6,844 research outputs found

    Improving the scalability of parallel N-body applications with an event driven constraint based execution model

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    The scalability and efficiency of graph applications are significantly constrained by conventional systems and their supporting programming models. Technology trends like multicore, manycore, and heterogeneous system architectures are introducing further challenges and possibilities for emerging application domains such as graph applications. This paper explores the space of effective parallel execution of ephemeral graphs that are dynamically generated using the Barnes-Hut algorithm to exemplify dynamic workloads. The workloads are expressed using the semantics of an Exascale computing execution model called ParalleX. For comparison, results using conventional execution model semantics are also presented. We find improved load balancing during runtime and automatic parallelism discovery improving efficiency using the advanced semantics for Exascale computing.Comment: 11 figure

    HAPPY: Hybrid Address-based Page Policy in DRAMs

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    Memory controllers have used static page closure policies to decide whether a row should be left open, open-page policy, or closed immediately, close-page policy, after the row has been accessed. The appropriate choice for a particular access can reduce the average memory latency. However, since application access patterns change at run time, static page policies cannot guarantee to deliver optimum execution time. Hybrid page policies have been investigated as a means of covering these dynamic scenarios and are now implemented in state-of-the-art processors. Hybrid page policies switch between open-page and close-page policies while the application is running, by monitoring the access pattern of row hits/conflicts and predicting future behavior. Unfortunately, as the size of DRAM memory increases, fine-grain tracking and analysis of memory access patterns does not remain practical. We propose a compact memory address-based encoding technique which can improve or maintain the performance of DRAMs page closure predictors while reducing the hardware overhead in comparison with state-of-the-art techniques. As a case study, we integrate our technique, HAPPY, with a state-of-the-art monitor, the Intel-adaptive open-page policy predictor employed by the Intel Xeon X5650, and a traditional Hybrid page policy. We evaluate them across 70 memory intensive workload mixes consisting of single-thread and multi-thread applications. The experimental results show that using the HAPPY encoding applied to the Intel-adaptive page closure policy can reduce the hardware overhead by 5X for the evaluated 64 GB memory (up to 40X for a 512 GB memory) while maintaining the prediction accuracy

    Distributed Hybrid Simulation of the Internet of Things and Smart Territories

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    This paper deals with the use of hybrid simulation to build and compose heterogeneous simulation scenarios that can be proficiently exploited to model and represent the Internet of Things (IoT). Hybrid simulation is a methodology that combines multiple modalities of modeling/simulation. Complex scenarios are decomposed into simpler ones, each one being simulated through a specific simulation strategy. All these simulation building blocks are then synchronized and coordinated. This simulation methodology is an ideal one to represent IoT setups, which are usually very demanding, due to the heterogeneity of possible scenarios arising from the massive deployment of an enormous amount of sensors and devices. We present a use case concerned with the distributed simulation of smart territories, a novel view of decentralized geographical spaces that, thanks to the use of IoT, builds ICT services to manage resources in a way that is sustainable and not harmful to the environment. Three different simulation models are combined together, namely, an adaptive agent-based parallel and distributed simulator, an OMNeT++ based discrete event simulator and a script-language simulator based on MATLAB. Results from a performance analysis confirm the viability of using hybrid simulation to model complex IoT scenarios.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1605.0487

    Preparing HPC Applications for the Exascale Era: A Decoupling Strategy

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    Production-quality parallel applications are often a mixture of diverse operations, such as computation- and communication-intensive, regular and irregular, tightly coupled and loosely linked operations. In conventional construction of parallel applications, each process performs all the operations, which might result inefficient and seriously limit scalability, especially at large scale. We propose a decoupling strategy to improve the scalability of applications running on large-scale systems. Our strategy separates application operations onto groups of processes and enables a dataflow processing paradigm among the groups. This mechanism is effective in reducing the impact of load imbalance and increases the parallel efficiency by pipelining multiple operations. We provide a proof-of-concept implementation using MPI, the de-facto programming system on current supercomputers. We demonstrate the effectiveness of this strategy by decoupling the reduce, particle communication, halo exchange and I/O operations in a set of scientific and data-analytics applications. A performance evaluation on 8,192 processes of a Cray XC40 supercomputer shows that the proposed approach can achieve up to 4x performance improvement.Comment: The 46th International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP-2017

    Extreme scale parallel NBody algorithm with event driven constraint based execution model

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    Traditional scientific applications such as Computational Fluid Dynamics, Partial Differential Equations based numerical methods (like Finite Difference Methods, Finite Element Methods) achieve sufficient efficiency on state of the art high performance computing systems and have been widely studied / implemented using conventional programming models. For emerging application domains such as Graph applications scalability and efficiency is significantly constrained by the conventional systems and their supporting programming models. Furthermore technology trends like multicore, manycore, heterogeneous system architectures are introducing new challenges and possibilities. Emerging technologies are requiring a rethinking of approaches to more effectively expose the underlying parallelism to the applications and the end-users. This thesis explores the space of effective parallel execution of ephemeral graphs that are dynamically generated. The standard particle based simulation, solved using the Barnes-Hut algorithm is chosen to exemplify the dynamic workloads. In this thesis the workloads are expressed using sequential execution semantics, a conventional parallel programming model - shared memory semantics and semantics of an innovative execution model designed for efficient scalable performance towards Exascale computing called ParalleX. The main outcomes of this research are parallel processing of dynamic ephemeral workloads, enabling dynamic load balancing during runtime, and using advanced semantics for exposing parallelism in scaling constrained applications

    Cross-layer optimization of unequal protected layered video over hierarchical modulation

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    Abstract-unequal protection mechanisms have been proposed at several layers in order to improve the reliability of multimedia contents, especially for video data. The paper aims at implementing a multi-layer unequal protection scheme, which is based on a Physical-Transport-Application cross-layer design. Hierarchical modulation, in the physical layer, has been demonstrated to increase the overall user capacity of a wireless communications. On the other hand, unequal erasure protection codes at the transport layer turned out to be an efficient method to protect video data generated by the application layer by exploiting their intrinsic properties. In this paper, the two techniques are jointly optimized in order to enable recovering lost data in case the protection is performed separately. We show that the cross-layer design proposed herein outperforms the performance of hierarchical modulation and unequal erasure codes taken independently
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