16,426 research outputs found

    Coverage and Connectivity in Three-Dimensional Networks

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    Most wireless terrestrial networks are designed based on the assumption that the nodes are deployed on a two-dimensional (2D) plane. However, this 2D assumption is not valid in underwater, atmospheric, or space communications. In fact, recent interest in underwater acoustic ad hoc and sensor networks hints at the need to understand how to design networks in 3D. Unfortunately, the design of 3D networks is surprisingly more difficult than the design of 2D networks. For example, proofs of Kelvin's conjecture and Kepler's conjecture required centuries of research to achieve breakthroughs, whereas their 2D counterparts are trivial to solve. In this paper, we consider the coverage and connectivity issues of 3D networks, where the goal is to find a node placement strategy with 100% sensing coverage of a 3D space, while minimizing the number of nodes required for surveillance. Our results indicate that the use of the Voronoi tessellation of 3D space to create truncated octahedral cells results in the best strategy. In this truncated octahedron placement strategy, the transmission range must be at least 1.7889 times the sensing range in order to maintain connectivity among nodes. If the transmission range is between 1.4142 and 1.7889 times the sensing range, then a hexagonal prism placement strategy or a rhombic dodecahedron placement strategy should be used. Although the required number of nodes in the hexagonal prism and the rhombic dodecahedron placement strategies is the same, this number is 43.25% higher than the number of nodes required by the truncated octahedron placement strategy. We verify by simulation that our placement strategies indeed guarantee ubiquitous coverage. We believe that our approach and our results presented in this paper could be used for extending the processes of 2D network design to 3D networks.Comment: To appear in ACM Mobicom 200

    Node placement in Wireless Mesh Networks: a comparison study of WMN-SA and WMN-PSO simulation systems

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    (c) 2016 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works.With the fast development of wireless technologies, Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs) are becoming an important networking infrastructure due to their low cost and increased high speed wireless Internet connectivity. In our previous work, we implemented a simulation system based on Simulated Annealing (SA) for solving node placement problem in wireless mesh networks, called WMN-SA. Also, we implemented a Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) based simulation system, called WMN-PSO. In this paper, we compare two systems considering calculation time. From the simulation results, when the area size is 32 × 32 and 64 × 64, WMN-SA is better than WMN-PSO. When the area size is 128 × 128, WMN-SA performs better than WMN-PSO. However, WMN-SA needs more calculation time than WMN-PSO.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Impromptu Deployment of Wireless Relay Networks: Experiences Along a Forest Trail

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    We are motivated by the problem of impromptu or as- you-go deployment of wireless sensor networks. As an application example, a person, starting from a sink node, walks along a forest trail, makes link quality measurements (with the previously placed nodes) at equally spaced locations, and deploys relays at some of these locations, so as to connect a sensor placed at some a priori unknown point on the trail with the sink node. In this paper, we report our experimental experiences with some as-you-go deployment algorithms. Two algorithms are based on Markov decision process (MDP) formulations; these require a radio propagation model. We also study purely measurement based strategies: one heuristic that is motivated by our MDP formulations, one asymptotically optimal learning algorithm, and one inspired by a popular heuristic. We extract a statistical model of the propagation along a forest trail from raw measurement data, implement the algorithms experimentally in the forest, and compare them. The results provide useful insights regarding the choice of the deployment algorithm and its parameters, and also demonstrate the necessity of a proper theoretical formulation.Comment: 7 pages, accepted in IEEE MASS 201

    Implementation and evaluation of a simulation system based on particle swarm optimisation for node placement problem in wireless mesh networks

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    With the fast development of wireless technologies, wireless mesh networks (WMNs) are becoming an important networking infrastructure due to their low cost and increased high speed wireless internet connectivity. This paper implements a simulation system based on particle swarm optimisation (PSO) in order to solve the problem of mesh router placement in WMNs. Four replacement methods of mesh routers are considered: constriction method (CM), random inertia weight method (RIWM), linearly decreasing Vmax method (LDVM) and linearly decreasing inertia weight method (LDIWM). Simulation results are provided, showing that the CM converges very fast, but has the worst performance among the methods. The considered performance metrics are the size of giant component (SGC) and the number of covered mesh clients (NCMC). The RIWM converges fast and the performance is good. The LDIWM is a combination of RIWM and LDVM. The LDVM converges after 170 number of phases but has a good performance.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Enabling High-Level Application Development for the Internet of Things

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    Application development in the Internet of Things (IoT) is challenging because it involves dealing with a wide range of related issues such as lack of separation of concerns, and lack of high-level of abstractions to address both the large scale and heterogeneity. Moreover, stakeholders involved in the application development have to address issues that can be attributed to different life-cycles phases. when developing applications. First, the application logic has to be analyzed and then separated into a set of distributed tasks for an underlying network. Then, the tasks have to be implemented for the specific hardware. Apart from handling these issues, they have to deal with other aspects of life-cycle such as changes in application requirements and deployed devices. Several approaches have been proposed in the closely related fields of wireless sensor network, ubiquitous and pervasive computing, and software engineering in general to address the above challenges. However, existing approaches only cover limited subsets of the above mentioned challenges when applied to the IoT. This paper proposes an integrated approach for addressing the above mentioned challenges. The main contributions of this paper are: (1) a development methodology that separates IoT application development into different concerns and provides a conceptual framework to develop an application, (2) a development framework that implements the development methodology to support actions of stakeholders. The development framework provides a set of modeling languages to specify each development concern and abstracts the scale and heterogeneity related complexity. It integrates code generation, task-mapping, and linking techniques to provide automation. Code generation supports the application development phase by producing a programming framework that allows stakeholders to focus on the application logic, while our mapping and linking techniques together support the deployment phase by producing device-specific code to result in a distributed system collaboratively hosted by individual devices. Our evaluation based on two realistic scenarios shows that the use of our approach improves the productivity of stakeholders involved in the application development

    Architectures for Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Various architectures have been developed for wireless sensor networks. Many of them leave to the programmer important concepts as the way in which the inter-task communication and dynamic reconfigurations are addressed. In this paper we describe the characteristics of a new architecture we proposed - the data-centric architecture. This architecture offers an easy way of structuring the applications designed for wireless sensor nodes that confers them superior performances