4 research outputs found

    Resource-constrained optimal scheduling of SDF graphs via timed automata (extended version)

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    Synchronous dataflow (SDF) graphs are a widely used formalism for modelling, analysing and realising streaming applications, both on a single processor and in a multiprocessing context. Efficient schedules are essential to obtain maximal throughput under the constraint of available number of resources. This paper presents an approach to schedule SDF graphs using a proven formalism of timed automata (TA). TA maintain a good balance between expressiveness and tractability, and are supported by powerful verification tools, e.g. Uppaal. We describe a compositional translation of SDF graphs to TA, and analysis and verification in the Uppaal state-of-the-art tool. This approach does not require any transformation of SDF graphs and helps to find schedules with a compromise between the number of processors required and the throughput. It also allows quantitative model checking and verification of user-defined properties such as the absence of deadlocks, safety, liveness and throughput analysis. This translation also forms the basis for future work to extend this analysis of SDF graphs with new features such as stochastics, energy consumption and costs

    Proceedings of the first international workshop on Investigating dataflow in embedded computing architectures (IDEA 2015), January 21, 2015, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

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    IDEA '15 held at HiPEAC 2015, Amsterdam, The Netherlands on January 21st, 2015 is the rst workshop on Investigating Data ow in Embedded computing Architectures. This technical report comprises of the proceedings of IDEA '15. Over the years, data ow has been gaining popularity among Embedded Systems researchers around Europe and the world. However, research on data ow is limited to small pockets in dierent communities without a common forum for discussion. The goal of the workshop was to provide a platform to researchers and practitioners to present work on modelling and analysis of present and future high performance embedded computing architectures using data ow. Despite being the rst edition of the workshop, it was very pleasant to see a total of 14 submissions, out of which 6 papers were selected following a thorough reviewing process. All the papers were reviewed by at least 5 reviewers. This workshop could not have become a reality without the help of a Technical Program Committee (TPC). The TPC members not only did the hard work to give helpful reviews in time, but also participated in extensive discussion following the reviewing process, leading to an excellent workshop program and very valuable feedback to authors. Likewise, the Organisation Committee also deserves acknowledgment to make this workshop a successful event. We take this opportunity to thank everyone who contributed in making this workshop a success

    Proceedings of the first international workshop on Investigating dataflow in embedded computing architectures (IDEA 2015), January 21, 2015, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

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    IDEA '15 held at HiPEAC 2015, Amsterdam, The Netherlands on January 21st, 2015 is the rst workshop on Investigating Data ow in Embedded computing Architectures. This technical report comprises of the proceedings of IDEA '15. Over the years, data ow has been gaining popularity among Embedded Systems researchers around Europe and the world. However, research on data ow is limited to small pockets in dierent communities without a common forum for discussion. The goal of the workshop was to provide a platform to researchers and practitioners to present work on modelling and analysis of present and future high performance embedded computing architectures using data ow. Despite being the rst edition of the workshop, it was very pleasant to see a total of 14 submissions, out of which 6 papers were selected following a thorough reviewing process. All the papers were reviewed by at least 5 reviewers. This workshop could not have become a reality without the help of a Technical Program Committee (TPC). The TPC members not only did the hard work to give helpful reviews in time, but also participated in extensive discussion following the reviewing process, leading to an excellent workshop program and very valuable feedback to authors. Likewise, the Organisation Committee also deserves acknowledgment to make this workshop a successful event. We take this opportunity to thank everyone who contributed in making this workshop a success

    Model checking of scenario-aware dataflow with cadp

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