6 research outputs found

    MTL-Model Checking of One-Clock Parametric Timed Automata is Undecidable

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    Parametric timed automata extend timed automata (Alur and Dill, 1991) in that they allow the specification of parametric bounds on the clock values. Since their introduction in 1993 by Alur, Henzinger, and Vardi, it is known that the emptiness problem for parametric timed automata with one clock is decidable, whereas it is undecidable if the automaton uses three or more parametric clocks. The problem is open for parametric timed automata with two parametric clocks. Metric temporal logic, MTL for short, is a widely used specification language for real-time systems. MTL-model checking of timed automata is decidable, no matter how many clocks are used in the timed automaton. In this paper, we prove that MTL-model checking for parametric timed automata is undecidable, even if the automaton uses only one clock and one parameter and is deterministic.Comment: In Proceedings SynCoP 2014, arXiv:1403.784

    On the Expressiveness of TPTL and MTL over \omega-Data Words

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    Metric Temporal Logic (MTL) and Timed Propositional Temporal Logic (TPTL) are prominent extensions of Linear Temporal Logic to specify properties about data languages. In this paper, we consider the class of data languages of non-monotonic data words over the natural numbers. We prove that, in this setting, TPTL is strictly more expressive than MTL. To this end, we introduce Ehrenfeucht-Fraisse (EF) games for MTL. Using EF games for MTL, we also prove that the MTL definability decision problem ("Given a TPTL-formula, is the language defined by this formula definable in MTL?") is undecidable. We also define EF games for TPTL, and we show the effect of various syntactic restrictions on the expressiveness of MTL and TPTL.Comment: In Proceedings AFL 2014, arXiv:1405.527

    О разрешимости проблем ограниченности для счетчиковых машин Минского

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    In the paper the decidability of boundedness problems for counter Minsky machines is investigated. It is proved, that for Minsky machines with two counters the boundedness is partial decidable, but for the total boundedness problem does not even exist a semidecision algorithm. On the other hand, for one-counter Minsky machines all these problems are polinomial (quantitatively of local machine states) decidable.Исследуется разрешимость проблем ограниченности для счетчиковых машин Минского. Доказывается, что для машин Минского с двумя счетчиками проблема ограниченности лишь частично разрешима, а проблема тотальной ограниченности не является даже частично разрешимой. Для односчет-чиковых машин Минского указанные проблемы разрешимы за время, полиномиально зависящее от общего количества локальных состояний счетчиковой машины

    Countdown games, and simulation on (succinct) one-counter nets

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    We answer an open complexity question by Hofman, Lasota, Mayr, Totzke (LMCS 2016) for simulation preorder on the class of succinct one-counter nets (i.e., one-counter automata with no zero tests where counter increments and decrements are integers written in binary); the problem was known to be PSPACE-hard and in EXPSPACE. We show that all relations between bisimulation equivalence and simulation preorder are EXPSPACE-hard for these nets; simulation preorder is thus EXPSPACE-complete. The result is proven by a reduction from reachability games whose EXPSPACE-completeness in the case of succinct one-counter nets was shown by Hunter (RP 2015), by using other results. We also provide a direct self-contained EXPSPACE-completeness proof for a special case of such reachability games, namely for a modification of countdown games that were shown EXPTIME-complete by Jurdzinski, Sproston, Laroussinie (LMCS 2008); in our modification the initial counter value is not given but is freely chosen by the first player. We also present an alternative proof for the upper bound by Hofman et al. In particular, we give a new simplified proof of the belt theorem that yields a simple graphic presentation of simulation preorder on (non-succinct) one-counter nets and leads to a polynomial-space algorithm (which is trivially extended to an exponential-space algorithm for succinct one-counter nets)

    The Expressive Power, Satisfiability and Path Checking Problems of MTL and TPTL over Non-Monotonic Data Words

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    Recently, verification and analysis of data words have gained a lot of interest. Metric temporal logic (MTL) and timed propositional temporal logic (TPTL) are two extensions of Linear time temporal logic (LTL). In MTL, the temporal operator are indexed by a constraint interval. TPTL is a more powerful logic that is equipped with a freeze formalism. It uses register variables, which can be set to the current data value and later these register variables can be compared with the current data value. For monotonic data words, Alur and Henzinger proved that MTL and TPTL are equally expressive and the satisfiability problem is decidable. We study the expressive power, satisfiability problems and path checking problems for MLT and TPTL over all data words. We introduce Ehrenfeucht-Fraisse games for MTL and TPTL. Using the EF-game for MTL, we show that TPTL is strictly more expressive than MTL. Furthermore, we show that the MTL definability problem that whether a TPTL-formula is definable in MTL is not decidable. When restricting the number of register variables, we are able to show that TPTL with two register variables is strictly more expressive than TPTL with one register variable. For the satisfiability problem, we show that for MTL, the unary fragment of MTL and the pure fragment of MTL, SAT is not decidable. We prove the undecidability by reductions from the recurrent state problem and halting problem of two-counter machines. For the positive fragments of MTL and TPTL, we show that a positive formula is satisfiable if and only it is satisfied by a finite data word. Finitary SAT and infinitary SAT coincide for positive MTL and positive TPTL. Both of them are r.e.-complete. For existential TPTL and existential MTL, we show that SAT is NP-complete. We also investigate the complexity of path checking problems for TPTL and MTL over data words. These data words can be either finite or infinite periodic. For periodic words without data values, the complexity of LTL model checking belongs to the class AC^1(LogDCFL). For finite monotonic data words, the same complexity bound has been shown for MTL by Bundala and Ouaknine. We show that path checking for TPTL is PSPACE-complete, and for MTL is P-complete. If the number of register variables allowed is restricted, we obtain path checking for TPTL with only one register variable is P-complete over both infinite and finite data words; for TPTL with two register variables is PSPACE-complete over infinite data words. If the encoding of constraint numbers of the input TPTL-formula is in unary notation, we show that path checking for TPTL with a constant number of variables is P-complete over infinite unary encoded data words. Since the infinite data word produced by a deterministic one-counter machine is periodic, we can transfer all complexity results for the infinite periodic case to model checking over deterministic one-counter machines