7 research outputs found

    Model of unidirectional block formation leading to reentrant ventricular tachycardia in the infarct border zone of postinfarction canine hearts

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    AbstractBackgroundWhen the infarct border zone is stimulated prematurely, a unidirectional block line (UBL) can form and lead to double-loop (figure-of-eight) reentrant ventricular tachycardia (VT) with a central isthmus. The isthmus is composed of an entrance, center, and exit. It was hypothesized that for certain stimulus site locations and coupling intervals, the UBL would coincide with the isthmus entrance boundary, where infarct border zone thickness changes from thin-to-thick in the travel direction of the premature stimulus wavefront.MethodA quantitative model was developed to describe how thin-to-thick changes in the border zone result in critically convex wavefront curvature leading to conduction block, which is dependent upon coupling interval. The model was tested in 12 retrospectively analyzed postinfarction canine experiments. Electrical activation was mapped for premature stimulation and for the first reentrant VT cycle. The relationship of functional conduction block forming during premature stimulation to functional block during reentrant VT was quantified.ResultsFor an appropriately placed stimulus, in accord with model predictions: 1. The UBL and reentrant VT isthmus lateral boundaries overlapped (error: 4.8±5.7mm). 2. The UBL leading edge coincided with the distal isthmus where the center-entrance boundary would be expected to occur. 3. The mean coupling interval was 164.6±11.0ms during premature stimulation and 190.7±20.4ms during the first reentrant VT cycle, in accord with model calculations, which resulted in critically convex wavefront curvature and functional conduction block, respectively, at the location of the isthmus entrance boundary and at the lateral isthmus edges.DiscussionReentrant VT onset following premature stimulation can be explained by the presence of critically convex wavefront curvature and unidirectional block at the isthmus entrance boundary when the premature stimulation interval is sufficiently short. The double-loop reentrant circuit pattern is a consequence of wavefront bifurcation around this UBL followed by coalescence, and then impulse propagation through the isthmus. The wavefront is blocked from propagating laterally away from the isthmus by sharp increases in border zone thickness, which results in critically convex wavefront curvature at VT cycle lengths

    Anisotropic Cardiac Conduction.

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    Anisotropy is the property of directional dependence. In cardiac tissue, conduction velocity is anisotropic and its orientation is determined by myocyte direction. Cell shape and size, excitability, myocardial fibrosis, gap junction distribution and function are all considered to contribute to anisotropic conduction. In disease states, anisotropic conduction may be enhanced, and is implicated, in the genesis of pathological arrhythmias. The principal mechanism responsible for enhanced anisotropy in disease remains uncertain. Possible contributors include changes in cellular excitability, changes in gap junction distribution or function and cellular uncoupling through interstitial fibrosis. It has recently been demonstrated that myocyte orientation may be identified using diffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging in explanted hearts, and multisite pacing protocols have been proposed to estimate myocyte orientation and anisotropic conduction in vivo. These tools have the potential to contribute to the understanding of the role of myocyte disarray and anisotropic conduction in arrhythmic states

    Role of infarct scar dimensions, border zone repolarization properties and anisotropy in the origin and maintenance of cardiac reentry

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    Cardiac ventricular tachycardia (VT) is a life-threatening arrhythmia consisting of a well organized structure of reentrant electrical excitation pathways. Understanding the generation and maintenance of the reentrant mechanisms, which lead to the onset of VT induced by premature beats in presence of infarct scar, is one of the most important issues in current electrocardiology. We investigate, by means of numerical simulations, the role of infarct scar dimension, repolarization properties and anisotropic fiber structure of scar tissue border zone (BZ) in the genesis of VT. The simulations are based on the Bidomain model, a reaction-diffusion system of Partial Differential Equations, discretized by finite elements in space and implicit-explicit finite differences in time. The computational domain adopted is an idealized left ventricle affected by an infarct scar extending transmurally. We consider two different scenarios: i) the scar region extends along the entire transmural wall thickness, from endocardium to epicardium, with the exception of a BZ region shaped as a central sub-epicardial channel (CBZ); ii) the scar region extends transmurally along the ventricular wall, from endocardium to a sub-epicardial surface, and is surrounded by a BZ region (EBZ). In CBZ simulations, the results have shown that: i) the scar extent is a crucial element for the genesis of reentry; ii) the repolarization properties of the CBZ, in particular the reduction of IKs and IKr currents, play an important role in the genesis of reentrant VT. In EBZ simulations, since the possible reentrant pathway is not assigned a-priori, we investigate in depth where the entry and exit sites of the cycle of reentry are located and how the functional channel of reentry develops. The results have shown that: i) the interplay between the epicardial anisotropic fiber structure and the EBZ shape strongly affects the propensity that an endocardial premature stimulus generates a cycle of reentry; ii) reentrant pathways always develop along the epicardial fiber direction; iii) very thin EBZs rather than thick EBZs facilitate the onset of cycles of reentry; iv) the sustainability of cycles of reentry depends on the endocardial stimulation site and on the interplay between the epicardial breakthrough site, local fiber direction and BZ rim

    High-Resolution Whole-Heart Imaging and Modeling for Studying Cardiac Arrhythmia

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    Cardiac arrhythmia is a life-threatening heart rhythm disorder affecting millions of people worldwide. The underlying structure of the heart plays an important role in cardiac activity and could promote rhythm disorders. Accurate knowledge of whole-heart cardiac geometry and microstructure in normal and disease hearts is essential for a complete understanding of the mechanisms of arrhythmias. This dissertation presents novel structural data at the whole-heart level aimed at advancing knowledge of cardiac structure in normal and infarcted hearts, and at constructing whole-heart computational models. A 3D diffusion tensor MRI (DTMRI) technique was implemented on a clinical scanner to image intact large animal and human hearts with high image quality and spatial resolution ex vivo. This method was first applied to reconstruct the 3D myofiber organization in 8 human atria nondestructively and at submillimeter resolution. The findings showed that the main features of atrial anatomy are mostly preserved across subjects despite variability in the exact location and orientation of the bundles. Further, we were able to cluster, visualize, and characterize the distinct major bundles in the human atria. Quantitative analysis of the fiber angles across the atrial wall revealed that the transmural fiber angle distribution is heterogeneous throughout the atria. We next studied microstructural remodeling in infarcted porcine and human hearts by combining DTMRI with high-resolution Late Gadolinium Enhancement imaging. This enabled us to provide reconstructions of both fiber architecture and scar distribution in infarcted hearts with an unprecedented level of detail, and to systematically quantify the transmural pattern of diffusion eigenvector orientation. Our results demonstrated that the fiber orientation is generally preserved inside the scar but at a higher transmural gradient of inclination angle. Lastly, we employed the obtained data to generate whole-heart computational models of infarcted hearts with detailed scar geometry and subject-specific fiber orientation. We used these models in simulations to investigate the contribution of the infarct microarchitecture to ventricular tachycardia. The simulation results showed that the reentry circuits traverse thin viable tissues with complex geometries located inside of the infarct. The high resolution of the images enabled 3D reconstruction and characterization of such structures