22,699 research outputs found

    Study of Subjective and Objective Quality Assessment of Mobile Cloud Gaming Videos

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    We present the outcomes of a recent large-scale subjective study of Mobile Cloud Gaming Video Quality Assessment (MCG-VQA) on a diverse set of gaming videos. Rapid advancements in cloud services, faster video encoding technologies, and increased access to high-speed, low-latency wireless internet have all contributed to the exponential growth of the Mobile Cloud Gaming industry. Consequently, the development of methods to assess the quality of real-time video feeds to end-users of cloud gaming platforms has become increasingly important. However, due to the lack of a large-scale public Mobile Cloud Gaming Video dataset containing a diverse set of distorted videos with corresponding subjective scores, there has been limited work on the development of MCG-VQA models. Towards accelerating progress towards these goals, we created a new dataset, named the LIVE-Meta Mobile Cloud Gaming (LIVE-Meta-MCG) video quality database, composed of 600 landscape and portrait gaming videos, on which we collected 14,400 subjective quality ratings from an in-lab subjective study. Additionally, to demonstrate the usefulness of the new resource, we benchmarked multiple state-of-the-art VQA algorithms on the database. The new database will be made publicly available on our website: \url{https://live.ece.utexas.edu/research/LIVE-Meta-Mobile-Cloud-Gaming/index.html}Comment: Accepted to IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2023. The database will be publicly available by 1st week of July 202

    GAMIVAL: Video Quality Prediction on Mobile Cloud Gaming Content

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    The mobile cloud gaming industry has been rapidly growing over the last decade. When streaming gaming videos are transmitted to customers' client devices from cloud servers, algorithms that can monitor distorted video quality without having any reference video available are desirable tools. However, creating No-Reference Video Quality Assessment (NR VQA) models that can accurately predict the quality of streaming gaming videos rendered by computer graphics engines is a challenging problem, since gaming content generally differs statistically from naturalistic videos, often lacks detail, and contains many smooth regions. Until recently, the problem has been further complicated by the lack of adequate subjective quality databases of mobile gaming content. We have created a new gaming-specific NR VQA model called the Gaming Video Quality Evaluator (GAMIVAL), which combines and leverages the advantages of spatial and temporal gaming distorted scene statistics models, a neural noise model, and deep semantic features. Using a support vector regression (SVR) as a regressor, GAMIVAL achieves superior performance on the new LIVE-Meta Mobile Cloud Gaming (LIVE-Meta MCG) video quality database.Comment: Accepted to IEEE SPL 2023. The implementation of GAMIVAL has been made available online: https://github.com/lskdream/GAMIVA

    AHP-based Adaptive Resource Selection for Cognitive Platform in Cloud Gaming Service

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    Cloud gaming service enables offloading heavy video-processing tasks up to the cloud server so that simple computers or mobile devices can be eligible to run sophisticated games, but on the expense of high network communications. In this regard, the adequate network utilization must be realized for delivering good gaming experiences to the game players. This necessitates a cognitive platform, which is capable of modifying its multimedia quality requirement in response to the network constraint, and notifying the cloud gaming server for updating the corresponded workload. In this regard, the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method has been proposed to deploy at the cognitive platform for cloud gaming service to select an optimal resource allocation strategy that satisfies various multimedia requirements and energy-awareness. Experiment results can confirm that the proposed method is flexible to enhance the capability of cloud gaming service in term of more efficient cloud gaming resource utilization, particularly during heavy-congested periods, while players’ quality of gaming experience can be still maintained under the mandate of intelligent agent on the player devices

    Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Cloud Gaming di Android

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    Cloud computing memungkinkan pengguna untuk menjalankan aplikasi pada cloud server melalui jaringan. Cloud computing dapat diterapkan di berbagai bidang, salah satunya adalah game. Cloud gaming dapat meringankan beban komputasi perangkat pengguna dalam menjalankan sebuah game. Hal ini dikarenakan seluruh penyimpanan dan proses-proses dalam game mulai dari komputasi sampai rendering berada di server. Hasil rendering akan dikirim ke perangkat client secara streaming. Pengguna berinteraksi dengan game melalui perangkat client yang terhubung ke server. Cloud gaming memungkinkan game dapat dimankan di mana saja, kapan saja, dan dengan perangkat apa saja, mulai dari PC sampai perangkat mobile (telepon seluler dan tablet). Penelitian ini akan membahas mengenai perancangan aplikasi cloud gaming pada server dan client. Aplikasi server akan dibuat pada sistem operasi Windows 7, sedangkan aplikasi klien akan dibuat pada Android. Hasil yang diharapkan dari penelitian ini adalah terciptanya aplikasi cloud gaming yang memungkinkan pengguna memainkan game pada server secara streaming


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    Perkembangan teknologi sebuah mobile phone yang pesat, dengan hadirnya Operating System Android pada telepon seluler, pengguna mobile phone mampu mengakses dan mengatur layanan serta fitur-fitur pada Operating System dengan bebas. Mobile phone juga berfungsi tidak hanya sebagai alat komunikasi saja, namun dengan adanya berbagai layanan multimedia, pengguna mobile phone dapat bermain game dengan pengalaman yang lebih menyenangkan, maka kebutuhan akan teknologi tersebut juga akan besar terutama teknologi dibidang mobile cloud gaming. Mobile cloud gaming merupakan pengembangan dari infrastruktur sebagai model layanan cloud computing. Dengan adanya layanan cloud gaming server menggunakan open-source GamingAnyWhere, perangkat mobile phone dengan operation sytem android yang bekerja sebagai client mampu mengakses server yang menjalankan suatu game melalui jaringan nirkabel secara online. Server melakukan capture terhadap frame audio dan frame video kemudian dikodekan dan dikirimkan kepada client. Setelah client mendapatkan frame A/V, client akan mengdekodekan frame-frame yang diterima sehingga user bisa bermain dan melakukan input control . Untuk mendapatkan hasil performa dari sistem cloud gaming yang diimplementasikan ini, dilakukan pengujian dengan tiga parameter yaitu kebutuhan resource, Quality of Service, dan Quality of Experience. Dengan adanya layanan cloud gaming server, pengalaman bermain game pada mobile phone dengan cloud gaming terasa lebih ringan dan dengan grafis yang lebih baik. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan kebutuhan resource client yang hanya memakai 6.2% CPU usage, 20.6 MB RAM untuk game Neverball dan 3.6% CPU usage, 11.9 MB RAM untuk game Deadpool. Nilai FPS client yaitu 29.1 untuk Neverball dan 14.5 untuk Deadpool, nilai ini terbilang kecil dikarenakan kemampuan rendering server yang kurang maksimal. Untuk delay total sistem cukup memuaskan yaitu bernilai 0.19 detik untuk Neverball pada jaringan lokal dan 0.35 detik pada jaringan online. Sedangkan 0.13 detik untuk Deadpool dengan jaringan lokal dan 0.19 detik untuk jaringan online pada bandwidth 5 Mbps. Kata Kunci : Cloud Gaming, Mobile Cloud Gaming, GamingAnyWhere, Cloud Computing


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    Cloud computing is the transformation of information and communication technology from client or server-based computers. Cloud computing technology benefits users no longer need to invest heavily in software or maintenance software applications. So by developing the Cloud, there is a Cloud gaming which is a process to install a remote interactive game in the cloud and issued in the form of video to the user's device via the internet. In this journal, we need a cloud gaming application called Skyegrid. This study aims to implement cloud-based mobile gaming cloud implementation using an open-source server (Skyegrid) to find out Resources, Service Quality and Experience Quality in this study. In this study Skyegrid is used to discuss some popular games, namely games called Rainbow Six Siege and Monster Hunter World. The result of this study is that Skyegrid's cloud gaming mobile system is able to implement PC games that can be run on Android smartphones and reduce the use of CPU and RAM resources, and use low cost using skyegrid cloud gaming using personal computers that require greater costs

    Mukautuvien videon toisto algoritmien evaluointi obiilipilivipelaamisessa

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    Mobile cloud gaming has recently gained popularity as a result of improvements in the quality of internet connections and mobile networks. Under stable conditions, current LTE networks can provide a suitable platform for the demanding requirements of mobile cloud gaming. However, since the quality of mobile network connections constantly change, the network may be unable to always provide the best possible service to all clients. Thus, the ability to adapt is necessary for a mobile cloud gaming platform in order to compensate for changing bandwidth conditions in mobile networks. One approach for doing this is to change the quality of the video stream to match the available bandwidth of the network. This thesis evaluates an adaptive streaming method implemented on a mobile cloud gaming platform called GamingAnywhere and provides an alternative approach for estimating the available bandwidth by measuring the signal strength values of a mobile device. Experimentation was conducted in a real LTE network to determine the best approach in reconfiguring the encoder of the video stream to match the bandwidth of the network. The results show that increasing the constant-rate-factor parameter of the video encoder by 12 reduces the necessary bandwidth to about half. Thus, changing this video encoder parameter provides an effective means to compensate for significant changes in the bandwidth. However, high values of the constant-rate-factor parameter can considerably reduce the quality of the video stream. Thus, the frame rate of the video should be lowered if the constant-rate-factor already has a high value.Mobiilipilvipelaaminen on viimeaikoina kerännyt suosiota parantuneiden internet yhteyksien ja mobiiliverkkojen ansioista. Normaali olosuhteissa nykyiset LTE verkot tarjoavat sopivan alustan mobiili pilvipelaamisen koviin vaatimuksiin. Mobiiliverkkojen yhteyden laatu kuitenkin vaihtelee jatkuvasti ja kaikille käyttäjille ei voida aina tarjota parasta mahdollista yhteyttä. Mukautuminen vaihtelevaan yhteyden laatuun on siis tarpeellista pilvipelaamisalustalle. Tämän voi tehdä esimerkiksi muuttamalla videon kuvanlaatua sopivaksi käytössä olevaan kaistaan. Tässä työssä arvioidaan GamingAnywhere alustalle toteutettu mukautuva videon toistomenetelmä ja esitellään vaihtoehtoinen tapa arvioida käytettävissä olevaa kaistaa mittaamalla mobiilisignaalin vahvuutta mobiililaitteessa. Aidossa LTE verkossa suoritettujen kokeiden avulla selvitettiin paras tapa konfiguroida video enkooderi mukautumaan käytettävissä olevaan kaistan määrään. Tuloksista selviää, että constant-rate-factor-parametrin arvon nostaminen kahdellatoista laskee tarvittavan kaistan määrän noin puoleen. Se on siis tehokkain tapa mukautua merkittäviin muutoksiin kaistan leveydessä. Liian suuret constant-rate-factor-parametrin arvot kuitenkin heikentävät kuvanlaatua merkittävästi, joten kuvataajuutta voi myös alentaa jos parametrin arvo on jo liian suuri

    Mobile games with intelligence: a killer application?

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    Mobile gaming is an arena full of innovation, with developers exploring new kinds of games, with new kinds of interaction between the mobile device, players, and the connected world that they live in and move through. The mobile gaming world is a perfect playground for AI and CI, generating a maelstrom of data for games that use adaptation, learning and smart content creation. In this paper, we explore this potential killer application for mobile intelligence. We propose combining small, light-weight AI/CI libraries with AI/CI services in the cloud for the heavy lifting. To make our ideas more concrete, we describe a new mobile game that we built that shows how this can work