22 research outputs found


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    Deriving from many cases in a single parenting that effects the children’s physic and mental development directs this study to be worth-conducting. This study aimed at investigating the toddler’s physical and mental growth in a single parenting through qualitative approach. A narrative design was employed to reveal the untold story of a toddler in a single parenting through participatory observation. Then narrative analysis was applied based on these procedures: (1) observing the research object, (2) classifying the data, (3) interpreting data, and (4) (re)checking the data interpretation with the subject of research in order to search out verification (Creswell & Poth, 2018). Afterwards, the results were found that a toddler could meet his basic needs of life from a single parent through three aspects, such as child’s physical-biological education, child’s spiritual education, and child’s socio-cultural education. Thus, this study has emphasized the potential of toodler’s physic and mental attainment in context. Suggestions were then presented at the end of this article

    E-Learning System Implementation Program for Kindergarten Level

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    The Community Partnership Program, the form of mentoring the implementation of the E-Learning System for the level of kindergarten, is a new paradigm in community service activities that support improving kindergarten-level learning through the e-Learning System implementation. This program aims to implement Social Learning Theory in the implementation of the E-Learning System, and to assist in the management of E-Learning at the Kindergarten level, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic.This case study had conducted at the Fatahillah Islamic Kindergarten in the Depok area, West Java, Indonesia. The general problem in this study reveals that most Kindergarten teachers and parents in children's education have a lack of understanding of social learning in the e-learning system and a problem of lack of understanding by managers to understand the operational procedures for managing the e-learning system. The results of this study in this program assisted in the making of learning modules based on social learning theory and assistance in managing e-Learning systems.  In this study, the program has contributed to the implementation of good e-learning, at the Kindergarten level in the Depok Region of West Java, especially in the Fatahillah Islamic Kindergarten

    How design and technology can contribute to learning: the Mobeybou in Brazil educational game case study

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    Currently, there is a generation of children that tend to be exposed from a very early age to digital media, especially in the most economically and culturally developed societies. Thus, it is necessary to think about ways in which technology can contribute to learning, namely by seeking to converge the recreational component with the educational while preventing or suppressing potential dangers. This study aimed at extending the Mobeybou pedagogical materials, i.e., a Digital Manipulative for storytelling, and a set of interactive story applications, thus integrating the easy access that children have to technologies and the positive characteristics of games. In this context, here we present a descriptive case study of the design process of the interface for a game to be integrated into the Mobeybou in Brazil story app. The game interface is intended to reinforce the knowledge conveyed through the reading of the story app, therefore contributing to the development of language skills, creativity, and digital literacy. The game interface should be easy and intuitive to use, its development followed a design thinking methodology. A pilot test carried out with a group of five children aged between 8 and 9 years-old revealed very encouraging results, showing that the game interface was easy to use and engaged children with the story content.This work has been financed by national funds through the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT)—and by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the Competitiveness and Internationalization Operational Program under the reference POCI/01/0145/FEDER/032580

    Distance Learning Model Innovation for Early Childhood during COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Purpose – The COVID-19 pandemic has changed many lives, especially in the field of education. These changes start from the level of early childhood education, elementary education, to higher education. The learning process initially done conventionally in early childhood education has now been transformed into distance-learning or online. This sudden transformation of learning is essential to present an innovative distance learning model in the early childhood education environment. This study describes the distance learning model innovation for early childhood, implemented by PAUD Wadas Kelir, South Purwokerto, during the COVID-19 pandemic. Teachers designed this learning model at PAUD Wadas Kelir by combining fun and unique online and offline learning. Design/methods/approach – This type of research is field research with a descriptive qualitative method. In collecting data, researchers used three methods, i.e., observation, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis technique used, i.e., reducing data, presenting data, and drawing conclusions. Moreover, the validity of the data is tested using triangulation techniques. Findings – The results of this study show that there are ten learning model innovations implemented by ECE Wadas Kelir, i.e., learning with parental involvement, work projects, study visits, quizzes, online learning, creativity competitions, films and videos, creative and interactive stories, recording materials, and learning appreciation. Research implications/limitations – This case study focuses on Early Childhood Education (ECE) learning models applied to early childhood education institutions during the pandemic in PAUD Wadas Kelir, South Purwokerto, but it is unlikely that the situation is different elsewhere because the pandemic is Indonesia and global. Practical implications – This case study demonstrated how the application learning models of ECE during the pandemic are effective for children's growth and development. Originality/value – This paper contributes to knowledge and understanding of applying several learning models for ECE during the pandemic as reference material in implementing the learning process for early childhood. Paper type Case stud

    Aprendizagem Digital: Modelos diferenciados de ensino utilizando TICs para alunos com problemas de visão – Boas práticas: Jogando entre 1 a 10

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    The idea of inclusion encourages an inclusive, open-door school. By adapting formal instruction to standard instruction that is acceptable for everyone while taking into account the requirements, quirks, skills, interests, and experiences of each student, the use of ICTs aids in this direction. One such group is the visually challenged, whose inclusion in general education classes is made possible with the use of ICTs. In the current study, a method of individualized education in the field of mathematics is developed and put into practice, allowing all students-visually impaired or not-to master the mathematical operation of adding to the first ten at their own speed and time. Results show that differentiated instruction improves students' ability to understand mathematical operations: ADDITION from 1 to 10.La idea de inclusión fomenta una escuela inclusiva y de puertas abiertas. Al adaptar la instrucción formal a la instrucción estándar aceptable para todos, teniendo en cuenta los requisitos, peculiaridades, habilidades, intereses y experiencias de cada estudiante, el uso de las TIC ayuda en esta dirección. Uno de estos grupos es el de los discapacitados visuales, cuya inclusión en las clases de educación general es posible con el uso de las TIC. En el presente estudio se desarrolla y pone en práctica un método de enseñanza individualizado en el área de matemáticas, que permite a todos los alumnos -con discapacidad visual o no- dominar la operación matemática de sumar al top ten a su propio ritmo y tiempo. Los resultados muestran que la enseñanza diferenciada mejora la capacidad de los estudiantes para comprender las operaciones matemáticas: SUMA del 1 al 10.A ideia de inclusão incentiva uma escola inclusiva e de portas abertas. Ao adaptar a instrução formal à instrução padrão aceitável para todos, levando em conta os requisitos, peculiaridades, habilidades, interesses e experiências de cada aluno, o uso das TICs auxilia nessa direção. Um desses grupos é o dos deficientes visuais, cuja inclusão nas classes de educação geral é possível com o uso das TICs. No presente estudo, é desenvolvido e colocado em prática um método de ensino individualizado na área da matemática, permitindo que todos os alunos-deficientes visuais ou não-dominem a operação matemática de somar aos dez primeiros no seu próprio ritmo e tempo. Os resultados mostram que o ensino diferenciado melhora a capacidade dos alunos de entender as operações matemáticas: ADIÇÃO de 1 a 10

    A terapia de integração sensorial como facilitadora do desenvolvimento da inteligência emocional em crianças com perturbação do espectro autista e o papel das TIC

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    Sensory Integration Therapy (SIT) is a widely known and used intervention by a lot of professionals and practitioners in the field of special education as being an enabler of functionality of the child. Through intervention, the sensory processing components that have been affected are targeted. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that is highly affected by sensory modulation disorder (SMD), a special subcategory of sensory processing disorder (SPD) that is expressed in various ways causing activation of Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) leading to biological and physiological stress. Emotional Intelligence (EI) is a complex set of skills that drive us to higher mental states. According to theorists the basis of these skills is the ability to manage and regulate stimulus. The purpose of this literature review is to investigate the connections between SIT and EI in children with ASD. In the introduction basic definitions and concepts of ASD and SIT are analyzed and in the main part correlations between EI and SMD are made, discussing the effectiveness of SIT in ASD children.La Terapia de Integración Sensorial (SIT, por sus siglas en inglés) es una intervención ampliamente conocida utilizada por muchos profesionales y practicantes en el campo de la educación especial como facilitadora del funcionamiento infantil. A través de la intervención, los componentes del procesamiento sensorial que se han visto afectados son objeto de intervención. El Trastorno del Espectro Autista (TEA) es un trastorno del neurodesarrollo que se ve muy afectado por el Trastorno de Modulación Sensorial (SMD), una subcategoría especial del Trastorno del Procesamiento Sensorial (SPD) que se expresa de varias maneras, desencadenando la activación del Sistema Nervioso Autonómico (SNA) , lo que conduce a estrés biológico y fisiológico. La Inteligencia Emocional (IE) es un conjunto complejo de habilidades que nos llevan a estados mentales superiores. Según los teóricos, la base de estas habilidades es la capacidad de gestionar y regular los estímulos. El objetivo de esta revisión de la literatura es investigar los vínculos entre SIT y EI en niños con TEA. En la introducción se analizan las definiciones y conceptos básicos de TEA y SIT y, en su mayor parte, se realizan correlaciones entre IE y SMD, discutiendo la efectividad de SIT en niños con TEA.A Terapia de Integração Sensorial (SIT) é uma intervenção amplamente conhecida e utilizada por muitos profissionais e praticantes no domínio da educação especial como facilitadora da funcionalidade da criança. Através da intervenção, os componentes do processamento sensorial que foram afetados são alvo de intervenção. A Perturbação do Espectro do Autismo (PEA) é uma perturbação do neurodesenvolvimento muito afetada pela perturbação da modulação sensorial (SMD), uma subcategoria especial da perturbação do processamento sensorial (SPD) que se exprime de várias formas, provocando a ativação do Sistema Nervoso Autónomo (SNA), o que leva a um stress biológico e fisiológico. A Inteligência Emocional (IE) é um conjunto complexo de competências que nos conduzem a estados mentais mais elevados. De acordo com os teóricos, a base destas competências é a capacidade de gerir e regular os estímulos. O objetivo desta revisão da literatura é investigar as ligações entre os SIT e a IE em crianças com PEA. Na introdução, são analisadas as definições e os conceitos básicos de PEA e de SIT e, na parte principal, são feitas correlações entre a IE e o SMD, discutindo-se a eficácia do SIT em crianças com PEA

    Intercultural Education and ADHD: Τhe Use of Virtual Reality as a Means of Intervention and Assessment

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    People are looking to the digital world for solutions to the challenges they face in their everyday lives, as technology continues to advance rapidly. People with impairments now have equal access to learning opportunities due to technological advancements. ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) has become more prevalent among children and teenagers from ethnic minorities in recent years. Due to challenges with cognitive and metacognitive functioning, this condition is associated with various learning and behavioral difficulties. People can only assimilate into the social environment once they have developed these functions. Children can learn alternative techniques to manage their cognitive deficiencies and adapt to various contexts by developing self-awareness, self-regulation, and self-control through internal attention. With the rapid advancement of research, numerous medical and psychological approaches have been developed for the treatment of ADHD, significantly assisting in the management of symptoms. The current study examines different therapeutic strategies aimed at improving the quality of life for children from racial and ethnic minorities who are affected by ADHD. These strategies include video games with virtual reality (VR) environments

    Sociabilidade: A chave para o transtorno do processamento sensorial

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    Social communication and sensory processing disorder are two factors that interact with each other and the difficulties they find in them impact on different neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism. More specifically, sociability is shown to play a key role in dealing with sensory processing difficulties and the interventions related to it can be implemented in a school setting as well within a therapeutic setting and even at home. The design of these interventions with a focus on sociability aims on the one hand to reduce sensory difficulties and on the other hand to provide meaningful communication when working with children with autism or severe or generalized learning difficulties. This article’s goal is to compile research findings regarding the impact of sociability on children with sensory difficulties through a literature review. Specifically, many interventions with pillars the social communication have been studied to help children with autism and other syndromes The outcomes demonstrated a direct link between sociability and sensory processing disorder with interventions and therapeutic programs implemented in many nations with favorable outcomes in many facets of how children with these issues behave. One of the most effective interventions that helps are Intensive Interaction with high contribution to the sensory regulation of children mainly with autism. Students with neurodevelopmental problems were the samples for the interventions' participants. Application of these programs on a weekly basis, two to three times, is helpful in the right direction.El trastorno de la comunicación social y el procesamiento sensorial son dos factores que interactúan entre sí y las dificultades que encuentran en ellos repercuten en diferentes trastornos del neurodesarrollo como el autismo. Más específicamente, se muestra que la sociabilidad juega un papel clave en el tratamiento de las dificultades de procesamiento sensorial y las intervenciones relacionadas con ella pueden implementarse tanto en un entorno escolar como en un contexto terapéutico e incluso en el hogar. El diseño de estas intervenciones con un enfoque principal en la sociabilidad tiene como objetivo, por un lado, reducir las dificultades sensoriales y, por otro lado, proporcionar una comunicación significativa cuando se trabaja con niños con autismo o dificultades de aprendizaje severas o generalizadas. El propósito de este artículo es registrar datos de investigación sobre el efecto de la sociabilidad en niños con dificultades sensoriales a través de una revisión de la literatura. En concreto, se han estudiado muchas intervenciones con pilares la comunicación social para ayudar a niños con autismo y otros síndromes. Los resultados mostraron que existe una correlación directa entre la sociabilidad y el trastorno del procesamiento sensorial con intervenciones y programas terapéuticos implementados en muchos países con resultados positivos en todos los aspectos del comportamiento de los niños con estas dificultades. Una de las intervenciones más efectivas que ayuda son las Interacciones Intensivas con alto aporte a la regulación sensorial de niños principalmente con autismo. En cuanto a los participantes en las intervenciones, las muestras fueron estudiantes con trastornos del neurodesarrollo estudiados. La frecuencia de aplicación de estos programas 2-3 veces por semana ayuda en la dirección correcta.A comunicação social e o transtorno do processamento sensorial, são dois fatores que interagem entre si e as dificuldades que encontram neles, impactam em diferentes transtornos do neurodesenvolvimento como o autismo. Mais especificamente, a sociabilidade mostra-se como um papel fundamental para lidar com as dificuldades de processamento sensorial e as intervenções relacionadas a ela podem ser implementadas em ambiente escolar, bem como, em contexto terapêutico e até mesmo em casa. O desenho destas intervenções com foco principal na sociabilidade visa por um lado, reduzir as dificuldades sensoriais e, por outro, proporcionar uma comunicação significativa ao trabalhar com crianças com autismo ou dificuldades de aprendizagem graves ou generalizadas. O objetivo deste artigo foi registrar dados de pesquisa sobre o efeito da sociabilidade em crianças com dificuldades sensoriais por meio de uma revisão de literatura. Especificamente, intervenções com pilares na comunicação social, têm sido estudadas para ajudar crianças com autismo e outras síndromes. Os resultados mostraram que existe uma correlação direta entre sociabilidade e transtorno do processamento sensorial com intervenções e programas terapêuticos implementados em vários países com resultados positivos em todos os aspectos do comportamento de crianças com essas dificuldades. Uma das intervenções mais eficazes que auxiliam, são a interação intensiva com alta contribuição para a regulação sensorial em crianças principalmente com autismo. Em relação aos participantes das intervenções, as amostras foram estudantes com transtornos do neurodesenvolvimento estudados. A frequência de aplicação destes programas dois ou três vezes por semana ajuda na direção correta

    استراتيجيات التدريس الإبداعية وعلاقتها بتنمية إبداع مرحلة الطفولة المبكرة

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    تعد استراتيجيات التدريس طريقة للتفكير والسلوك، والعالم اليوم يعيش الكثير من المتغيرات والمستجدات ذات التأثير المباشر على مختلف جوانب الحياة، الذي صاحبه تغيير في أنماط التفكير والجوانب القيمية في شخصية الطفل، فأصبح العبء الملقى على كاهل العقل كبيراً جداً بدخول العالم إلى الألفية الثالثة ، نتيجة المستحدثات التي تستثير الرغبة في التفكير وإعمال العقل لكافة أشكالها من متطلبات التقدم التقني والمعرفي لهذا العصر، الأمر الذي يتحتم معه الاهتمام باستخدام طرق واستراتيجيات تدريسية، تحث وتحفز الطفل على تنمية تفكيره منذ المراحل الأولى من حياته، بتوظيفها والتنويع في تقديمها، الأمر الذي سينعكس على مستقبل أمه بكاملها، من خلال ما سيقدمه هذا الطفل من انتاجات إبداعية وفي مختلف المجالات. ويرى الحنفي والبنا (2018) أن إعداد جيل قادر على العيش في عالم سريع التغير والتطور، أصبح من أهم التحديات التي تواجه المجتمع في تربية وتعليم النشء، ولم يعد دور التربية قاصراً على نقل التراث وإكساب المتعلمين مجموعة من المعارف والمهارات فقط، بل ينبغي إدخال أشكال جديدة من التعليم والتعلم، توفر للمتعلمين القدرة على التكيف مع التغيرات المستقبلية، وتزويدهم بالقدرة على التحكم في المستقبل وتشكيله

    Tecnologia assistiva para crianças com transtorno do espectro autista que vivenciam estresse e ansiedade

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    With the development of current technology and influences that have been made by the Industry 4.0 utilizing ICTs, IoT, smart systems and products and many others, Assistive Technology (AT) is an important and integral part of the daily life of many people who experience disabilities. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a special category of disorder that can greatly benefit from its use. The purpose of this research is to collect data of Assistive Technology aimed at the detection, prevention and improvement of anxiety and stress (a characteristic of which has been proven to exist and is expressed in various ways in people with ASD). In the introduction, basic definitions regarding the neurobiology of stress and ASD are analyzed. In the main part AT, stress and anxiety correlations are made with ASD and AT devices are described and documented regarding their use for anxiety and stress in children and adolescents with ASD. The Assistive equipment and devices are divided into 2 main categories, 1) Low-tech and 2) Mid-High tech. The results of the research reveal a significant research gap in the use of AT to combat stress and anxiety and the difficulty of many promising options (especially in the domain of Mid-High tech) to be an easy and economical solution in integrating them into the daily life of people with ASD.Con el desarrollo de la tecnología actual y las influencias que ha tenido la Industria 4.0 utilizando TIC, IoT, sistemas y productos inteligentes y muchos otros, la Tecnología de asistencia (TA) es una parte importante e integral de la vida diaria de muchas personas que sufren de discapacidad. . . El trastorno del espectro autista (TEA) es una categoría especial de trastorno que puede beneficiarse enormemente de su uso. El objetivo de esta investigación es recopilar datos de Tecnología Asistiva dirigidos a detectar, prevenir y mejorar la ansiedad y el estrés (una característica que está comprobada y se expresa de diferentes formas en las personas con TEA). En la introducción se analizan definiciones básicas sobre la neurobiología del estrés y el TEA. En su mayor parte se realizan correlaciones de TA, estrés y ansiedad con los TEA y se describen y documentan los dispositivos de TA en relación a su uso para la ansiedad y el estrés en niños y adolescentes con TEA. Los equipos y dispositivos de asistencia se dividen en 2 categorías principales, 1) Tecnología baja y 2) Tecnología media-alta. Los resultados de la encuesta revelan una importante brecha de investigación en el uso de TA para combatir el estrés y la ansiedad y la dificultad de que muchas opciones prometedoras (especialmente en el dominio tecnológico medio-alto) sean una solución fácil y rentable para integrarlas en la vida cotidiana. de personas con TEA.Com o desenvolvimento da tecnologia atual e as influências que foram feitas pela Indústria 4.0 utilizando TICs, IoT, sistemas e produtos inteligentes e muitos outros, a Tecnologia Assistiva (TA) é uma parte importante e integrante da vida diária de muitas pessoas que sofrem de deficiência. O Transtorno do Espectro do Autismo (TEA) é uma categoria especial de transtorno que pode se beneficiar muito com seu uso. O objetivo desta pesquisa é coletar dados de Tecnologia Assistiva voltados para a detecção, prevenção e melhora da ansiedade e do estresse (característica que comprovadamente existe e se expressa de diversas formas em pessoas com TEA). Na introdução, são analisadas definições básicas sobre a neurobiologia do estresse e do TEA. Na parte principal, são feitas correlações de TA, estresse e ansiedade com ASD e dispositivos de TA são descritos e documentados em relação ao seu uso para ansiedade e estresse em crianças e adolescentes com TEA. Os equipamentos e dispositivos assistivos são divididos em 2 categorias principais, 1) Low-tech e 2) Mid-High tech. Os resultados da pesquisa revelam uma lacuna significativa de pesquisa no uso de TA para combater o estresse e a ansiedade e a dificuldade de muitas opções promissoras (especialmente no domínio da tecnologia média-alta) serem uma solução fácil e econômica em integrá-las ao cotidiano de pessoas com TEA