5,359 research outputs found

    Model Checking PLC Software Written in Function Block Diagram

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    Timed Automaton Models for Simple Programmable Logic Controllers

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    We give timed automaton models for a class of Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) applications, that are programmed in a simple fragment of the language Instruction Lists as defined in the standard IEC 1131-3. Two different approaches for modelling timers are suggested, that lead to two different timed automaton models. The purpose of this work is to provide a basis for verification and testing of real-time properties of PLC applications. Our work can be seen in broader context: it is a contribution to methodical development of provably correct programs. Even if the present PLC hardware will be substituted by e.g. Personal Computers, with a similar operation mode, the development and verification method will remain useful

    Automatic translation from FBD-PLC-programs to NuSMV for model checking safety-critical control systems

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    Programmable logic controllers (PLCs) are digital control systems, commonly used in industrial automation and safety-critical applications. Control systems used in safety-critical areas must undergo an extensive and thorough certification and verification process. In safety-critical applications, the PLC programming standard IEC 61131-3 is widely accepted in industry. PLC programmers who develop control systems for safety-critical systems are often required to verify the logic of PLCs by using formal methods such as model checking. Translating manually from a PLC program to the input language of a model checker takes times and is often error-prone. We develop a compiler to automatically translate PLC programs in the function block diagram (FBD) language, one of five industry standard PLC programming notations, to the input language of the model checker NuSMV. We have evaluated correctness, robustness, and performance of the PLC-NuSMV compiler using a case study. Evaluation results show that the compiler can translate the PLC programs correctly. The compiler can also identify several input errors and can scale to relative large PLC programs

    On Ladder Logic Bombs in Industrial Control Systems

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    In industrial control systems, devices such as Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) are commonly used to directly interact with sensors and actuators, and perform local automatic control. PLCs run software on two different layers: a) firmware (i.e. the OS) and b) control logic (processing sensor readings to determine control actions). In this work, we discuss ladder logic bombs, i.e. malware written in ladder logic (or one of the other IEC 61131-3-compatible languages). Such malware would be inserted by an attacker into existing control logic on a PLC, and either persistently change the behavior, or wait for specific trigger signals to activate malicious behaviour. For example, the LLB could replace legitimate sensor readings with manipulated values. We see the concept of LLBs as a generalization of attacks such as the Stuxnet attack. We introduce LLBs on an abstract level, and then demonstrate several designs based on real PLC devices in our lab. In particular, we also focus on stealthy LLBs, i.e. LLBs that are hard to detect by human operators manually validating the program running in PLCs. In addition to introducing vulnerabilities on the logic layer, we also discuss countermeasures and we propose two detection techniques.Comment: 11 pages, 14 figures, 2 tables, 1 algorith

    Simulation and Formal Verification for Improving Safety of PLC Programs

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    The use of analysis techniques for improving quality of software for industrial controllers is widely used. Mainly Simulation and Formal Verification can be used as complementary techniques improving dependability of mechatronic systems behavior. In this paper there are used Simulation and Formal Verification for guaranteeing safe software for Programmable Logic Controllers, mainly related with using Function blocks of IEC 61131-3 standard. For studying, simulating and verifying behavior of those blocks are used timed automata, as modeling formalism, and UPPAAL, as tool for simulation and Formal Verification purposes

    Obfuscation of function block diagrams

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    Obfuscation is a process of transforming a program into an equivalent version which is harder to understand and reverse-engineer. Little attention has been paid to obfuscation techniques for programs written for programmable logic controllers (PLC). However, there is no reason to assume that an attacker would not be interested in hiding malicious payload into a PLC program before it is compiled to machine code.In this paper, I present five techniques for obfuscating IEC 61131-3 Function Block Diagram (FBD) programs. Four of the techniques are specific to the graphical representation of FBD. I then evaluate the applicability of each technique by experimenting with different PLC programming tools. I prove that at least four of the techniques are practically applicable, and demonstrate features that some tools successfully use to prevent abuse. Stricter rules, if implemented in IEC 61131-3, would prevent some of the techniques listed

    Obfuscation of function block diagrams

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    Obfuscation is a process of transforming a program into an equivalent version which is harder to understand and reverse-engineer. Little attention has been paid to obfuscation techniques for programs written for programmable logic controllers (PLC). However, there is no reason to assume that an attacker would not be interested in hiding malicious payload into a PLC program before it is compiled to machine code.In this paper, I present five techniques for obfuscating IEC 61131-3 Function Block Diagram (FBD) programs. Four of the techniques are specific to the graphical representation of FBD. I then evaluate the applicability of each technique by experimenting with different PLC programming tools. I prove that at least four of the techniques are practically applicable, and demonstrate features that some tools successfully use to prevent abuse. Stricter rules, if implemented in IEC 61131-3, would prevent some of the techniques listed
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