3 research outputs found

    Are you HIRT? (Hemophilia Injury Recognition Tool): Perceptions from young men with mild hemophilia in Canada on the use of the mobile app for injury self-management

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    Introduction/ Objective: Young men with mild hemophilia have a unique challenge with accessing relevant information to assist injury self-management. They do not bleed frequently. This limited experience may mean that they do not always identify musculoskeletal injuries requiring medical attention, potentially leading to significant health consequences. In response to this challenge, a team of clinicians, researchers and young men with mild hemophilia developed a self-assessment pathway which was converted into a mobile app to address the need for easier access to assessment resources. This study investigated the perceptions of young men with mild hemophilia in Canada on the use of the mobile app HIRT? (Hemophilia Injury Recognition Tool) for injury self-management. Methods: Key informant interviews were conducted with 12 young men with mild hemophilia, 18-35 years old. A mixed methods design was used. The qualitative method of interpretive description was used through in-depth recorded and transcribed interviews about access and usefulness of the mobile app. Qualitative data were analysed using inductive content analysis to identify themes and patterns. The quantitative data, gathered by a short self-report questionnaire, evaluated perceived injury self-management strategies and app utility. Perceived confidence levels for using and not using the app were also collected. Non-parametric McNemar chi-square test and Wilcoxon signed rank test were used to determine the association between self-management strategies and the confidence levels using the app versus not using the app, with a significance level set at p < .05. Results: From the qualitative analysis, themes included accessibility, credibility, the benefit of embedded alarms and overall usefulness. Quantitative analyses illustrated that perceived confidence levels significantly increased (p =0.004) with the use of the app compared to not using the app. However, perceived self-management strategies did not significantly differ when participants thought about not using the app and using the app. Conclusions: Technology is rapidly advancing and education needs to be accessible. This study gives evidence that there is a preference for a mobile app intervention and that perceived confidence in injury self-management significantly improved for young men with mild hemophilia in Canada with the use of HIRT?

    Cloud Services Brokerage for Mobile Ubiquitous Computing

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    Recently, companies are adopting Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC) to efficiently deliver enterprise services to users (or consumers) on their personalized devices. MCC is the facilitation of mobile devices (e.g., smartphones, tablets, notebooks, and smart watches) to access virtualized services such as software applications, servers, storage, and network services over the Internet. With the advancement and diversity of the mobile landscape, there has been a growing trend in consumer attitude where a single user owns multiple mobile devices. This paradigm of supporting a single user or consumer to access multiple services from n-devices is referred to as the Ubiquitous Cloud Computing (UCC) or the Personal Cloud Computing. In the UCC era, consumers expect to have application and data consistency across their multiple devices and in real time. However, this expectation can be hindered by the intermittent loss of connectivity in wireless networks, user mobility, and peak load demands. Hence, this dissertation presents an architectural framework called, Cloud Services Brokerage for Mobile Ubiquitous Cloud Computing (CSB-UCC), which ensures soft real-time and reliable services consumption on multiple devices of users. The CSB-UCC acts as an application middleware broker that connects the n-devices of users to the multi-cloud services. The designed system determines the multi-cloud services based on the user's subscriptions and the n-devices are determined through device registration on the broker. The preliminary evaluations of the designed system shows that the following are achieved: 1) high scalability through the adoption of a distributed architecture of the brokerage service, 2) providing soft real-time application synchronization for consistent user experience through an enhanced mobile-to-cloud proximity-based access technique, 3) reliable error recovery from system failure through transactional services re-assignment to active nodes, and 4) transparent audit trail through access-level and context-centric provenance

    Marketing y atenci贸n farmac茅utica en el abordaje de enfermedades raras

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    Las enfermedades raras plantean retos 煤nicos a pacientes, cuidadores y profesionales sanitarios. Las farmacias comunitarias desempe帽an un papel fundamental a la hora de proporcionar apoyo y medicamentos a las personas con enfermedades raras. Sin embargo, poca investigaci贸n se ha centrado en las estrategias de marketing y pr谩cticas de comunicaci贸n empleadas por las farmacias comunitarias para concienciar, difundir informaci贸n y abordar las necesidades espec铆ficas de esta poblaci贸n vulnerable de pacientes. El objetivo de esta tesis es describir las caracter铆sticas de la atenci贸n al paciente con enfermedades raras y sus cuidadores o familiares en las farmacias comunitarias. Para ello se han dise帽ado dos estudios observacionales descriptivos transversales y prospectivos. En el primero, la poblaci贸n est谩 formada por los usuarios de farmacias comunitarias como pacientes con enfermedades raras o bien sus familiares, cuidadores u otro tipo de relaci贸n por la que deban hacer uso de los servicios de la farmacias comunitarias para atender las necesidades de atenci贸n farmacol贸gica de pacientes con enfermedades raras. En este estudio han participado 253 sujetos que han respondido un 驴Cuestionario de Atenci贸n farmac茅utica en el abordaje de enfermedades raras驴. En el segundo estudio, la poblaci贸n la forman farmac茅uticos titulares de farmacias comunitarias. Han participado 100 titulares de farmacias comunitarias que han respondido el 驴Cuestionario del papel del farmac茅utico en el abordaje de enfermedades raras驴. Los resultados del primer estudio muestran que los pacientes con enfermedades raras y sus cuidadores conocen sus necesidades, aunque demandan servicios complementarios relacionados con dermofarmacia, diet茅tica y nutrici贸n o productos sanitarios. Su nivel de satisfacci贸n con la atenci贸n farmac茅utica es alto. Respecto al segundo estudio, se observa la necesidad de promover habilidades como la empat铆a, la escucha activa o la dedicaci贸n del tiempo suficiente para proporcionar una atenci贸n farmac茅utica humana y de calidad.Farmaci