4 research outputs found

    Mobile support for adults with mild learning disabilities during clinical consultations

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    Some of the factors that explain poor health outcomes for people with learning disabilities (LDs) include multi-morbidity and underdiagnosed health conditions. Previous studies have suggested that this population face significant communication barriers when interacting with health professionals and this is a major contributing factor to such diagnosis complications. Consequently, such health barriers are often preventable. However, there is a surprising lack of research-based technologies available that intend to promote this communication. We aim to address this gap by investigating the potential of using mobile technologies to support adults with mild LDs during clinical consultations. To achieve this, we interviewed a number of domain experts including government advisors, academics, support workers and General Practitioners. We then developed a technology probe to inform the information extracted and subsequently created a set of design guidelines for the development of Augmentative and Communicative technologies that target the clinical needs of adults with mild LDs

    Experts Views on the Use of Mobile Devices to Support Patients with Mild Learning Disabilities During Clinical Consultations

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    Due to several factors including time and budget constraints, General Practitioners (GPs) are often under-trained on the communication needs of patients with learning disabilities (LDs). As such, they may find it difficult to extract accurate information from these patients. Digital technologies have the potential to alleviate communication barriers, yet their use in this context remains vastly unexplored. Hence, we conducted 2 focus groups with 12 experts in LDs to investigate how tablet applications may be used to promote the information exchange process between GPs and patients with mild LDs. The experts identified an initial set of design criteria for the future implementation of these technologies and were enthusiastic about the potential impact they may have on primary care. In addition, they also discussed a potential model for extracting medical information from this population, which focused on breaking the overall consultation down into smaller, less cognitively challenging segments

    Ontology-driven, adaptive, medical questionnaires for patients with mild learning disabilities

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    Patients with Learning Disabilities (LD) have substantial and unmet healthcare needs, and previous studies have highlighted that they face both health inequalities and worse outcomes than the general population. Primary care practitioners are often the first port-of-call for medical consultations, and one issue faced by LD patients in this context is the very limited time available during consultations - typically less than ten minutes. In order to alleviate this issue, we propose a digital communication aid in the form of an ontology-based medical questionnaire that can adapt to a patient’s medical context as well as their accessibility needs (physical and cognitive). The application is intended to be used in advance of a consultation so that a primary care practitioner may have prior access to their LD patients’ self-reported symptoms. This work builds upon and extends previous research carried out in the development of adaptive medical questionnaires to include interactive and interface functionalities designed specifically to cater for patients with potentially complex accessibility needs. A patient’s current health status and accessibility profile (relating to their impairments) is used to dynamically adjust the structure and content of the medical questionnaire. As such, the system is able to significantly limit and focus questions to immediately relevant concerns while discarding irrelevant questions. We propose that our ontology-based design not only improves the relevance and accessibility of medical questionnaires for patients with LDs, but also provides important benefits in terms of medical knowledge-base modularity, as well as for software extension and maintenance

    Lessons from Expert Focus Groups on how to Better Support Adults with Mild Intellectual Disabilities to Engage in Co-Design

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    Co-design techniques generally rely upon higher-order cognitive skills, such as abstraction and creativity, meaning they may be inaccessible to people with intellectual disabilities (ID). Consequently, investigators must adjust the methods employed throughout their studies to ensure the complex needs of people with ID are appropriately catered to. Yet, there are a lack of guidelines to support researchers in this process, with previous literature often neglecting to discuss the decisions made during the development of their study protocols. We propose a new procedure to overcome this lack of support, by utilizing the knowledge of “experts” in ID to design a more accessible workshop for the target population. 12 experts across two focus groups were successful in identifying accessibility barriers throughout a set of typical early co-design activities. Recommendations to overcome these barriers are discussed along with lessons on how to better support people with ID to engage in co-design