3,259 research outputs found

    Model of professional retraining of teachers based on the development of STEM competencies

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    The article describes a methodology for organizing lifelong learning, professional retraining of teachers in STEM field and their lifelong learning in Volodymyr Hnatiuk Ternopil National Pedagogical University (Ukraine). It analyzes foreign and domestic approaches and concepts for the implementation of STEM in educational institutions. A model of retraining teachers in the prospect of developing their STEM competencies and a model of STEM competencies were created. The developed model of STEM competencies for professional teacher training and lifelong learning includes four components (Problem solving, Working with people, Work with technology, Work with organizational system), which are divided into three domains of STEM competencies: Skills, Knowledge, Work activities. In order to implement and adapt the model of STEM competencies to the practice of the educational process, an experimental study was conducted. The article describes the content of the scientific research and the circle of respondents and analyzes the results of the research

    Development of Digital Competences of Future Teachers

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    The Ability of Teachers at Tuyen Quang Province’s Primary School to Organize STEM Educational Activities

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    The effectiveness of students' learning is significantly impacted by primary teachers' capacity to plan STEM instructional activities. If the study reveals the precise state of the teachers' capacity to plan STEM education activities in selected primary schools in Tuyen Quang Province. It will serve as the foundation for initiatives that will increase teachers' ability to plan STEM educational activities and improve the standard of instruction in primary schools. 210 administrators, teachers, and 350 students from 7 primary schools in Tuyen Quang Province of were interviewed in-depth using analysis and synthesis of theoretical approaches, questionnaire surveys mixed with observation, and in-depth interviews. We have got preliminary results on the level of teachers' attainment of the capacity to plan STEM educational activities using quantitative data processing techniques on SPSS software. The competencies are often evaluated at an average to slightly above average level. Based on the aforementioned research findings, we offer some suggestions for managers to take into account when developing a strategic plan to enhance teachers' ability to plan STEM-related educational activities

    Readiness to meet demand for skills: a study of five growth industries

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    Overview: This study considers issues pertinent to ensuring the Australian education and training system can respond to emerging skills demand in the following industries: food and agriculture; biotechnology and pharmaceuticals; advanced manufacturing; mining equipment, technology and services; and oil and gas. The report finds a widening gap between education and skills demand and highlights the crucial role of employees in developing a skilled workforce, as well as calling for a shift in thinking about the way skills are generated

    The shift to outcomes based frameworks. Key problems from a critical perspective

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    This paper takes a step back from the discussions and debates about qualifications frameworks per se, to think more broadly about the role of "qualifications" in educational reform. The aims of the paper are to locate the reform of qualifications in its broader social and institutional context, to propose a way of conceptualizing the change from qualification systems as they have emerged historically to qualifications frameworks and outcomes-based qualifications and to explore the tensions involved in the different goals that the introduction of a (National) Qualfications Framework - (N)QF will achieve. We argue that what is at stake in current reforms is the role of educational institutions in the education and training of the next generation, the balance between institution-based education and informal (in some cases work-based) learning, and the ways in which trust in qualifications is established and maintained. Our two-model analysis explores the balance between an emphasis on institutions and outcomes. This paper was written to provoke debate, and help all involved in researching qualifications frameworks to think more clearly about the issues. (DIPF/Orig.)Dieser Beitrag versucht, einen Schritt hinter die Diskussionen und Debatten über Qualifikationsrahmen zu treten und in einem breiteren Zusammenhang über die Rolle von „Qualifikationen“ in der Bildungsreform nachzudenken. Der Beitrag hat folgende Punkte zum Ziel: die Qualifikationsreform in ihrem breiteren sozialen und institutionellen Kontext einzugrenzen, einen Weg zur Konzeptionalisierung des Wandels von historisch gewachsenen Qualifikationssystemen hin zu Qualifikationsrahmen und ergebnisorientierten Qualifikationen vorzuschlagen und die Spannungsfelder auszuloten, die die unterschiedlichen Zielsetzungen bei Einführung eines (Nationalen) Qualifikationsrahmens mit sich bringen würden. Die AutorInnen behaupten, dass in den aktuellen Reformen Folgendes auf dem Spiel steht: die Rolle der Bildungsinstitutionen in der Bildung und Ausbildung der nächsten Generation, die Balance zwischen institutionsbasierter Bildung und informellem (in einigen Fällen arbeitsbasiertem) Lernen sowie die Art und Weise, wie Vertrauen in Qualifikationen aufgebaut und erhalten wird. Ihre Zwei-Modell-Analyse untersucht die Balance zwischen Schwerpunktsetzungen auf Institutionen und Ergebnisse. Der vorliegende Beitrag wurde verfasst, um eine Diskussion in Gang zu setzen, die allen an der Forschung über Qualifikationsrahmen Beteiligten helfen soll, die Problemstellung mit mehr Klarheit zu reflektieren. (DIPF/Orig.

    Освітні рішення на базі технології IoT

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    Developing a Mini Smart House model

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    The work is devoted to designing a smart home educational model. The authors analyzed the literature in the field of the Internet of Things and identified the basic requirements for the training model. It contains the following levels: command, communication, management. The authors identify the main subsystems of the training model: communication, signaling, control of lighting, temperature, filling of the garbage container, monitoring of sensor data. The proposed smart home educational model takes into account the economic indicators of resource utilization, which gives the opportunity to save on payment for their consumption. The hardware components for the implementation of the Mini Smart House were selected in the article. It uses a variety of technologies to conveniently manage it and use renewable energy to power it. The model was produced in-dependently by students involved in the STEM project. Research includes sketching, making construction parts, sensor assembly and Arduino boards, programming in the Arduino IDE environment, testing the functioning of the system. Research includes sketching, making some parts, assembly sensor and Arduino boards, programming in the Arduino IDE environment, testing the functioning of the system. Approbation Mini Smart House researches were conducted within activity the STEM-center of Physics and Mathematics Faculty of Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University, in particular during the educational process and during numerous trainings and seminars for pupils and teachers of computer science

    Implementação eficiente de programas educacionais na universidade pedagógica

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    O estudo apresenta novas abordagens para a diversificação dos programas educacionais da universidade pedagógica, cujo objetivo é melhorar a qualidade da formação profissional de professores no contexto de conteúdos educacionais atualizados. Ele também analisa o estado atual da educação no Cazaquistão, descreve as conquistas e os problemas neste campo. O conteúdo dos programas educacionais proporciona uma formação de sucesso e torna os professores modernos competitivos no mercado de trabalho. Leva em consideração o desenvolvimento de competências-chave: comunicação interpessoal, liderança estratégica, prontidão para mudanças, atividades de projeto, colaboração, responsabilidade ética e profissional e gestão eficaz do tempo. As principais prioridades do desenvolvimento de programas educacionais são as seguintes: generalização das atividades acadêmicas e de pesquisa, desenvolvimento e implementação de programas educacionais baseados na orientação prática, interdisciplinaridade, oferta de treinamento em profundidade em línguas e criação de um ambiente educacional único. A estrutura de conteúdo, algoritmo de criação, condições e recursos para a implementação de programas educacionais são descritos. O objetivo deste artigo é definir e resolver o problema do desenvolvimento da educação