1 research outputs found

    Hydraulic press design for mass customization based on product layout model

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    【中文文摘】为实现液压机产品的大规模定制快速响应设计,提出了一种基于布局模型的产品设计方法。通过构建液压机的产品功能需求模型、运动功能模型和模块结构模型之间的映射,将得到的布局结构实例化,采用有限元和变量化方法进行布局结构的分析和优化,从而得到最优布局模型。分析得到的所有布局模型将作为产品平台的一部分加以存储,以支持产品的大规模定制设计。论述了液压机产品布局模型的拓扑结构和约束信息表达方法。最后给出了基于布局的大规模定制产品的配置和变型设计过程,该过程显示,布局模型的研究与应用可明显提高液压机类机械产品的设计效率。另外,对产品布局模型在大规模定制产品平台开发过程中进行了分析,完善和补充了大规模定制产品平台体系。 【英文文摘】To meet the requirements of rapid design of hydraulic press, a methodology of Mass Customization (MC) product design based on product layout model was proposed, in which hydraulic press layout model was exemplified through mapping among product requirements model, movement function model and module structure model. And then the layout model was analyzed and optimized by Finite Element Method (FEM) to obtain the most optimized layout model. All the layout models were added into product platform database to support MC product design. Sub- sequently , the topology and const raint description of layout model were discussed. Finally , the configuration and va- riant design process of MC product based on layout model was provided to illust rate that layout model could effectively improve the design efficiency of hydraulic press.国家自然科学基金资助项目(70402013); 福建省青年科技人才创新项目资金(2004J019)资助项目