3 research outputs found

    The Role of Institutional Pillars on Mobile Learning Adoption in a Developing Country\u27S Higher Education Institution

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    Mobile devices are becoming vital components of human activities. An example is the use of mobile in learning which is gaining popularity in higher education. However studies that account for reasons underlying mobile learning adoption in developing countries (DCs) are limiting in existing literature. This study investigates the role of institutional elements on mobile learning adoption in a higher education institution. As a relatively young concept in Ghana, there are few studies in this area. This study seeks to address the gap. This qualitative case study is on distance education delivery at a public institution. Interviews were used to gather data. The new Institutional theory provided illumination for the study. Analysis revealed that institutional elements play different roles in the adoption process. The study recommends the pursuit of procedures that can help sustain legitimacy of m- learning in higher education

    Proposta d’estudi per avaluar una guia per incentivar les interaccions de les famílies amb un nadó de 0 a 3 mesos

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    Treballs Finals de Grau de Mestre d'Educació Infantil, Facultat d'Educació, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2023-2024, Tutora: Ann Elizabeth Wilson Daily[cat] Cada nadó des del naixement necessita una estimulació constant, que pugui permetre-li un desenvolupament integral òptim. La responsabilitat d’aquesta estimulació primerenca, duta a terme a través de diversos tipus d’interaccions, és de la família, l’entorn més proper del nadó que és un ésser totalment dependent d’ells. Per això, en aquest TFG es proposa la guia digital “Junts: els primers 3 mesos”, dissenyada sobre la base d’estudis empírics, per mesurar si el seu ús augmenta tant el vincle com la interacció entre el progenitor i el nadó a l’edat de 3 mesos. Aquesta avaluació es fa a través de l’estudi d’un grup control i dos grups experimentals, compostos per un total de 60 famílies primerenques escollides en barris específics de la ciutat de Barcelona. El grup control no rep la guia, mentre que els grups experimentals 1 i 2 en tenen accés, amb la diferència que el segon grup experimental també participa en un curs sobre interaccions. L’avaluació és pre i post implementació i es du a terme a través de l’ús d’un qüestionari, per avaluar el vincle progenitor infant, i d’observacions, per a l’avaluació de la interacció entre el progenitor i l’infant. S’espera que l’accés i l’ús de la guia “Junts: els primers tres mesos” augmenti tant el vincle com la interacció entre els progenitors i el nadó.[eng] Every baby, from birth, needs constant stimulation to enable optimal integral development. The responsibility for this early stimulation, carried out through various types of interactions, lies within the family, the closest environment to the baby who is entirely dependent on them. Therefore, this Bachelor’s Thesis proposes the digital guide "Together: the first 3 months", which was designed based on empirical studies, in order to measure if its use increases both the bond and the interaction between the parents and baby at the age of 3 months. This evaluation is conducted through the study of a control group and two experimental groups, consisting of a total of 60 first-time families selected from specific neighbourhoods in the city of Barcelona. The control group does not receive the guide, while experimental groups 1 and 2 have access to it, with the difference that the second experimental group also participates in a course on interactions. The evaluation is pre- and post-implementation and is carried out by using a questionnaire to assess the parent child bond and observations to evaluate the interaction between the parents and their child. It is expected that the access to and use of the guide "Together: the first 3 months” will increase both the bond and the interaction between the parents and their baby.[ita] Ogni neonato, sin dalla nascita, ha bisogno di stimolazione costante per uno sviluppo integrale ottimale. L’ambiente più vicino e da cui dipende totalmente il neonato è la famiglia che è responsabile della stimolazione precoce data da vare modalità d’interazione. A tale scopo, in questa Tesi di Laurea si propone una guida digitale "Insieme: i primi 3 mesi", progettata sulla base di studi empirici, per valutare un possibile aumento del legame e dell’interazione tra il genitore e il neonato di 3 mesi. La ricerca coinvolge un gruppo di controllo e due gruppi sperimentali, composti da un totale di 60 famiglie alla prima esperienza, appartenenti a quartieri specifici della città di Barcellona (devi mettere i quartieri?). Il gruppo di controllo non riceve la guida, mentre i gruppi sperimentali 1 e 2 vi hanno accesso, con la partecipazione del secondo gruppo a un corso sulle interazioni. Si raccolgono dati pre e post implementazione ,mediante l'utilizzo di un questionario, per valutare il legame genitore-bambino, e di osservazioni, per valutare l'interazione tra il genitore e il bambino. L’ipotesi di ricerca prevede che l'accesso e l'uso della guida "Insieme: i primi tre mesi" aumenti sia il legame che l'interazione tra i genitori e il neonato

    A mobile learning framework for universities in Pakistan

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    This research aims at identifying mobile learning characteristics. In this exploratory research, focus groups involving students, teachers and administrative stakeholders from Pakistani universities informed the research findings. Socio-cultural aspect is a major contributing factor, in addition to pedagogical and technological factors. A Mobile Learning Framework (MLF) incorporating these factors was developed to cater for developing countries' learning environments. MLF may be generalized to other developing and developed countries with similar higher education and socio-cultural environments