295 research outputs found


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    Cooperative Vehicular Platooning (Co-VP) is a paradigmatic example of a Cooperative Cyber-Physical System (Co-CPS), which holds the potential to vastly improve road safety by partially removing humans from the driving task. However, the challenges are substantial, as the domain involves several topics, such as control theory, communications, vehicle dynamics, security, and traffic engineering, that must be coupled to describe, develop and validate these systems of systems accurately. This work presents a comprehensive survey of significant and recent advances in Co-VP relevant fields. We start by overviewing the work on control strategies and underlying communication infrastructures, focusing on their interplay. We also address a fundamental concern by presenting a cyber-security overview regarding these systems. Furthermore, we present and compare the primary initiatives to test and validate those systems, including simulation tools, hardware-in-the-loop setups, and vehicular testbeds. Finally, we highlight a few open challenges in the Co-VP domain. This work aims to provide a fundamental overview of highly relevant works on Co-VP topics, particularly by exposing their inter-dependencies, facilitating a guide that will support further developments in this challenging field.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    V2I-Based Platooning Design with Delay Awareness

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    This paper studies the vehicle platooning system based on vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communication, where all the vehicles in the platoon upload their driving state information to the roadside unit (RSU), and RSU makes the platoon control decisions with the assistance of edge computing. By addressing the delay concern, a platoon control approach is proposed to achieve plant stability and string stability. The effects of the time headway, communication and edge computing delays on the stability are quantified. The velocity and size of the stable platoon are calculated, which show the impacts of the radio parameters such as massive MIMO antennas and frequency band on the platoon configuration. The handover performance between RSUs in the V2I-based platooning system is quantified by considering the effects of the RSU's coverage and platoon size, which demonstrates that the velocity of a stable platoon should be appropriately chosen, in order to meet the V2I's Quality-of-Service and handover constraints

    5G for Vehicular Use Cases: Analysis of Technical Requirements, Value Propositions and Outlook

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    The fifth generation (5G) of wireless networks promises to meet the stringent requirements of vehicular use cases that cannot be supported by previous technologies. However, the stakeholders of the automotive industry (e.g., car manufacturers and road operators) are still skeptical about the capability of the telecom industry to take the lead in a market that has been dominated by dedicated intelligent transport systems (ITS) deployments. In this context, this paper constructs a framework where the potential of 5G to support different vehicular use cases is thoroughly examined under a common format from both the technical and business perspectives. From the technical standpoint, a storyboard description is developed to explain when and how different use case scenarios may come into play (i.e., pre-conditions, service flows and post-conditions). Then, a methodology to trial each scenario is developed including a functional architecture, an analysis of the technical requirements and a set of target test cases. From the business viewpoint, an initial analysis of the qualitative value perspectives is conducted considering the stakeholders, identifying the pain points of the existing solutions, and highlighting the added value of 5G in overcoming them. The future evolution of the considered use cases is finally discussed

    Wireless Communication Technologies for Safe Cooperative Cyber Physical Systems

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    Cooperative Cyber-Physical Systems (Co-CPSs) can be enabled using wireless communication technologies, which in principle should address reliability and safety challenges. Safety for Co-CPS enabled by wireless communication technologies is a crucial aspect and requires new dedicated design approaches. In this paper, we provide an overview of five Co-CPS use cases, as introduced in our SafeCOP EU project, and analyze their safety design requirements. Next, we provide a comprehensive analysis of the main existing wireless communication technologies giving details about the protocols developed within particular standardization bodies. We also investigate to what extent they address the non-functional requirements in terms of safety, security and real time, in the different application domains of each use case. Finally, we discuss general recommendations about the use of different wireless communication technologies showing their potentials in the selected real-world use cases. The discussion is provided under consideration in the 5G standardization process within 3GPP, whose current efforts are inline to current gaps in wireless communications protocols for Co-CPSs including many future use casesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    iDriving: Toward Safe and Efficient Infrastructure-directed Autonomous Driving

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    Autonomous driving will become pervasive in the coming decades. iDriving improves the safety of autonomous driving at intersections and increases efficiency by improving traffic throughput at intersections. In iDriving, roadside infrastructure remotely drives an autonomous vehicle at an intersection by offloading perception and planning from the vehicle to roadside infrastructure. To achieve this, iDriving must be able to process voluminous sensor data at full frame rate with a tail latency of less than 100 ms, without sacrificing accuracy. We describe algorithms and optimizations that enable it to achieve this goal using an accurate and lightweight perception component that reasons on composite views derived from overlapping sensors, and a planner that jointly plans trajectories for multiple vehicles. In our evaluations, iDriving always ensures safe passage of vehicles, while autonomous driving can only do so 27% of the time. iDriving also results in 5x lower wait times than other approaches because it enables traffic-light free intersections

    Augmenting CCAM Infrastructure for Creating Smart Roads and Enabling Autonomous Driving

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    Autonomous vehicles and smart roads are not new concepts and the undergoing development to empower the vehicles for higher levels of automation has achieved initial milestones. However, the transportation industry and relevant research communities still require making considerable efforts to create smart and intelligent roads for autonomous driving. To achieve the results of such efforts, the CCAM infrastructure is a game changer and plays a key role in achieving higher levels of autonomous driving. In this paper, we present a smart infrastructure and autonomous driving capabilities enhanced by CCAM infrastructure. Meaning thereby, we lay down the technical requirements of the CCAM infrastructure: identify the right set of the sensory infrastructure, their interfacing, integration platform, and necessary communication interfaces to be interconnected with upstream and downstream solution components. Then, we parameterize the road and network infrastructures (and automated vehicles) to be advanced and evaluated during the research work, under the very distinct scenarios and conditions. For validation, we demonstrate the machine learning algorithms in mobility applications such as traffic flow and mobile communication demands. Consequently, we train multiple linear regression models and achieve accuracy of over 94% for predicting aforementioned demands on a daily basis. This research therefore equips the readers with relevant technical information required for enhancing CCAM infrastructure. It also encourages and guides the relevant research communities to implement the CCAM infrastructure towards creating smart and intelligent roads for autonomous driving

    5G-Enabled Autonomous Platooning on Robotic Vehicle Testbed

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    Humanity is progressively moving towards a more intuitive and technological future. The area of Intelligent and Cooperative Transport Systems has revealed itself as one of the areas in great evolution, through technologies of autonomous driving and intravehicle communication. With the main goal of providing accident-free environments as well as optimizing the movement of vehicles on roads all over the world, Vehicle to Everything (V2X) communication is very important when it comes to all kinds of vehicular applications. The CMU|PT FLOYD project focuses on this area, with the aim of developing new systems for possible future implementation. In this report, a vehicular application using a 5G-capable module to perform Vehicle to Infrastructure (V2I) communications was evaluated. This vehicular application is based on an emergency braking scenario, whereby detecting an approaching vehicle in a place where an accident occurred, a message is sent over the network that is picked up by the main vehicle, triggering braking. It should be noted that this sending will be made through the module with 5G capacity, thus being an innovative application. Complementary to this scenario is the tracking of a vehicle by another vehicle, thus making a more complex emergency braking application with a cooperative platoon. This platoon will be maintained through sensors present in the following vehicle, such as LiDAR and ZED camera. With this, image processing and a sensor fusion was done in order to keep the follower at a safe distance but with the ability to follow the leader. In order to validate and test this entire solution, robotic testbeds were used as a low-cost solution, allowing a concrete evaluation, with enlightening physical results of the entire application performed.A humanidade, está a caminhar, progressivamente, para um futuro mais intuitivo e tecnológico. A área dos Sistemas Inteligentes e Cooperativos de Transporte tem-se revelado como uma das áreas em grande evolução, através de tecnologias de condução autónoma e comunicação intra-veicular. Com o objetivo principal de proporcionar ambientes sem acidentes, assim como otimizar o movimento de veículos nas estradas de todo o mundo, a comunicação V2X é muito importante no que toca a todo o tipo de aplicações veiculares. O projeto CMU|PT FLOYD centra-se nesta mesma área, com o intuito de desenvolver novos sistemas de possível implementação futura. Neste relatório, é avaliada assim uma aplicação veicular utilizando um módulo com capacidade 5G para realizar comunicações V2I. Essa aplicação veicular baseiase num cenário de travagem de emergência, em que ao detetar uma aproximação de um veículo num local onde ocorreu um acidente, é enviada uma mensagem pela rede que é captada pelo veículo principal, despoletando a travagem. De destacar que este envio será feito através do módulo com capacidade 5G, sendo desta forma uma aplicação inovadora. Complementado a este cenário está a realização do seguimento de um veículo por parte de um outro veículo, tornando assim uma aplicação mais complexa de travagem de emergência com um pelotão cooperativo. Este pelotão será mantido através de sensores presentes no veículo seguidor como o LiDAR e a ZED camera. Com isto, foi utilizado processamento de imagem e foi feita a fusão de sensores de forma a manter o seguidor a uma distância de segurança mas com capacidade de seguir o líder. Com o objetivo de validar e testar toda esta solução, foram utilizadas plataformas robóticas como solução de baixo custo, permitindo assim ter uma avaliação concreta, com resultados físicos esclarecedores de toda a aplicação realizada