5 research outputs found

    A Transformação Digital nas Pequenas e Médias Empresas: Utilização e impacto das tecnologias móveis e sociais no caso angolano

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    O desenvolvimento das tecnologias de informação e comunicação proporcionou à sociedade facilidades para a solução de muitas tarefas, bem como o aumento das vendas, expansão da marca e internacionalização das empresas. Interessadas em sobreviver no mercado, as pequenas e médias empresas recorrem a tecnologias de fácil utilização e de baixo custo, mas muito eficientes, para enfrentarem a competitividade num mercado composto por grandes empresas e com muitos recursos. As tecnologias móveis e as redes sociais, são as ferramentas que encaixam no perfil das pequenas e médias empresas. Esse trabalho, estuda a implementação e o impacto das tecnologias de informação e comunicação móveis, bem como das redes sociais, no seio das pequenas e médias empresas angolanas, além de avaliar até que ponto as empresas estão alinhadas com a tecnologia digital. Os resultados encontrados, mostram um setor muito distante da digitalização nos seus processos de negócio, e com uma exploração deficiente dos recursos que estas tecnologias oferecem para as empresas, assim como uma classe empresarial ainda muito distante de conseguir resultados positivos com a sua implementação no negócio. Os custos da Internet, a falta de Know-how dos colaboradores, a falta de alinhamento dos objetivos da empresa com as soluções tecnológicas e a inexistência de estratégias que garantam uma implementação inteligente destas tecnologias são as principais dificuldades que as pequenas e médias empresas enfrentam em Angola.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Mitigating security implications of bringing your own device in an enterprise environment

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    A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Information Systems Security (MSc.ISS) at Strathmore UniversityThe rapid growth in the bring your own device (BYOD) phenomenon, has resulted in the introduction of personal mobile devices in the Enterprise environment. The benefit derived from embracing BYOD in organisations is enhanced mobility of employees and the reduced equipment cost to Enterprises. An effective BYOD management is required to protect company data as diverse mobile devices are finding their way into the enterprise. Available mobile device statistics revealed that 52% of these devices are either lost or stolen worldwide, this becomes a major security concern amid risk of exposure of sensitive and important corporate data. The highlighted risks to the enterprises requires a solution to safeguard, reduce and attempt to mitigate security breaches. This research seeks to answer the following how intrusion detection is leading to increase in cybercrime? Rational look at security challenges for BYOD and how secure is BYOD? The rapid application development (RAD) methodology was applied in this research to prototype a scanning and detection technique to prevent or mitigate threats from BYOD to the enterprise environment. The developed application is a scanner and firewall that will be able to scan, monitor and mitigate malicious attacks on BYOD and present results of scanned devices, ports and blocked devices with a 95% accuracy

    Utilização e impacto das tecnologias de informação e comunicação móveis e sociais no caso angolano

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    O desenvolvimento das tecnologias de informação e comunicação proporcionou à sociedade facilidades para a solução de muitas tarefas, bem como o aumento das vendas, expansão da marca e internacionalização das empresas. Interessadas em sobreviver no mercado, as Pequenas e Médias Empresas recorrem a tecnologias de fácil utilização e de baixo custo, mas muito eficientes, para enfrentarem a competitividade num mercado composto por grandes empresas e com muitos recursos. As tecnologias móveis e as redes sociais, são as ferramentas que encaixam no perfil das Pequenas e Médias Empresas. Esta dissertação teve como objetivo principal, estudar a implementação e o impacto das tecnologias de informação e comunicação móveis, bem como das redes sociais, no seio das pequenas e médias empresas angolanas, além de avaliar até que ponto as empresas estão alinhadas com a tecnologia digital. Para o efeito, foi implementado um estudo quantitativo, com base num inquérito e numa entrevista não estruturada, para recolher informações em 83 empresas espalhadas por seis províncias de Angola. Os resultados encontrados, mostram um setor muito distante da digitalização nos seus processos de negócio, e com uma exploração deficiente dos recursos que as tecnologias móveis e as redes sociais oferecem para as empresas. As tecnologias móveis e as redes sociais são casos de sucesso nas pequenas e médias empresas de muitos países em todo mundo, mas o mesmo não se verifica em Angola. Os resultados do estudo mostram que as empresas angolanas estão muito distantes de conseguirem resultados positivos com a implementação das tecnologias móveis e as redes sociais nos processos de negocio. Os custos da Internet, a falta de Know-how dos colaboradores, a falta de alinhamento dos objetivos da empresa com as soluções tecnológicas e inexistência de estratégias que garantam uma implementação inteligente destas tecnologias são as principais dificuldades que as pequenas e médias empresas enfrentam.The Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) development has provided the society with facilities for the solution of many tasks, as well as increased sales, brand expansion and internationalization of companies. To survive in the market the SMEs rely on the easy-to-use, low-cost but highly efficient technologies to compete in a large, resource-rich market. Mobile technologies and social networks are the tools that fit the profile of SMEs. This dissertation aimed to study the implementation and impact of mobile information and com- munication technologies and social networks within Angolan SMEs, as well as assess the extent to which companies are aligned with digital. For this purpose, a quantitative methodology was used. A descriptive study was carried out in which 83 SMEs from six (6) provinces of the country participated, and a questionnaire survey and a semi-structured interview were applied. The results shown a sector so far from the digitization of its business processes, and with an empi- rical exploration of the resources that mobile technologies and social networks offer to companies, despite the 95,2% of the utilization rate of mobile devices and 63,9% of the use of social networks in the companies on which the study was based. In many countries around the world Mobile technologies and social networks are success stories in SMEs. But, in Angola, because of the cost of the Internet, the lack of know-how of employees, the lack of alignment of the company’s objectives with technological solutions and the lack of strategies for the implementation of these technologies, SMEs still do not feel the true impact . Only 20,8% of the companies surveyed claim to have benefited positively from the implementation of these technologies

    BYOD-Insure: A Security Assessment Model for Enterprise BYOD

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    As organizations continue allowing employees to use their personal mobile devices to access the organizations’ networks and the corporate data, a phenomenon called ‘Bring Your Own Device’ or BYOD, proper security controls need to be adopted not only to secure the corporate data but also to protect the organizations against possible litigation problems. Until recently, current literature and research have been focused on specific areas or solutions regarding BYOD. The information associated with BYOD security issues in the areas of Management, IT, Users and Mobile Device Solutions is fragmented. This research is based on a need to provide a holistic approach to securing BYOD environments. This dissertation puts forth design science research methods to develop a comprehensive security assessment model, BYOD-Insure, to assess the security posture of an organization’s BYOD environment. BYOD-Insure aims to identify security vulnerabilities in organizations that allow (or are planning to adopt) BYODs. The main questions this research aims to answer are: 1) In order to protect the enterprise and its corporate data, how can an organization identify and mitigate the security risks associated with BYOD? 2) How can a holistic approach to security strengthen the security posture of BYOD environments? BYOD-Insure is composed of 5 modules that, in tandem, use a holistic approach to assess the security posture of the four domains of BYOD environments: assessment of management (BYOD-Insure-Management), assessment of IT (BYOD-Insure-IT), assessment of users’ behavior/security (BYOD-Insure-User), and assessment of the mobile device security adopted by the organization (BYOD-Insure-Mobile). The combined results of the 4 domains provide the overall security posture of the organization (BYOD-Insure-Global). The evaluation process for this model is based on a design science method for artifact evaluation. For BYOD-Insure, this process involves the use of descriptive scenarios to describe different types of BYOD security postures. This entails a detailed description of scenarios that depict low, moderate and high security postures with respect to BYOD. The results, for a particular organization, show the security controls that need to be strengthened, and the safeguards recommended. The BYOD-Insure assessment model helps answer the research questions raised in this study