206,047 research outputs found

    A Generative Product-of-Filters Model of Audio

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    We propose the product-of-filters (PoF) model, a generative model that decomposes audio spectra as sparse linear combinations of "filters" in the log-spectral domain. PoF makes similar assumptions to those used in the classic homomorphic filtering approach to signal processing, but replaces hand-designed decompositions built of basic signal processing operations with a learned decomposition based on statistical inference. This paper formulates the PoF model and derives a mean-field method for posterior inference and a variational EM algorithm to estimate the model's free parameters. We demonstrate PoF's potential for audio processing on a bandwidth expansion task, and show that PoF can serve as an effective unsupervised feature extractor for a speaker identification task.Comment: ICLR 2014 conference-track submission. Added link to the source cod

    Distributed Information-based Source Seeking

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    In this paper, we design an information-based multi-robot source seeking algorithm where a group of mobile sensors localizes and moves close to a single source using only local range-based measurements. In the algorithm, the mobile sensors perform source identification/localization to estimate the source location; meanwhile, they move to new locations to maximize the Fisher information about the source contained in the sensor measurements. In doing so, they improve the source location estimate and move closer to the source. Our algorithm is superior in convergence speed compared with traditional field climbing algorithms, is flexible in the measurement model and the choice of information metric, and is robust to measurement model errors. Moreover, we provide a fully distributed version of our algorithm, where each sensor decides its own actions and only shares information with its neighbors through a sparse communication network. We perform intensive simulation experiments to test our algorithms on large-scale systems and physical experiments on small ground vehicles with light sensors, demonstrating success in seeking a light source

    Optimal identification of unknown groundwater contaminant sources in conjunction with designed monitoring networks

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    Human activities and improper management practices have resulted in widespread deterioration of groundwater quality worldwide. Groundwater contamination has seriously threatened its beneficial use in recent decades. Remediation processes are necessary for groundwater management. In the remediation of contaminated aquifer sites, identification of unknown groundwater contaminant sources has a crucial role. In other words, an effective groundwater remediation process needs an accurate identification of contaminant sources in terms of contaminant source locations, magnitudes and time-release. On the other hand, the efficiency and reliability of contaminant source identification depend on the availability, adequacy, and accuracy of hydrogeologic information and contaminant concentration measurements data. Whereas, generally when groundwater contaminations are detected, only limited and sparse measured contaminant concentration values are available. Usually, groundwater contaminations are detected after a long time, years or even decades after the starting of contaminant source activities or even after their extinction. Therefore, usually, there is not enough information regarding the number of contaminant sources, the duration of sources' activities and the contaminant magnitudes, as well as the hydrogeologic parameters of the contaminated aquifers. Simulations of groundwater flow and solute transport involve intrinsic uncertainties due to this sparse information or lack of enough hydrogeologic information of the porous medium. Therefore, for groundwater management, developing and applying an efficient procedure for identification of unknown contaminant sources is essential. Moreover, available observed contaminant concentration values are usually erroneous and this erroneous data could cause instability in the solution results. Various combinations of source characteristics can result in similar effects at observation locations and cause non-uniqueness in the solution. Due to these instabilities and non-uniqueness in solution (Datta, 2002), the source identification problem is known as an "ill-posed problem" (Yeh, 1986). The non-uniqueness and uncertainties involved in this ill-posed problem make this problem a difficult and complex task. Suggested methodologies to tackle this task are not completely efficient. For instance, the crux of previous approaches is highly vulnerable to the accuracy and adequacy of contaminant concentration measurements and hydrogeologic data. As a result, many of the previously suggested approaches are not applicable to real-world cases and application of relevant approaches to real-world contaminant aquifer sites is usually tedious and time-consuming. The suggested methodologies involve enormous computational time and cost due to repeated runs of the numerical simulation models within the optimisation algorithms. Therefore, to identify the unknown characteristics of contaminant sources, different surrogate models were developed. Three different algorithms were utilized for developing the surrogate models: Self-Organising Maps (SOM), Gaussian Process Regression (GPR), and Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines (MARS). Performance of the developed procedures was assessed for potential applicability in two hypothetical, an experimental, and a real-world contaminated aquifer sites. In the used contaminated aquifer sites, only limited contaminant concentrations data were assumed to be available. In three cases, it was also assumed that the contaminant concentrations data were collected a long time after the start of the first potential contaminant source activities. The performance evaluations of the developed surrogate models show that these models could accurately mimic the behaviour of simulation models of groundwater flow and solute transport. These surrogate models solutions showed acceptable errors in comparison to the more robust numerical model solutions. These surrogate models were also used for identification of unknown groundwater contaminant sources when utilized to solve the inverse problem. The SOM algorithm was chosen as the surrogate model type in this study for directly addressing the source identification problem as well. The SOM algorithm was chosen for its classification capabilities. In source identification problems, the number of actual contaminant sources is uncertain and usually, a set of a larger number of potential contaminant sources are assumed. Therefore, screening the active sources by SOM-based Surrogate Models (SOM-based SMs) may simplify the source identification problems. The performance of the developed SOM-based SMs was assessed for different scenarios. Results indicate that the developed models could also accurately screen the active sources among all potential contaminant sources with sparse contaminant concentrations data and uncertain hydrogeologic information. For comparison purposes, MARS and GPR algorithms that are precise prediction tools were also utilized for developing MARS and GPR-based Surrogate Models (MARS and GPR-based SM) for source identification. Performance of the developed surrogate models for source identification was evaluated in terms of Normalized Absolute Error of Estimation (NAEE). For example, the performance of the developed SOM, MARS and GPR-based SMs was assessed in an illustrative hypothetical contaminated aquifer site. The results for testing data in terms of NAEE were equal to 16.3, 4.9 and 6.6%, respectively. Performance of the developed SOM, MARS and GPR-based SMs was also evaluated in an experimental contaminated aquifer site. The results for testing data in terms of NAEE were equal to 15.8, 14.1 and 16.2%. These performance evaluation results of the developed surrogate models indicate that the MARS-based SMs can be more accurate models than the SOM and GPR-based SMs in source identification problems. The most important advantage of the developed methodologies is their direct application for source identification in an inverse mode without linking to an optimisation model. Surrogate Model-Based Optimisation (SMO) was also developed and utilized for source identification. In this developed SMO, MARS and Genetic Algorithm (GA) were utilized as the surrogate model and the optimisation model types, respectively. MARS-based SMOs performance was assessed in an illustrative hypothetical contaminated aquifer site and in a real-world contaminated aquifer site. The result of the developed MARS-based SMO for testing data in the illustrative hypothetical contaminated aquifer site in terms of Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) was equal to 0.92. Obtained solution results of the developed MARS-based SM in the real contaminated study area for testing data in terms of RMSE was equal to 42.5. The performance evaluation results of the developed methodologies in different hypothetical and real contaminated study areas demonstrate the capabilities of the constructed SOM, GPR, and MARS-based SMs and MARS-based SMO for source identification. Also, in order to increase the accuracy of source identification results, and based on the preliminary solution results of the developed SOM-based SMs, a sequential sampling method can be applied adaptively for updating the developed surrogate models. Information from a hypothetical contaminated aquifer site was used to assess the performance of this procedure. Performance evaluation results of adaptively developed MARS and GPR-based SMs in terms of NAEE were equal to 1.9 and 2.1%, respectively. The results show 3 and 4.5% improvements for source identification results by applying adaptively developed MARS and GPR-based SMs, respectively. Another difficulty with source identification problems has been the limitation and sparsity of observed contaminant concentrations data. Previously suggested methodologies usually need long-term observation data at numerous locations which can involve large costs. Therefore, developing an effective monitoring network design procedure was one of the main goals of this study. In designing the monitoring networks, two main objectives were considered: 1. Maximizing the accuracy of source identification results, and 2. Limiting the number of monitoring locations. It was supposed that by implementing obtained results from the designed monitoring networks for developing surrogate models, the source identification results would significantly improve. In this study, different algorithms were utilized to identify potentially important and effective monitoring locations which probably could improve source identification results. These algorithms are Random Forests (RF), Tree Net (TN) and CART. The performance of these algorithms was evaluated in different scenarios. Results indicate the potential applicability of these algorithms in recognising the most important components of prediction models. As a result, these algorithms could apply for designing monitoring networks for improving the source identification efficiency and accuracy. Concentration measurement information from a designed monitoring network and from a set of arbitrary monitoring sites was utilized to develop MARS-based surrogate models for source identification. The solution results for these two scenarios of designed monitoring and arbitrary measurements were compared for a hypothetical study area for evaluation purpose. Performance evaluation results of the developed surrogate model using information from the designed monitoring network showed improvement in source identification error in terms of RMSE for testing data by 0.7. The obtained information from the designed monitoring network was used to develop MARSbased SM for source identification of testing data in a real contaminated aquifer site. Source identification results of the developed MARS-based SM with testing data for the real contaminated aquifer site showed improvement by 35.3 in terms of RMSE compared to the solution results of MARS-based SM, which was developed by using obtained information from arbitrary monitoring locations. Performance evaluation results for the developed monitoring network procedure demonstrate the potential applicability of this procedure for source identification

    Automatic source localization and spectra generation from sparse beamforming maps

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    Beamforming is an imaging tool for the investigation of aeroacoustic phenomena and results in high dimensional data that is broken down to spectra by integrating spatial Regions Of Interest. This paper presents two methods that enable the automated identification of aeroacoustic sources in sparse beamforming maps and the extraction of their corresponding spectra to overcome the manual definition of Regions Of Interest. The methods are evaluated on two scaled airframe half-model wind-tunnel measurements and on a generic monopole source. The first relies on the spatial normal distribution of aeroacoustic broadband sources in sparse beamforming maps. The second uses hierarchical clustering methods. Both methods are robust to statistical noise and predict the existence, location, and spatial probability estimation for sources based on which Regions Of Interest are automatically determined.Comment: Preprint for JASA special issue on machine learning in acoustics, Revision

    Computational Methods for Underdetermined Convolutive Speech Localization and Separation via Model-based Sparse Component Analysis

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    In this paper, the problem of speech source localization and separation from recordings of convolutive underdetermined mixtures is studied. The problem is cast as recovering the spatio-spectral speech information embedded in a microphone array compressed measurements of the acoustic field. A model-based sparse component analysis framework is formulated for sparse reconstruction of the speech spectra in a reverberant acoustic resulting in joint localization and separation of the individual sources. We compare and contrast the computational approaches to model-based sparse recovery exploiting spatial sparsity as well as spectral structures underlying spectrographic representation of speech signals. In this context, we explore identification of the sparsity structures at the auditory and acoustic representation spaces. The auditory structures are formulated upon the principles of structural grouping based on proximity, autoregressive correlation and harmonicity of the spectral coefficients and they are incorporated for sparse reconstruction. The acoustic structures are formulated upon the image model of multipath propagation and they are exploited to characterize the compressive measurement matrix associated with microphone array recordings. Three approaches to sparse recovery relying on combinatorial optimization, convex relaxation and Bayesian methods are studied and evaluated based on thorough experiments. The sparse Bayesian learning method is shown to yield better perceptual quality while the interference suppression is also achieved using the combinatorial approach with the advantage of offering the most efficient computational cost. Furthermore, it is demonstrated that an average autoregressive model can be learned for speech localization and exploiting the proximity structure in the form of block sparse coefficients enables accurate localization. Throughout the extensive empirical evaluation, we confirm that a large and random placement of the microphones enables significant improvement in source localization and separation performance

    Automated 3D scene reconstruction from open geospatial data sources: airborne laser scanning and a 2D topographic database

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    Open geospatial data sources provide opportunities for low cost 3D scene reconstruction. In this study, based on a sparse airborne laser scanning (ALS) point cloud (0.8 points/m2) obtained from open source databases, a building reconstruction pipeline for CAD building models was developed. The pipeline includes voxel-based roof patch segmentation, extraction of the key-points representing the roof patch outline, step edge identification and adjustment, and CAD building model generation. The advantages of our method lie in generating CAD building models without the step of enforcing the edges to be parallel or building regularization. Furthermore, although it has been challenging to use sparse datasets for 3D building reconstruction, our result demonstrates the great potential in such applications. In this paper, we also investigated the applicability of open geospatial datasets for 3D road detection and reconstruction. Road central lines were acquired from an open source 2D topographic database. ALS data were utilized to obtain the height and width of the road. A constrained search method (CSM) was developed for road width detection. The CSM method was conducted by splitting a given road into patches according to height and direction criteria. The road edges were detected patch by patch. The road width was determined by the average distance from the edge points to the central line. As a result, 3D roads were reconstructed from ALS and a topographic database

    Structured Sparsity Models for Multiparty Speech Recovery from Reverberant Recordings

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    We tackle the multi-party speech recovery problem through modeling the acoustic of the reverberant chambers. Our approach exploits structured sparsity models to perform room modeling and speech recovery. We propose a scheme for characterizing the room acoustic from the unknown competing speech sources relying on localization of the early images of the speakers by sparse approximation of the spatial spectra of the virtual sources in a free-space model. The images are then clustered exploiting the low-rank structure of the spectro-temporal components belonging to each source. This enables us to identify the early support of the room impulse response function and its unique map to the room geometry. To further tackle the ambiguity of the reflection ratios, we propose a novel formulation of the reverberation model and estimate the absorption coefficients through a convex optimization exploiting joint sparsity model formulated upon spatio-spectral sparsity of concurrent speech representation. The acoustic parameters are then incorporated for separating individual speech signals through either structured sparse recovery or inverse filtering the acoustic channels. The experiments conducted on real data recordings demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach for multi-party speech recovery and recognition.Comment: 31 page
