2 research outputs found

    TCP Performance in 5G mmWave Systems with Dynamic Blockage

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    The next-generation 5G network is being tested although the specifications of 5G have not been formally defined. Researchers and industry expect that new generation of technology will come to the market much sooner than expected 2020 in this quickly changing world. It may seem as a long ways to go but time flies and so will 5G at speeds of 10 Gbps. Cisco provides IP Traffic Forecast and other data in charts that show traffic from wireless and mobile devices will account for more than 63 percent of total IP traffic by 2021. By that time, wired devices will account for 37 percent of IP traffic, while WLAN and mobile devices will account for 63 percent of IP traffic. In 2016, wired devices accounted for the majority of IP traffic at 51 percent~\cite{cisco2017forecast}. Majority of the devices will be wireless, so it causes much overhead to the networks and mobility of the users will make it even more dynamic. Because the networks are dynamic and we need to be sure that our data not only fast but also correctly delivered to the end point. TCP used in dynamic networks. TCP stands for Transmission Control Protocol and one of the the most widely spread protocols in the Internet. TCP guarantees the recipient will receive the packets in order. That is why it is used in dynamic networks where error correction is necessary. 5G will operate on ultra-high frequency millimeter wave spectrum. The most recent 802.11ad Wi-Fi standard operating at 60 GHz showed that the spectrum between microwave and infrared waves can be used for high-speed wireless communications. The spectrum between 30 GHz and 300 GHz has a large amount of available bandwidth. This gives mmWave communications a major advantage over the current LTE standard. The 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) posted 'Study on channel model for frequency spectrum above 6 GHz', 3GPP TR 38.900 version 14.2.0 Release 14, where model and evaluation the performance of physical layer techniques using the above-6GHz channel models. This document relates to the 3GPP evaluation methodology and covers the modeling of the physical layer of both Mobile Equipment and Access Network of 3GPP systems. This work targets the TCP performance in 5G mmWave networks with dynamic blockage represented by human bodies and cause additional fluctuations in the channel and signal level. To reduce prices and time of experiments based on mmWave techniques modeling can be used. To achieve that ns-3 was utilized as a tool of modeling and simulations