5 research outputs found

    Estudo Exploratório

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    A evolução das tecnologias de informação e a sua introdução nos processos de produção está a transformar a indústria, elevando-a para um novo patamar de desenvolvimento organizacional. A fim de aproveitar os benefícios dessas tecnologias para fortalecer a competitividade no mercado global, uma mudança de paradigma de produção está a ser discutida em todo mundo: Industry 4.0. Não há dúvidas que esta nova abordagem terá um grande impacto não só na melhoria da produtividade, mas também no desenvolvimento de novos produtos, serviços e modelos de negócios. Ao mesmo tempo coloca-se em questão qual será o papel da filosofia de gestão Lean nesses novos ambientes de produção. Assim, este trabalho tem como objetivo intensificar a discussão sobre como a combinação desses dois paradigmas de produção pode ser a chave para alcançar o grau de flexibilidade necessário para superar os desafios atuais de alta variabilidade, personalização e redução dos ciclos de vida dos produtos. Através de uma extensa revisão bibliográfica, os paradigmas Lean e Industry 4.0 são examinados a fim de definir o seu estado da arte. Na sequência procura-se avaliar as vantagens da sua combinação e apresentar um plano de propostas com exemplos de como as tecnologias que compõem a Industry 4.0 podem potencializar as ferramentas Lean fornecendo as soluções necessárias para atingir os objetivos globais de alta eficiência e qualidade.The evolution of information technologies and their introduction into production processes is transforming traditional industry, rising it up to a new level of organizational development. In order to take advantage of the benefits of these technologies to strengthen competitiveness in the global market, a paradigm shift of production is being discussed worldwide: Industry 4.0. There is no doubt that this new approach will have major impacts not only on improving productivity but also on developing new products, services and business models. At the same time, the role of the Lean management philosophy in these new production environments is questioned. Thus, this paper aims to intensify the discussion about how the combination of these two production paradigms can be the key to achieving the degree of flexibility necessary to overcome the current challenges of high variability, customization and reduction of product life cycles. Through an extensive literature review, Lean and Industry 4.0 paradigms are examined separately in order to define their state of the art. The next step is to evaluate the advantages of their combination and present a proposals plan with examples of how technologies enabled by Industry 4.0 can potentiate Lean tools by providing the solutions needed to achieve the global goals of high efficiency and quality

    Mobility prediction in telecom cloud using mobile calls

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    The proliferation of the telecom cloud has fostered increasing attention on location-based applications and services. Due to the randomness and fuzziness of human mobility, it still remains open to predict user mobility. In this article, we investigate the large-scale user mobility traces that are collected by a telecom operator. We find that mobile call patterns are highly correlated with the co-location patterns at the same cell tower at the same time. We extract such social connections from cellular call records stored in the telecom cloud, and further propose a mobility prediction system that can run as an infrastructure-level service in telecom cloud platforms. We implement the mobility pattern discovery into a cloud-based location tracking service that can make online mobility prediction for value-added telecom services. Finally, we conduct a couple of case studies on mobilityaware personalization and predictive resource allocation to elaborate how the proposed system drives a new mode of mobile cloud applications. 2014 IEEE.Scopus2-s2.0-8489648413

    Mobility prediction in telecom cloud using mobile calls

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