2 research outputs found

    Automated generation of oracled test cases with regular expressions and combinatorial techniques

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    One of the main challenges of software testing research is the automated addition of oracles to the generated test cases: Whereas the automated generation of operation sequences (which is one of the essential components of test cases) is in practice a solved problem, the automated addition of the oracle (another indispensable element) is still an important problem and an open research question. This article proposes an approach to get executable test suites composed by complete test cases (i.e., they include the oracle). The core of the method is based on annotated regular expressions. The test generation process, which is supported by a tool, follows three steps: (1) creation of annotated regular expressions, where each regular expression describes a set of sequences of operations to be executed against the system under test; (2) expansion of the regular expressions to get sequences of operations, which still do not have parameter values; and (3) generation of the executable test cases with oracle. In this third step, each test case is generated with the suitable oracle, depending on the conditions specified in the regular expression

    Model-based contract testing of graphical user interfaces

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    Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) are critical for the security, safety and reliability of software systems. Injection attacks, for instance via SQL, succeed due to insufficient input validation and can be avoided if contract-based approaches, such as Design by Contract, are followed in the software development lifecycle of GUIs. This paper proposes a model-based testing approach for detecting GUI data contract violations, which may result in serious failures such as system crash. A contract-based model of GUI data specifications is used to develop test scenarios and to serve as test oracle. The technique introduced uses multi terminal binary decision diagrams, which are designed as an integral part of decision tableaugmented event sequence graphs, to implement a GUI testing process. A case study, which validates the presented approach on a port scanner written in Java programming language, is presented. Copyright © 2015 The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers