5 research outputs found

    An Analysis of ICMB 2006

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    This paper analyzes the 44 papers included in the proceedings of the 5th ICMB conference in Copenhagen 2006. The purpose of the paper was to investigate to what extent the conference fulfilled its objectives which was to compare previous expectations with present realities along the following four areas: (1) business models, (2) the influence of m-business on private and work life, (3) the impact of regulation, and (4) the re-composition of the value network. In the analysis we apply the well-known framework by Lyytinen and Yoo for studying nomadic computing. In addition to this we also classify the papers in relation to type of artifact investigated, application area, and research methodology. The analysis show that the main focus lay on the use and adoption of mobile services – over 60% of the papers address. Few papers address the impact of service on any level of analysis. Business model is a recurring topic in 17 of the papers. There is lack in theorizing of the artifact, e.g. many just study mobile devices, but do not describe what type they study

    Informal Use of Mobile Information Technologies: Opportunities in the Context of Intelligence

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    The positive and negative impacts of mobile information technologies are conceptually inseparable. In this paper, we investigate the informal use of mobile and wireless technologies in organizations, seeking to understand how organizations can develop new opportunities arising from this use, and how the interactions and information generated can be used in order to promote benefits in organizational processes. Anticipative and Collective Strategic Intelligence (IEAc), operated by the L.E.SCAnning® method, is used as context, focusing on the steps that interact with the external environment of the organization: collection and transmission of weak signals. These themes are still little explored in the Latin American context, both individually and as a group. This study seeks, through the use of data collected conducting semi-structured interviews with professionals from multidisciplinary groups, to identify opportunities for the informal use of mobile and wireless technologies in intelligence processes in organizations. Los impactos positivos y negativos de las tecnologías de la información móviles son conceptualmente inseparables. En este estudio, investigamos el uso informal de tecnologías móviles e inalámbricas en las organizaciones, buscando entender cómo las organizaciones pueden trabajar en las nuevas oportunidades que surgen de este uso, y cómo las interacciones y la información generada pueden ser utilizadas por las organizaciones para promover beneficios en ciertos procesos organizacionales. El contexto utilizado es el de la Inteligencia Estratégica Anticipativa y Colectiva (IEAc), operada por el método L.E.SCAnning®, enfocándose en los pasos que interactúan con el entorno externo de la organización: recolección y transferencia de señales débiles.Estos temas, a pesar de ser recurrentes, aún son poco explorados en el contexto latinoamericano, tanto a nivel individual como grupal. Este estudio busca, mediante el uso de datos recolectados a través de entrevistas semiestructuradas con profesionales de grupos multidisciplinares, identificar oportunidades para el uso informal de tecnologías móvileen procesos de inteligencia en las organizaciones. Os impactos positivos e negativos das tecnologias de informação móvel e sem fio são conceitualmente inseparáveis. Neste artigo, investiga-se o uso informal das tecnologias móveis e sem fio nas organizações, buscando compreender como as organizações podem trabalhar novas oportunidades decorrentes deste uso, e como as interações e informações geradas podem ser utilizadas pelas organizações de forma a promover benefícios em determinados processos. O contexto utilizado é o da Inteligência Estratégica Antecipativa e Coletiva (IEAc), operacionalizada pelo método L.E.SCAnning®, com enfoque para as etapas que interagem com o ambiente externo da organização: coleta e repasse dos sinais fracos. Estes temas, a pesar de recorrentes, ainda são pouco explorados no contexto latino-americano, tanto individualmente como em conjunto. Com a realização deste estudo busca-se, através do uso de dados coletados através de entrevistas semiestruturadas realizadas com profissionais de grupos multidisciplinares, identificar oportunidades do uso informal das tecnologias móveis e sem fio em processos de Inteligência nas organizações

    Perspectives of agility in the corporate environment: a view under the context of the use of Mobile Technologies

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    The impact and importance of the use of mobile technologies in personal and professional lives of individuals is increasing in Latin America. One of the major impacts of such use in the organizational context concerns the agility gain. However, the concept of agility is still not robust, since there is no clear and precise definition with respect to the theoretical model. The purpose of this research is therefore to deepen the concept of agility in the dimensions concerning the use of mobile technologies. To do so, we related the constructs identified in the literature review to the agility characteristics in respect of use of mobile technologies through a card sorting tool. The results indicate three major perspectives of agility from the use of mobile technologies are time, access to information and communication. Keywords: use of mobile technologies, enterprise mobility, agility El impacto y la importancia del uso de tecnologías móviles en la vida personal y profesional de las personas está aumentando en America Latina. Uno de los mayores impactos de este uso en el contexto organizacional se refiere al aumento de la agilidad. Sin embargo, el concepto de agilidad aún no es muy robusto, dado que no existe una definición clara y precisa con respecto al modelo teórico. El objetivo de esta investigación es, por tanto, profundizar el concepto de agilidad en las dimensiones relacionadas con el uso de tecnologías móviles, relacionando los constructos identificados en la revisión de la literatura con las características de agilidad en el contexto del uso de tecnologías móviles, a través de una herramienta de clasificación de cartas. Los resultados indican tres grandes perspectivas de agilidad debido a la adopción de tecnologías móviles, a saber, el tiempo, el acceso a la información y la comunicación. Palabras clave: uso de tecnologías móviles, movilidad empresarial, agilidad O impacto e a importância da utilização das tecnologias móveis e sem fio na vida pessoal e profissional dos indivíduos está aumentando na América Latina. Um dos grandes impactos dessa utilização no contexto organizacional diz respeito ao ganho de agilidade. Contudo, o conceito de agilidade ainda é pouco robusto, dado que não há uma definição clara e precisa com relação ao modelo teórico. O objetivo desta investigação é, portanto o de aprofundar o conceito de agilidade nas dimensões relativas à utilização das tecnologias móveis e sem fio, relacionando construtos identificados na revisão de literatura às características da agilidade no contexto da utilização das TIMS através de uma ferramenta de card sorting. Os resultados indicam três grandes perspectivas da agilidade em decorrência da adoção das TIMS, sendo elas tempo, acesso à informação e comunicação

    Examining the post-adoptive infusion of mobile technology in a healthcare domain: determinants and outcomes

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    The healthcare industry is beginning to appreciate the benefits which can be obtained from using Mobile Health Systems (MHS) at the point-of-care. As a result, healthcare organisations are investing heavily in mobile health initiatives with the expectation that users will employ the system to enhance performance. Despite widespread endorsement and support for the implementation of MHS, empirical evidence surrounding the benefits of MHS remains to be fully established. For MHS to be truly valuable, it is argued that the technological tool be infused within healthcare practitioners work practices and used to its full potential in post-adoptive scenarios. Yet, there is a paucity of research focusing on the infusion of MHS by healthcare practitioners. In order to address this gap in the literature, the objective of this study is to explore the determinants and outcomes of MHS infusion by healthcare practitioners. This research study adopts a post-positivist theory building approach to MHS infusion. Existing literature is utilised to develop a conceptual model by which the research objective is explored. Employing a mixed-method approach, this conceptual model is first advanced through a case study in the UK whereby propositions established from the literature are refined into testable hypotheses. The final phase of this research study involves the collection of empirical data from a Canadian hospital which supports the refined model and its associated hypotheses. The results from both phases of data collection are employed to develop a model of MHS infusion. The study contributes to IS theory and practice by: (1) developing a model with six determinants (Availability, MHS Self-Efficacy, Time-Criticality, Habit, Technology Trust, and Task Behaviour) and individual performance-related outcomes of MHS infusion (Effectiveness, Efficiency, and Learning), (2) examining undocumented determinants and relationships, (3) identifying prerequisite conditions that both healthcare practitioners and organisations can employ to assist with MHS infusion, (4) developing a taxonomy that provides conceptual refinement of IT infusion, and (5) informing healthcare organisations and vendors as to the performance of MHS in post-adoptive scenarios