126 research outputs found

    Special Session on Industry 4.0

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    Special Session on Industry 4.0

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    Mega-modeling of complex, distributed, heterogeneous CPS systems

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    Model-Driven Design (MDD) has proven to be a powerful technology to address the development of increasingly complex embedded systems. Beyond complexity itself, challenges come from the need to deal with parallelism and heterogeneity. System design must target different execution platforms with different OSs and HW resources, even bare-metal, support local and distributed systems, and integrate on top of these heterogeneous platforms multiple functional component coming from different sources (developed from scratch, legacy code and third-party code), with different behaviors operating under different models of computation and communication. Additionally, system optimization to improve performance, power consumption, cost, etc. requires analyzing huge lists of possible design solutions. Addressing these challenges require flexible design technologies able to support from a single-source model its architectural mapping to different computing resources, of different kind and in different platforms. Traditional MDD methods and tools typically rely on fixed elements, which makes difficult their integration under this variability. For example, it is unlikely to integrate in the same system legacy code with a third-party component. Usually some re-coding is required to enable such interconnection. This paper proposes a UML/MARTE system modeling methodology able to address the challenges mentioned above by improving flexibility and scalability. This approach is illustrated and demonstrated on a flight management system. The model is flexible enough to be adapted to different architectural solutions with a minimal effort by changing its underlying Model of Computation and Communication (MoCC). Being completely platform independent, from the same model it is possible to explore various solutions on different execution platforms.This work has been partially funded by the EU and the Spanish MICINN through the ECSEL MegaMart and Comp4Drones projects and the TEC2017-86722-C4-3-R PLATINO project

    Scheduling of a Cyber-Physical System Simulation

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    The work carried out in this Ph.D. thesis is part of a broader effort to automate industrial simulation systems. In the aeronautics industry, and more especially within Airbus, the historical application of simulation is pilot training. There are also more recent uses in the design of systems, as well as in the integration of these systems. These latter applications require a very high degree of representativeness, where historically the most important factor has been the pilot’s feeling. Systems are now divided into several subsystems that are designed, implemented and validated independently, in order to maintain their control despite the increase in their complexity, and the reduction in time-to-market. Airbus already has expertise in the simulation of these subsystems, as well as their integration into a simulation. This expertise is empirical; simulation specialists use the previous integrations schedulings and adapt it to a new integration. This is a process that can sometimes be time-consuming and can introduce errors. The current trends in the industry are towards flexible production methods, integration of logistics tools for tracking, use of simulation tools in production, as well as resources optimization. Products are increasingly iterations of older, improved products, and tests and simulations are increasingly integrated into their life cycles. Working empirically in an industry that requires flexibility is a constraint, and nowadays it is essential to facilitate the modification of simulations. The problem is, therefore, to set up methods and tools allowing a priori to generate representative simulation schedules. In order to solve this problem, we have developed a method to describe the elements of a simulation, as well as how this simulation can be executed, and functions to generate schedules. Subsequently, we implemented a tool to automate the scheduling search, based on heuristics. Finally, we tested and verified our method and tools in academic and industrial case studies

    Model-Based Approach for Cyber-Physical Systems Applications Development

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    Design and development of Cyber-Physical systems (CPS) are challenging due to their computational and physical dynamics. However, while studies investigated on model-driven approaches in other information system domains, research concerning how to support CPS design and development using modelling approaches and tools, is limited. Our research shows how model-based approaches and tools can be used to model scenarios in CPS application development while ensuring the CPS dynamism remains intact. We present a model followed by a prototype as an artefact to show a CPS design for health related monitoring. The paper introduces AutoWheel, an automatic wheelchair based monitoring system, as a case study for our design. The proposed design focuses on modeling the system and verifying the behavior of its working in the given mobility related health scenarios. The motivation of the AutoWheel project arises from the need for building low cost manageable technological interface and information system especially for the people in developing countries

    FREPA: An Automated and Formal Approach to Requirement Modeling and Analysis in Aircraft Control Domain

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    Formal methods are promising for modeling and analyzing system requirements. However, applying formal methods to large-scale industrial projects is a remaining challenge. The industrial engineers are suffering from the lack of automated engineering methodologies to effectively conduct precise requirement models, and rigorously validate and verify (V&V) the generated models. To tackle this challenge, in this paper, we present a systematic engineering approach, named Formal Requirement Engineering Platform in Aircraft (FREPA), for formal requirement modeling and V\&V in the aerospace and aviation control domains. FREPA is an outcome of the seamless collaboration between the academy and industry over the last eight years. The main contributions of this paper include 1) an automated and systematic engineering approach FREPA to construct requirement models, validate and verify systems in the aerospace and aviation control domain, 2) a domain-specific modeling language AASRDL to describe the formal specification, and 3) a practical FREPA-based tool AeroReq which has been used by our industry partners. We have successfully adopted FREPA to seven real aerospace gesture control and two aviation engine control systems. The experimental results show that FREPA and the corresponding tool AeroReq significantly facilitate formal modeling and V&V in the industry. Moreover, we also discuss the experiences and lessons gained from using FREPA in aerospace and aviation projects.Comment: 12 pages, Published by FSE 202
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