6 research outputs found

    Self-Adaptive Stochastic Rayleigh Flat Fading Channel Estimation

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    International audienceThis paper deals with channel estimation over flat fading Rayleigh channel with Jakes' Doppler Spectrum. Many estimation algorithms exploit the time-domain correlation of the channel by employing a Kalman filter based on a first-order (or sometimes second-order) approximation of the time-varying channel with a criterion based on correlation matching (CM), or on the Minimization of Asymptotic Variance (MAV). In this paper, we first consider a reduced complexity approach based on Least Mean Square (LMS) algorithm, for which we provide closed-form expressions of the optimal step-size coefficient versus the channel state statistic (additive noise power and Doppler frequency) and of corresponding asymptotic mean-squared-error (MSE). However, the optimal tuning of the step-size coefficient requires knowledge of the channel's statistic. This knowledge was also a requirement for the aforementioned Kalman-based methods. As a second contribution, we propose a self-adaptive estimation method based on a stochastic gradient which does not need a priori knowledge. We show that the asymptotic MSE of the self-adaptive algorithm is almost the same as the first order Kalman filter optimized with the MAV criterion and is better than the latter optimized with the conventional CM criterion. We finally improve the speed and reactivity of the algorithm by computing an adaptive speed process leading to a fast algorithm with very good asymptotic performance

    Position location in wireless MIMO communication systems

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    Motivation and objectives -- Contributions -- Organization of the thesis -- Wireless communication channels -- Overview of wireless position location systems -- Fundamentals of array signal processing -- Mimo and space-time processing -- Bidirectional mimo channel model -- The system model -- The bidirectional beamforming MIMO channel -- Joint estimation of multipath parameters for Mimo systenms -- The proposed maximum likelihood multipath parameter estimation algorithms -- The proposed subspace-based multipath parameter estimation algorithm -- The cramer-rao lower bound -- Position location of mobile terminal in mimo systems -- The proposed hybrid TDOA/AOA/AOD location method for Mimo systems -- Analysis of the proposed location method for MIMO systems

    Méthodes de traitement numérique du signal pour l'annulation d'auto-interférences dans un terminal mobile

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    Radio frequency transceivers are now massively multi-standards, which meansthat several communication standards can cohabit in the same environment. As a consequence,analog components have to face critical design constraints to match the differentstandards requirements and self-interferences that are directly introduced by the architectureitself are more and more present and detrimental. This work exploits the dirty RFparadigm : we accept the signal to be polluted by self-interferences and we develop digitalsignal processing algorithms to mitigate those aforementioned pollutions and improve signalquality. We study here different self-interferences and propose baseband models anddigital adaptive algorithms for which we derive closed form formulae of both transientand asymptotic performance. We also propose an original adaptive step-size overlay toimprove transient performance of our method. We finally validate our approach on a systemon chip dedicated to cellular communications and on a software defined radio.Les émetteurs-récepteurs actuels tendent à devenir multi-standards c’est-àdireque plusieurs standards de communication peuvent cohabiter sur la même puce. Lespuces sont donc amenées à traiter des signaux de formes très différentes, et les composantsanalogiques subissent des contraintes de conception de plus en plus fortes associées au supportdes différentes normes. Les auto-interférences, c’est à dire les interférences généréespar le système lui-même, sont donc de plus en plus présentes, et de plus en plus problématiquesdans les architectures actuelles. Ces travaux s’inscrivent dans le paradigmede la « radio sale » qui consiste à accepter une pollution partielle du signal d’intérêtet à réaliser, par l’intermédiaire d’algorithmes, une atténuation de l’impact de ces pollutionsauto-générées. Dans ce manuscrit, on s’intéresse à différentes auto-interférences(phénomène de "spurs", de "Tx leakage", ...) dont on étudie les modèles numériques etpour lesquelles nous proposons des stratégies de compensation. Les algorithmes proposéssont des algorithmes de traitement du signal adaptatif qui peuvent être vus comme des« algorithmes de soustraction de bruit » basés sur des références plus ou moins précises.Nous dérivons analytiquement les performances transitionnelles et asymptotiques théoriquesdes algorithmes proposés. On se propose également d’ajouter à nos systèmes unesur-couche originale qui permet d’accélérer la convergence, tout en maintenant des performancesasymptotiques prédictibles et paramétrables. Nous validons enfin notre approchesur une puce dédiée aux communications cellulaires ainsi que sur une plateforme de radiologicielle