37 research outputs found

    Model Checking the FlexRay Startup Phase

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    This report describes a discrete-time model of the startup phase of a FlexRay network. The startup behaviour of this network is analysed in the presence of several faults. It is shown that in certain cases a faulty node can prevent the network from communicating altogether. One previously unknown scenario is uncovered

    Software engineering : redundancy is key

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    Software engineers are humans and so they make lots of mistakes. Typically 1 out of 10 to 100 tasks go wrong. The only way to avoid these mistakes is to introduce redundancy in the software engineering process. This article is a plea to consciously introduce several levels of redundancy for each programming task. Depending on the required level of correctness, expressed in a residual error probability (typically 10-3 to 10-10), each programming task must be carried out redundantly 4 to 8 times. This number is hardly influenced by the size of a programming endeavour. Training software engineers does have some effect as non trained software engineers require a double amount of redundant tasks to deliver software of a desired quality. More compact programming, for instance by using domain specific languages, only reduces the number of redundant tasks by a small constant

    Formal Modelling and Verification of the Clock Synchronization Algorithm of FlexRay

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    The hundreds of electronic control devices used in an automotive system can effectively communicate with one another, thanks to an in-vehicle network (IVN) like FlexRay. Even though every node in the network will be running on its local clock, a global notion of time is essential. The clock synchronisation algorithm accomplishes this global time between the nodes in FlexRay. In this era of self-driving cars, the vehicle’s safety is paramount. For the vehicle to operate safely and smoothly, timely communication of information is critical, and the clock synchronisation algorithm plays a vital role in this. It is essential to formally test the clock synchronisation algorithm’s correctness. This paper attempts to model and verify the clock synchronisation algorithm of FlexRay using formal methods, which in turn enhance the reliability of safety-critical automotive systems. The clock synchronisation is modelled as a network of six timed automata in the UPPAAL model checker. Three system models were developed, a model for an ideal clock, another for a drifting clock, and a third model considering propagation delay. The precision of the clocks is verified to be within the prescribed limits. Simulation studies are also conducted on the model to ensure that the clock’s drift is always within the precision

    A probablistic analysis of the Game of the Goose

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    We analyse the traditional board game the Game of the Goose. We are particularly interested in the probability of the different players to win. We show that we can determine these probabilities for up to six players. Our original motivation to investigate this game came from progress in stochastic process theories which prompted us to ask ourselves whether those methods are capable of dealing with well known probabilistic games. As these games have large state spaces, this is not trivial. As a side effect we found that common wisdom about this game is not true

    Problem solving using process algebra considered insightful

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    Assessing the quality of tabular state machines through metrics

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    Improving the performance of trickle-based data dissemination in low-power networks

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    Trickle is a polite gossip algorithm for managing communication traffic. It is of particular interest in low-power wireless networks for reducing the amount of control traffic, as in routing protocols (RPL), or reducing network congestion, as in multicast protocols (MPL). Trickle is used at the network or application level, and relies on up-to-date information on the activity of neighbors. This makes it vulnerable to interference from the media access control layer, which we explore in this paper. We present several scenarios how the MAC layer in low-power radios violates Trickle timing. As a case study, we analyze the impact of CSMA/CA with ContikiMAC on Trickle's performance. Additionally, we propose a solution called Cleansing that resolves these issues

    Evolution specification evaluation in industrial MDSE ecosystems

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    Domain-specific languages (DSLs) allow users to model systems using concepts from a specific domain. Evolution of DSLs triggers co-evolution of models developed in these languages. When the number of models that needs to co-evolve increases, so does the required effort to do so. This is called the co-evolution problem. We have investigated the extent of the co-evolution problem at ASML [1], provider of lithography equipment for the semiconductor industry. Here we have described the structure and evolution of a large-scale ecosystem of DSLs. We have observed that due to the large number of artifacts that require coevolutionary activity, manual solutions have become unfeasible, and an automated approach is required. A popular approach for automating co-evolution is the operator-based approach. In this paper we have evaluated the operator-based approach on a large-scale industrial case-study of twenty-two DSLs and 95 model-to-model transformations with a revision history of over three years, and have revealed deficiencies in existing operator libraries. To address these deficiencies we have presented a topdown methodology to derive a complete set of operators

    Relationship between Simulink and Petri Nets

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