7,617 research outputs found

    Robust and Fault Tolerant Control of CD-players

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    This paper uses the NSI approach to examine the prospects for industrial development in Jamaica, a small middle-income developing country. It argues that the present state of the Jamaican NSI is not adequately developed to provide the necessary support to ensure that one of its key emerging industries – the music sector – becomes competitive on global markets. It suggests various policy options aimed at industrial upgrading and better integration with those markets. The type of applied research presented here is highly original and speaks to a wider audience, as it represents a novel attempt to operationalize the concept of NSI in a developing country context, with particular reference to the music and entertainment sector, which is not traditionally treated in the NSI context. This sector, however, has been selected as one of the leading emerging sectors for the Jamaican economy identified in its national industrial policy.

    Coevolution of Firm Capabilities and Industry Competition

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    This paper proposes that rival firms not only search for new capabilities within their organization, but also for those that rest in their competitive environment. An integrated analysis of these search processes at both firm and industry levels of analysis shows how their interaction makes industries and firms coevolve over time. To contribute to an enhanced understanding of the concept of coevolution, a dynamic and integrative framework crossing meso and micro levels of analysis is constructed. This framework is applied to a longitudinal study of the music industry with a time-span of 120 years. The first part, a historical study, covers the period 1877 - 1990. The second part, a multiple-case study, covers the period 1990 - 1997. We conclude that search behavior drives coevolution through competitive dynamics among new entrants and incumbent firms and manifests itself in the simultaneous emergence of new business models and new organizational forms.coevolution;competitive regime;longitudinal research;multilevel research;music industry

    The iPod Tax: Why the Digital Copyright System of American Law Professors\u27 Dreams Failed in Japan

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    A number of prominent American law professors have endorsed the notion of a tax on digital recording and music file-sharing-call it an iPod tax --with the proceeds to be paid into a general fund. A clearinghouse representing rights-holders would monitor which works were downloaded and how often and then divvy up the iPod tax revenues to the individual rights-holders. Japan has run a very similar system since the early days of digital recording in 1993. This Article focuses on how Japanese experts decided that regulatory failures merited killing an extension of their existing system, including a proposed iPod tax. In particular, the Article draws on the Japanese debate to propose a friendly amendment that would structure an American clearinghouse as a user-owned cooperative and thus reduce the chances of repeating Japan\u27s mistakes

    Indo-U.S. FTA - Prospects for Audiovisual Services

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    Many WTO (World Trade Organization) member countries, including India, are defensive about opening up of the audiovisual sector in the Doha Round due to reasons of cultural sensitivity. On the other hand, the United States is pushing for liberalizing trade in this sector both in the WTO and in its bilateral FTAs (Free Trade Agreements). With the slow progress of the Doha Round, India and the United States are exploring the possibilities of entering into FTAs with like-minded trading partners. In this context, the present paper discusses the prospects of liberalizing audiovisual services under a possible Indo-U.S. FTA. The study found that India and the United States have significant trade complementarities in this sector which can be further enhanced under an FTA. It identifies areas such as co-production of films, digital content creation and broadband infrastructure in which companies from India and the United States can enter into mutually beneficial collaborations. It argues that India should enter into a media cooperation agreement with the U.S. to facilitate the inflow of technical know, finance and best management practices. It discusses regulatory and other reforms which would not only improve the productivity and global competitiveness of the Indian audiovisual sector but also enable it to gain from the FTA.Indo-U.S. FTA, GATS, bilateral agreements, audiovisual, Services

    Towards label-free biosensing in compact disk technologies f or point-of-need analysis

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    Tesis por compendioThis thesis explores new analytical advances using compact disk biosensing technologies, and comprises six scientific publications distributed along four chapters. Special attention is herein payed to Thermochromic Etching Disks (TED) technology (Chapter 1), rational design of disk-based biorecognition assays (Chapter 2), and label-free detection systems for point-of-need analysis (Chapters 3 and 4). First, insights into a novel light-mediated signal developing system for biorecognition assays (based on TED disks and drives) are provided together with an overview of the state-of-the art and future trends in photo- and thermochromic biosensing. This signal developing approach exploits photo- and thermochromism for biosensing in an original manner and represents a potential strategy to simplify signaling processes in bioanalytical systems. Then, how to transform TED technology into lab-on-a-disk systems is addressed. TED has proven to be a very versatile tool to perform sensitive analysis of biorecognition assays, using platforms and scanners easily obtained from regular disks and drives, respectively. Biologically relevant assays of different nature (microarray, cell culture, immunofiltration, turbidimetry, etc.) have been arrayed in a single disk and sensitively analyzed by imaging. Regarding rational design, a theoretical-experimental method (INSEL) based on kinetics and mass-transport modelling for optimizing biorecognition assays and exploring their behavior is presented. INSEL has been implemented as an in silico tool that enables to characterize biointeractions with minimal experimentation, to perform optimizations directed towards custom objectives defined by the user, and to easily compute the effect of critical variables without further experiments. In another study included in this thesis, polycarbonate grooved structures obtained from standard recordable disks (CD-R and DVD-R) were coated with silver and tailored to become SERS-active. This strategy represents a cost-effective and industrially scalable alternative to the SERS substrates typically used for bioanalysis. These disk-based materials have presented tunable plasmonic responses, significant Raman enhancement, and have allowed complex biological targets (such as proteins and exosomes) to be analyzed by SERS without using labeled reagents as tracers. In addition to introduce inexpensive and large-scale SERS substrates for biosensing, this study also suggests the development of prospective Raman scanners based on disk drives. Another approach herein presented addresses the implementation of diffraction-based sensing (DBS) in TED technology in order to conceive disk-based label-free biosensors based on standard disks and drives. At first, a comprehensive experimental assessment of the analytical possibilities offered by DBS is presented. Then, the fabrication of arrays of diffractive protein networks on TED disks is investigated, with which sensitive analysis of antibodies in label-free conditions has been demonstrated, using adapted drives as scanners. This investigation provides important insights into cost-effective and industrially scalable functional materials and detection setups that exploit consumer electronics for label-free biosensing.Esta tesis explora nuevos avances en química analítica usando tecnologías de biosensado basadas en sistemas de disco compacto y comprende seis publicaciones científicas distribuidas a lo largo de cuatro capítulos. Los estudios se han centrado en la tecnología Thermochromic Etching Disks (TED) (Capítulo 1), el diseño racional de ensayos de bioreconocimiento en discos compactos (Capítulo 2), y la detección sin marcaje para realizar análisis in situ (Capítulos 3 y 4). Primero, enmarcado en una discusión del estado del arte y futuras tendencias en biosensado foto y termocrómico, se presenta un nuevo sistema (basado en discos y lectores TED) mediado por luz para el desarrollo de señales en ensayos de bioreconocimiento. Ésta constituye una estrategia novedosa para aprovechar el foto y termocromismo en biosensado, y presenta un gran potencial para simplificar los procesos de desarrollo de señal en sistemas bioanalíticos. A continuación, se aborda cómo transformar la tecnología TED en sistemas analíticos integrados basados en discos compactos. TED ha demostrado ser una herramienta muy versátil para analizar, de forma sensible, ensayos de bioreconocimiento usando plataformas y escáneres fácilmente obtenidos a partir de discos y lectores convencionales, respectivamente. Un único disco ha mostrado poder albergar varios ensayos biológicos importantes y de distinta naturaleza (micromatriz, cultivos celulares, inmunofiltración, turbidimetría, etc.), para ser analizados de forma sensible a través de imágenes En cuanto al diseño racional, se presenta un método teórico-experimental (INSEL), basado en modelos cinéticos y de transporte de masa, para optimizar ensayos de bioreconocimiento y explorar su comportamiento. INSEL se ha implementado como una herramienta in silico que permite caracterizar biointeracciones mediante mínima experimentación, realizar optimizaciones dirigidas a objetivos particulares definidos por el usuario, y computar el efecto de variables críticas de forma sencilla y sin experimentos adicionales. En otro estudio incluido en esta tesis, nanoestructuras en forma de surco obtenidas a partir de discos regrabables convencionales (CD-R y DVD-R) fueron recubiertas con plata y adaptadas para ser activas en SERS. Esta estrategia supone una alternativa, económicamente efectiva e industrialmente escalable, a los sustratos SERS típicamente usados en bioanálisis. Estos materiales han mostrado respuestas plasmónicas sintonizables, una amplificación Raman significativa, y han permitido analizar muestras biológicas complejas (como proteínas y exosomas) mediante SERS sin usar marcadores. Además de introducir sustratos SERS grandes y baratos, este trabajo también sugiere el desarrollo de escáneres Raman basados en lectores de disco. Otra aproximación presentada en esta tesis aborda la implementación de DBS (diffraction-based sensing) en tecnologías TED, con el fin de desarrollar biosensores para detección sin marcaje basados en discos y lectores convencionales. Primero, se presenta una amplia evaluación experimental de las posibilidades analíticas ofrecidas por DBS. A continuación, se investiga la fabricación de multitud de redes difractivas de proteínas sobre discos TED, con las que se ha demostrado la determinación sensible y sin marcaje de anticuerpos, usando lectores adaptados como escáneres analíticos. Esta investigación introduce avances importantes que apuntan al desarrollo de materiales funcionales y sistemas de detección, baratos e industrialmente escalables, que aprovechen las tecnologías de consumo para realizar biosensado sin marcaje.Aquesta tesi explora nous avanços en la química analítica usant tecnologies de biosensat basades en sistemes de disc compacte, i comprèn sis publicacions científiques distribuïdes en quatre capítols. Els estudis s'han centrat en la tecnologia Thermochromic Etching Disks (TED) (Capítol 1), el disseny racional d'assajos de bioreconeixement en discos compactes (Capítol 2), i la detecció sense marcatge per realitzar anàlisi in situ (Capítols 3 i 4). Primer, dins del marc d'una discussió de l'estat de l'art i tendències futures en biosensat foto i termocròmic, es presenta un nou sistema (basat en discos i lectors TED) per al desenvolupament de senyals mitjançant llum, en assajos de bioreconeixement. Aquesta constitueix una nova estratègia per aprofitar el foto i termocromisme en biosensat, mentre que també presenta una gran potencial per simplificar els processos de desenvolupament de senyal en sistemes bioanalítics. Tot seguit, s'aborda com transformar la tecnologia TED en sistemes analítics integrats basats en discos compactes. TED ha demostrat ser una eina molt versàtil per analitzar, de forma sensible, assajos de bioreconeixement usant plataformes i escàners fàcilment obtinguts a partir de discos i lectors convencionals, respectivament. Un únic disc ha mostrat poder albergar diversos assajos biològicament importants i de distinta naturalesa (micromatrius, cultius cel·lulars, immunofiltració, turbidimetria, etc.), per a ser analitzats de forma sensible a través d'imatges. Pel que fa al disseny racional, es presenta un mètode teòric-experimental (INSEL), basat en models cinètics i de transport de massa, per optimitzar assajos de bioreconeixement i explorar el seu comportament. INSEL s'ha implementat com a una eina in silico que permet caracteritzar biointeraccions amb mínima experimentació, realitzar optimitzacions dirigides cap a objectius particulars definits per l'usuari, i computar l'efecte de variables crítiques de forma senzilla i sense experiments addicionals. En un altre estudi inclòs en aquesta tesi, nanoestructures en forma de solc obtingudes a partir de discos compactes regravables convencionals (CD-R i DVD-R) van ser recobertes amb plata i adaptades per a ser actives en SERS. Aquesta estratègia suposa una alternativa, econòmicament efectiva i industrialment escalable, als substrats SERS típicament usats en bioanàlisi. Aquests materials han mostrat respostes plasmòniques sintonitzables, una amplificació Raman significativa, i han permès analitzar mostres biològiques complexes (com proteïnes i exosomes) mitjançant SERS sense usar marcadors. A més d'introduir substrats SERS grans i barats, aquest treball també suggereix el desenvolupament d'escàners Raman basats en lectors de disc. Una altra aproximació presentada en aquesta tesi aborda la implementació de DBS (diffraction-based sensing) en tecnologies TED, per tal de desenvolupar biosensors basats en discos i lectors convencionals que permeten detecció sense marcatge. Primer, es presenta una amplia avaluació experimental de les possibilitats analítiques que ofereix aquesta tècnica. A continuació, s'investiga la fabricació de multitud de xarxes difractives de proteïnes sobre discos TED, amb les quals s'ha demostrat la determinació sensible i sense marcatge d'anticossos, usant lectors adaptats com a escàners analítics. Aquesta investigació introdueix avanços importants que apunten cap al desenvolupament de materials funcionals i sistemes de detecció, barats i industrialment escalables, que aprofiten les tecnologies de consum per dur a terme bioanàlisi sense marcatge.Avellà Oliver, JM. (2017). Towards label-free biosensing in compact disk technologies f or point-of-need analysis [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/86128TESISCompendi

    Indo-U.S. FTA: Prospects for Audiovisual Services

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    Many WTO (World Trade Organization) member countries, including India, are defensive about opening up of the audiovisual sector in the Doha Round due to reasons of cultural sensitivity. On the other hand, the United States is pushing for liberalizing trade in this sector - both in the WTO and in its bilateral FTAs (Free Trade Agreements). With the slow progress of the Doha Round, India and the United States are exploring the possibilities of entering into FTAs with like-minded trading partners. In this context, the present paper discusses the prospects of liberalizing audiovisual services under a possible Indo-U.S. FTA. The study found that India and the United States have significant trade complementarities in this sector which can be further enhanced under an FTA. It identifies areas such as co-production of films, digital content creation and broadband infrastructure in which companies from India and the United States can enter into mutually beneficial collaborations. It argues that India should enter into a media cooperation agreement with the U.S. to facilitate the inflow of technical know, finance and best management practices. It discusses regulatory and other reforms which would not only improve the productivity and global competitiveness of the Indian audiovisual sector but also enable it to gain from the FTA.Indo-U.S. FTA, GATS, bilateral agreements, audiovisual, services

    Disruptive Technology and Common Law Lawmaking: A Brief Analysis of A&M Records, Inc. v. Napster, Inc.

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    This symposium Article analyzes the Ninth Circuit\u27s decision in A&M Records, Inc. v. Napster, Inc. After setting the stage with a comparison to the rise of cable television, and a description of the technologies underpinning Napster\u27s service, the Article analyzes the doctrinal developments in the Ninth Circuit\u27s opinion. The principal analytical points are that: (1) the court\u27s definitions of sampling and space-shifting were overbroad, leading to oversimple fair use analysis; (2) the court\u27s treatment of vicarious liablility for copyright infringement is doctrinally incoherent because it suggests that liability depends on whether a third party has turn[ed] a blind eye toward infringement or has exercised its supervisory power over the infringer to the fullest extent ; and (3) the court\u27s choice to sidestep analysis of the service provider safe harbors in Section 512 of the Copyright Act should have been better explained but was understandable given the state of the record

    Disruptive Technology and Common Law Lawmaking: A Brief Analysis of A&M Records, Inc. v. Napster, Inc.

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    This symposium Article analyzes the Ninth Circuit\u27s decision in A&M Records, Inc. v. Napster, Inc. After setting the stage with a comparison to the rise of cable television, and a description of the technologies underpinning Napster\u27s service, the Article analyzes the doctrinal developments in the Ninth Circuit\u27s opinion. The principal analytical points are that: (1) the court\u27s definitions of sampling and space-shifting were overbroad, leading to oversimple fair use analysis; (2) the court\u27s treatment of vicarious liablility for copyright infringement is doctrinally incoherent because it suggests that liability depends on whether a third party has turn[ed] a blind eye toward infringement or has exercised its supervisory power over the infringer to the fullest extent ; and (3) the court\u27s choice to sidestep analysis of the service provider safe harbors in Section 512 of the Copyright Act should have been better explained but was understandable given the state of the record