6 research outputs found

    Supervised Intrusions Detection System Using KNN

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    This paper is on implementations of intrusion detection system using Knn algorithm using R language. The dataset used is the KDDcup 1999 a well know bench mark for IDS. The machine learning algorithm K nearest neighbor(Knn) is use for the detection and classification for the known attacks. The experimental results are obtained using R programming language

    SPAM detection: Naïve bayesian classification and RPN expression-based LGP approaches compared

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    An investigation is performed of a machine learning algorithm and the Bayesian classifier in the spam-filtering context. The paper shows the advantage of the use of Reverse Polish Notation (RPN) expressions with feature extraction compared to the traditional Naïve Bayesian classifier used for spam detection assuming the same features. The performance of the two is investigated using a public corpus and a recent private spam collection, concluding that the system based on RPN LGP (Linear Genetic Programming) gave better results compared to two popularly used open source Bayesian spam filters. © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016

    Hybrid feature selection technique for intrusion detection system

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    High dimensionality’s problems have make feature selection as one of the most important criteria in determining the efficiency of intrusion detection systems. In this study we have selected a hybrid feature selection model that potentially combines the strengths of both the filter and the wrapper selection procedure. The potential hybrid solution is expected to effectively select the optimal set of features in detecting intrusion. The proposed hybrid model was carried out using correlation feature selection (CFS) together with three different search techniques known as best-first, greedy stepwise and genetic algorithm. The wrapper-based subset evaluation uses a random forest (RF) classifier to evaluate each of the features that were first selected by the filter method. The reduced feature selection on both KDD99 and DARPA 1999 dataset was tested using RF algorithm with ten-fold cross-validation in a supervised environment. The experimental result shows that the hybrid feature selections had produced satisfactory outcome

    A functional framework to evade network IDS

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    Proceeding of: 44th Hawaii International Conference on System Science, Kauai, HI, January 4-7, 2011Signature based Network Intrusion Detection Systems (NIDS) apply a set of rules to identify hostile traffic in network segments. Currently they are so effective detecting known attacks that hackers seek new techniques to go unnoticed. Some of these techniques consist of exploiting network protocols ambiguities. Nowadays NIDS are prepared against most of these evasive techniques, as they are recognized and sorted out. The emergence of new evasive forms may cause NIDS to fail. In this paper we present an innovative functional framework to evade NIDS. Primary, NIDS are modeled accurately by means of Genetic Programming (GP). Then, we show that looking for evasions on models is simpler than directly trying to understand the behavior of NIDS. We present a proof of concept showing how to evade a self-built NIDS regarding two publicly available datasets. Our framework can be used to audit NIDS.This work was partially supported by CDTI, Ministerio de Industria, Turismo y Comercio of Spain in collaboration with Telefonica I+D, Project SEGUR@ CENIT-2007 2004.Publicad

    Network intrusion detection using genetic programming.

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    Masters Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg.Network intrusion detection is a real-world problem that involves detecting intrusions on a computer network. Detecting whether a network connection is intrusive or non-intrusive is essentially a binary classification problem. However, the type of intrusive connections can be categorised into a number of network attack classes and the task of associating an intrusion to a particular network type is multiclass classification. A number of artificial intelligence techniques have been used for network intrusion detection including Evolutionary Algorithms. This thesis investigates the application of evolutionary algorithms namely, Genetic Programming (GP), Grammatical Evolution (GE) and Multi-Expression Programming (MEP) in the network intrusion detection domain. Grammatical evolution and multi-expression programming are considered to be variants of GP. In this thesis, a comparison of the effectiveness of classifiers evolved by the three EAs within the network intrusion detection domain is performed. The comparison is performed on the publicly available KDD99 dataset. Furthermore, the effectiveness of a number of fitness functions is evaluated. From the results obtained, standard genetic programming performs better than grammatical evolution and multi-expression programming. The findings indicate that binary classifiers evolved using standard genetic programming outperformed classifiers evolved using grammatical evolution and multi-expression programming. For evolving multiclass classifiers different fitness functions used produced classifiers with different characteristics resulting in some classifiers achieving higher detection rates for specific network intrusion attacks as compared to other intrusion attacks. The findings indicate that classifiers evolved using multi-expression programming and genetic programming achieved high detection rates as compared to classifiers evolved using grammatical evolution

    Modeling intrusion detection systems using linear genetic programming approach

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    Abstract-This paper investigates the suitability of linear genetic programming (LGP) technique to model efficient intrusion detection systems, while comparing its performance with artificial neural networks and support vector machines. Due to increasing incidents of cyber attacks and, building effective intrusion detection systems (IDSs) are essential for protecting information systems security, and yet it remains an elusive goal and a great challenge. We also investigate key feature indentification for building efficient and effective IDSs. Through a variety of comparative experiments, it is found that, with appropriately chosen population size, program size, crossover rate and mutation rate, linear genetic programs could outperform support vector machines and neural networks in terms of detection accuracy. Using key features gives notable performance in terms of detection accuracies. However the difference in accuracy tends to be small in a few cases.