y primaria durante el impacto de la COVID-19

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    Background: Trait Emotional Intelligence (EI) is a personal characteristic that can act as a buffer factor against vital challenging circumstances and be a predictor of mood in a variety of natural situations such as those derived from the social context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The general aim of this research was to study the relationship between trait EI and teacher moods during confinement. Method: The study included 478 participants, 316 Preschool teachers and Elementary teachers from public centers in the Region of Murcia and 162 university students of Preschool and Elementary education degrees. The instrument used to assess trait EI was the TEIQue-SF; to assess the moods experienced during the impact of COVID-19, a short version of the POMS was used.Results: Teachers with high trait EI were perceived to be more energized and kinder, as well as less nervous, moody, sad and tired, just the opposite pattern of teachers with a low trait EI profile. In addition, female teachers obtained higher scores in negative mood states. Conclusions: Although the study is correla-tional, the results support the idea of trait EI as a protective factor against stress, which reinforces its role as a promoter of teacher well-being.Antecedentes: La Inteligencia Emocional (IE) rasgo es una característica personal que puede actuar como factor protector contra circunstancias vitales desafiantes y ser un predictor del estado de ánimo en situaciones naturales como las derivadas del contexto social de la pandemia COVID-19. El objetivo general fue estudiar la relación entre IE rasgo y los estados anímicos docentes durante el confinamiento. Método: Se contó con 478 participantes, 316 docentes de Educación Infantil (EI) y Primaria (EP) de centros públicos de la Región de Murcia y 162 estudiantes de los Grados de EI y EP. Los instrumentos empleados fueron: para evaluar la IE rasgo, el TEIQue-SF; para evaluar los estados de ánimo vividos durante el impacto de la COVID-19 se utilizó una versión breve del POMS. Resultados: Los docentes con IE elevada se percibieron más enérgicos y considerados con los demás; así como menos nerviosos, malhumorados, tristes y cansados, justo el patrón contrario al de docentes con perfil de IE baja. Además, las maestras obtienen puntuaciones mayores en los estados emocionales negativos. Conclusiones: Si bien el estudio es correlacional, los resultados avalan la idea de la IE rasgo como factor protector frente al estrés, lo que refuerza su papel como promotor del bienestar docente

    First Year GPA and Academic Service Use Among College Students With and Without ADHD

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    ADHD is a chronic neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by significant impairments in attention and behavioral inhibition typically resulting in academic difficulties that persist into college (Weyandt & DuPaul, 2013). Although most colleges offer support services, students often do not utilize the services they are entitled to or have available to them (Chew et al., 2009). The current study is the first to examine differences in GPA using a rigorously defined, multi-site sample. Second, the current study seeks to identify the predictors of academic performance specifically among college students with ADHD. Third, this study provides data regarding how often students with ADHD utilize academic support services. Finally, the current study investigates the academic outcomes of service use among students with and without ADHD during their first year at a four-year college. Results demonstrated significantly lower GPAs among a rigorously defined, multi-site sample of first year college students with ADHD relative to students without ADHD. Second, this study indicated that traditional predictors of college success may be less meaningful for students with ADHD. Third, ADHD combined with other disorders, but not ADHD alone, predicted higher rates of service use relative to students without ADHD. Finally, the present results suggest that typically available academic services are not independently related to GPA among first-year college students with or without ADHD

    Using machine learning techniques to study of stress, depression, and academic performance of grade 12th students

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    The objectives of this research were 1) to study the problems of stress and depression among Grade 12 students; 2) to investigate the machine learning technique in analyzing and predicting stress, depression, and academic performance among Grade 12 students; and 3) to evaluate the stress and depression prediction platform. Students from schools in the Secondary Educational Service Areas of Nakhon Sawan, Uthai Thani, Chainat, and Pichit in Thailand comprised the sampling group, which the researchers recruited through simple random sampling. A total of 510 students volunteered to participate in the questionnaire, while 117 students served as the group for the evaluation platform. The researcher employed a total of three assessments: 1) the Stress Assessment Scale (SPST-20), 2) the Depression Assessment Form 9 Questions (9Q), and 3) the Death Assessment Form (8Q) to gather data and develop the platform. The data analytics process incorporates all assessment results, comparing five techniques to yield the most accurate results. The article presents the research results, which will guide the development of a system and tools for future student monitoring in schools

    The role of student–teacher relationships in the association between negative parenting practices and emotion dynamics – Combining longitudinal and ecological momentary assessment data

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    Emotion dysregulation is increasingly implicated as a transdiagnostic risk factor in the etiology of mental health problems. This project aimed to explore the links between emotion regulation, negative parenting and student-teacher relationships using longitudinal and ecologically valid data. A sample of n = 209 young people enrolled in the 'Decades-to-Minutes' (D2M) study, based in Zurich, Switzerland, provided data from the ages of 7-20 via parent- and self-report questionnaires and ecological momentary assessment. Data were analyzed using Dynamic Structural Equation Modeling (DSEM). Worse student-teacher relationships predicted increased negative affectivity and emotional lability. Negative parenting practices predicted emotional lability only via their impact on student-teacher relationships. The findings point to worse student-teacher relationships as risk factors in the socioemotional development of children and young people