7 research outputs found


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    Content based video retrieval is a technique used to search and browse large collections of videos stored in a database. This technique has proven to be useful for numerous applications spreadacross different domains like, surveillance, security, biomedicine, and traffic regulation. Here, the analysis is carried out based on certain properties extracted from the video frames such as colour, edge, motion, and texture. Instead of storing the features of every single frame of the video, only the features of the representative frames,which describethe entire video, are stored. This results in better storage memory utilization. We propose a method which aims at efficiently segmenting the video into shots and selecting the key frames of each shot accordingly. In order to determine the shot boundaries, we have incorporated Colour Histogram and Background Subtraction methods in this paper.The analysis of the proposed technique is carried out for different videos

    On the Mahalanobis Distance Classification Criterion for Multidimensional Normal Distributions

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    Many existing engineering works model the statistical characteristics of the entities under study as normal distributions. These models are eventually used for decision making, requiring in practice the definition of the classification region corresponding to the desired confidence level. Surprisingly enough, however, a great amount of computer vision works using multidimensional normal models leave unspecified or fail to establish correct confidence regions due to misconceptions on the features of Gaussian functions or to wrong analogies with the unidimensional case. The resulting regions incur in deviations that can be unacceptable in high-dimensional models. Here we provide a comprehensive derivation of the optimal confidence regions for multivariate normal distributions of arbitrary dimensionality. To this end, firstly we derive the condition for region optimality of general continuous multidimensional distributions, and then we apply it to the widespread case of the normal probability density function. The obtained results are used to analyze the confidence error incurred by previous works related to vision research, showing that deviations caused by wrong regions may turn into unacceptable as dimensionality increases. To support the theoretical analysis, a quantitative example in the context of moving object detection by means of background modeling is given

    Mixture of Gaussians-Based Background Subtraction for Bayer-Pattern Image Sequences

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    Big data analytics and processing for urban surveillance systems

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    Urban surveillance systems will be more demanding in the future towards smart city to improve the intelligence of cities. Big data analytics and processing for urban surveillance systems become increasingly important research areas because of infinite generation of massive data volumes all over the world. This thesis focused on solving several challenging big data issues in urban surveillance systems. First, we proposed several simple yet efficient video data recoding algorithms to be used in urban surveillance systems. The key idea is to record the important video frames when cutting the number of unimportant video frames. Second, since the DCT based JPEG standard encounters problems such as block artifacts, we proposed a very simple but effective method which results in better quality than widely used filters while consuming much less computer CPU resources. Third, we designed a novel filter to detect either the vehicle license plates or the vehicles from the images captured by the digital camera imaging sensors. We are the first to design this kind of filter to detect the vehicle/license plate objects. Fourth, we proposed novel grate filter to identify whether there are objects in these images captured by the cameras. In this way the background images can be updated from time to time when no object is detected. Finally, we combined image hash with our novel density scan method to solve the problem of retrieving similar duplicate images