17 research outputs found

    Performance of CSMA in Multi-Channel Wireless Networks

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    We analyze the performance of CSMA in multi-channel wireless networks, accounting for the random nature of traffic. Specifically, we assess the ability of CSMA to fully utilize the radio resources and in turn to stabilize the network in a dynamic setting with flow arrivals and departures. We prove that CSMA is optimal in ad-hoc mode but not in infrastructure mode, when all data flows originate from or are destined to some access points, due to the inherent bias of CSMA against downlink traffic. We propose a slight modification of CSMA, that we refer to as flow-aware CSMA, which corrects this bias and makes the algorithm optimal in all cases. The analysis is based on some time-scale separation assumption which is proved valid in the limit of large flow sizes

    Nonparametric estimation of mark's distribution of an exponential Shot-noise process

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    In this paper, we consider a nonlinear inverse problem occurring in nuclear science. Gamma rays randomly hit a semiconductor detector which produces an impulse response of electric current. Because the sampling period of the measured current is larger than the mean inter arrival time of photons, the impulse responses associated to different gamma rays can overlap: this phenomenon is known as pileup. In this work, it is assumed that the impulse response is an exponentially decaying function. We propose a novel method to infer the distribution of gamma photon energies from the indirect measurements obtained from the detector. This technique is based on a formula linking the characteristic function of the photon density to a function involving the characteristic function and its derivative of the observations. We establish that our estimator converges to the mark density in uniform norm at a logarithmic rate. A limited Monte-Carlo experiment is provided to support our findings.Comment: Electronic Journal of Statistics, Institute of Mathematical Statistics and Bernoulli Society, 201

    Resource dimensioning through buffer sampling

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    Link dimensioning, i.e., selecting a (minimal) link capacity such that the users’ performance requirements are met, is a crucial component of network design. It requires insight into the interrelationship between the traffic offered (in terms of the mean offered load M, but also its fluctuation around the mean, i.e., ‘burstiness’), the envisioned performance level, and the capacity needed. We first derive, for different performance criteria, theoretical dimensioning formulae that estimate the required capacity C as a function of the input traffic and the performance target. For the special case of Gaussian input traffic these formulae reduce to C = M+V , where directly relates to the performance requirement (as agreed upon in a service level agreement) and V reflects the burstiness (at the timescale of interest). We also observe that Gaussianity applies for virtually all realistic scenarios; notably, already for a relatively low aggregation level the Gaussianity assumption is justified.\ud As estimating M is relatively straightforward, the remaining open issue concerns the estimation of V . We argue that, particularly if V corresponds to small time-scales, it may be inaccurate to estimate it directly from the traffic traces. Therefore, we propose an indirect method that samples the buffer content, estimates the buffer content distribution, and ‘inverts’ this to the variance. We validate the inversion through extensive numerical experiments (using a sizeable collection of traffic traces from various representative locations); the resulting estimate of V is then inserted in the dimensioning formula. These experiments show that both the inversion and the dimensioning formula are remarkably accurate

    Evaluation of

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    To offer users a sufficient performance level, network links should be properly provisioned. The required bandwidth capacity may be determined through the use of a model of the real network traffic. In this paper, we study the use of two classes of traffic models: (i


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    The proposed work deals with a real time hourly internet traffic data set in bits collected from ISPs located in 11 cities of European Country for the period 7th June 2005 to 31st July 2005. Then a thorough statistical inference has been drawn regarding the central tendency, dispersion and distribution of the data. Time-frequency analysis using Smoothed Pseudo Wigner Ville Distribution (SPWVD) is implied to infer knowledge about the non-stationarity of the system. A non-parametric test for normality, Anderson Darling Test (AD-Test) has been performed to detect the binary signature of nonlinearity in the signal. Delay Vector Variance Analysis (DVV) are being exploited to infer deeper knowledge about the determinism and nonlinearity in the system. The results confirm a nonstationary, relatively stochastic and nonlinear profile of the signal under observation

    Survey on Traffic of Metro Area Network with Measurement On-Line

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    International audienceNetwork traffic measurements can provide essential data for network research and operation. While Internet traffic has been heavily studied for several years, there are new characteristics of traffic having not been understood well brought by new applications for example P2P. It is difficult to get these traffic metrics due to the difficulty to measurement traffic on line for high speed link and to identify new applications using dynamic ports. In this paper, we present a broad overview of Internet traffic of an operated OC-48 export link of a metro area network from a carrier with the method of measurement on-line. The traffic behaves a daily characteristic well and the traffic data of whole day from data link layer to application layer is presented. We find the characteristics of traffic have changed greatly from previous measurements. Also, we explain the reasons bringing out these changes. Our goal is to provide the first hand of traffic data that is helpful for people to understand the change of traffic with new applications

    Traffic models for user-level performance evaluation in data networks

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    International audience—Traffic modeling is key to the capacity planning of data networks. Usual models rely on the implicit assumption that each user generates data flows in series, one after the other, the ongoing flows sharing equitably the considered backhaul link. We relax this assumption and consider the more realistic case where users may generate several data flows in parallel, these flows having to share the user's access line as well. We derive explicit user-level performance metrics like mean throughput and congestion rate in this context, assuming balanced fair sharing between ongoing flows. These results generalize existing ones in that both match in the limit of an infinite number of access lines

    A Software Engineered Voice-Enabled Job Recruitment Portal System

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    The inability of job seekers to get timely job information regarding the status of the application submitted via conventional job portal system which is usually dependent on accessibility to the Internet has made so many job applicants to lose their placements. Worse still, the epileptic services offered by Internet Service Providers and the poor infrastructures in most developing countries have greatly hindered the expected benefits from Internet usage. These have led to cases of online vacancies notifications unattended to simply because a job seeker is neither aware nor has access to the Internet. With an increasing patronage of mobile phones, a self-service job vacancy notification with audio functionality or an automated job vacancy notification to all qualified job seekers through mobile phones will simply provide a solution to these challenges. In this paper, we present a Voice-enabled Job Recruitment Portal (JRP) System. The system is accessed through two interfaces – the voice user’s interface (VUI) and web interface. The VUI was developed using VoiceXML and the web interface using PHP, and both interfaces integrated with Apache and MySQL as the middleware and back-end component respectively. The JRP proposed in this paper takes the hassle of job hunting from job seekers, provides job status information in real-time to the job seeker and offers other benefits such as, cost, effectiveness, speed, accuracy, ease of documentation, convenience and better logistics to the employer in seeking the right candidate for a job

    Towards cognitive in-operation network planning

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    Next-generation internet services such as live TV and video on demand require high bandwidth and ultra-low latency. The ever-increasing volume, dynamicity and stringent requirements of these services’ demands are generating new challenges to nowadays telecom networks. To decrease expenses, service-layer content providers are delivering their content near the end users, thus allowing a low latency and tailored content delivery. As a consequence of this, unseen metro and even core traffic dynamicity is arising with changes in the volume and direction of the traffic along the day. A tremendous effort to efficiently manage networks is currently ongoing towards the realisation of 5G networks. This translates in looking for network architectures supporting dynamic resource allocation, fulfilling strict service requirements and minimising the total cost of ownership (TCO). In this regard, in-operation network planning was recently proven to successfully support various network reconfiguration use cases in prospective scenarios. Nevertheless, additional research to extend in-operation planning capabilities from typical reactive optimization schemes to proactive and predictive schemes based on the analysis of network monitoring data is required. A hot topic raising increasing attention is cognitive networking, where an elevated knowledge about the network could be obtained as a result of introducing data analytics in the telecom operator’s infrastructure. By using predictive knowledge about the network traffic, in-operation network planning mechanisms could be enhanced to efficiently adapt the network by means of future traffic prediction, thus achieving cognitive in-operation network planning. In this thesis, we focus on studying mechanisms to enable cognitive in-operation network planning in core networks. In particular, we focus on dynamically reconfiguring virtual network topologies (VNT) at the MPLS layer, covering a number of detailed objectives. First, we start studying mechanisms to allow network traffic flow modelling, from monitoring and data transformation to the estimation of predictive traffic model based on this data. By means of these traffic models, then we tackle a cognitive approach to periodically adapt the core VNT to current and future traffic, using predicted traffic matrices based on origin-destination (OD) predictive models. This optimization approach, named VENTURE, is efficiently solved using dedicated heuristic algorithms and its feasibility is demonstrated in an experimental in-operation network planning environment. Finally, we extend VENTURE to consider core flows dynamicity as a result of metro flows re-routing, which represents a meaningful dynamic traffic scenario. This extension, which entails enhancements to coordinate metro and core network controllers with the aim of allowing fast adaption of core OD traffic models, is evaluated and validated in terms of traffic models accuracy and experimental feasibility.Els serveis d’internet de nova generació tals com la televisió en viu o el vídeo sota demanda requereixen d’un gran ample de banda i d’ultra-baixa latència. L’increment continu del volum, dinamicitat i requeriments d’aquests serveis està generant nous reptes pels teleoperadors de xarxa. Per reduir costs, els proveïdors de contingut estan disposant aquests més a prop dels usuaris finals, aconseguint així una entrega de contingut feta a mida. Conseqüentment, estem presenciant una dinamicitat mai vista en el tràfic de xarxes de metro amb canvis en la direcció i el volum del tràfic al llarg del dia. Actualment, s’està duent a terme un gran esforç cap a la realització de xarxes 5G. Aquest esforç es tradueix en cercar noves arquitectures de xarxa que suportin l’assignació dinàmica de recursos, complint requeriments de servei estrictes i minimitzant el cost total de la propietat. En aquest sentit, recentment s’ha demostrat com l’aplicació de “in-operation network planning” permet exitosament suportar diversos casos d’ús de reconfiguració de xarxa en escenaris prospectius. No obstant, és necessari dur a terme més recerca per tal d’estendre “in-operation network planning” des d’un esquema reactiu d’optimització cap a un nou esquema proactiu basat en l’analítica de dades provinents del monitoritzat de la xarxa. El concepte de xarxes cognitives es també troba al centre d’atenció, on un elevat coneixement de la xarxa s’obtindria com a resultat d’introduir analítica de dades en la infraestructura del teleoperador. Mitjançant un coneixement predictiu sobre el tràfic de xarxa, els mecanismes de in-operation network planning es podrien millorar per adaptar la xarxa eficientment basant-se en predicció de tràfic, assolint així el que anomenem com a “cognitive in-operation network Planning”. En aquesta tesi ens centrem en l’estudi de mecanismes que permetin establir “el cognitive in-operation network Planning” en xarxes de core. En particular, ens centrem en reconfigurar dinàmicament topologies de xarxa virtual (VNT) a la capa MPLS, cobrint una sèrie d’objectius detallats. Primer comencem estudiant mecanismes pel modelat de fluxos de tràfic de xarxa, des del seu monitoritzat i transformació fins a l’estimació de models predictius de tràfic. Posteriorment, i mitjançant aquests models predictius, tractem un esquema cognitiu per adaptar periòdicament la VNT utilitzant matrius de tràfic basades en predicció de parells origen-destí (OD). Aquesta optimització, anomenada VENTURE, és resolta eficientment fent servir heurístiques dedicades i és posteriorment avaluada sota escenaris de tràfic de xarxa dinàmics. A continuació, estenem VENTURE considerant la dinamicitat dels fluxos de tràfic de xarxes de metro, el qual representa un escenari rellevant de dinamicitat de tràfic. Aquesta extensió involucra millores per coordinar els operadors de metro i core amb l’objectiu d’aconseguir una ràpida adaptació de models de tràfic OD. Finalment, proposem dues arquitectures de xarxa necessàries per aplicar els mecanismes anteriors en entorns experimentals, emprant protocols estat-de-l’art com són OpenFlow i IPFIX. La metodologia emprada per avaluar el treball anterior consisteix en una primera avaluació numèrica fent servir un simulador de xarxes íntegrament dissenyat i desenvolupat per a aquesta tesi. Després d’aquesta validació basada en simulació, la factibilitat experimental de les arquitectures de xarxa proposades és avaluada en un entorn de proves distribuït.Postprint (published version