184 research outputs found

    Translating inheritance nets to default logic

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    We give a translation of inheritance nets to normal default theories. To avoid discussions about sceptical and credulous reasoning we only regard unambiguous nets but allow explicit exception links restricting the validity of direct links. Contrary to former translations every link will be translated to a "hard" fact of the corresponding default theory while the defaults only repesent the implicit assumptions made when computing the extension of the net. The translation is sound and complete if we restrict the deduction mechanism of default logic appropriately

    BKLM - An expressive logic for defeasible reasoning

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    Propositional KLM-style defeasible reasoning involves a core propositional logic capable of expressing defeasible (or con- ditional) implications. The semantics for this logic is based on Kripke-like structures known as ranked interpretations. KLM-style defeasible entailment is referred to as rational whenever the defeasible entailment relation under consider- ation generates a set of defeasible implications all satisfying a set of rationality postulates known as the KLM postulates. In a recent paper Booth et al. proposed PTL, a logic that is more expressive than the core KLM logic. They proved an impossibility result, showing that defeasible entailment for PTL fails to satisfy a set of rationality postulates similar in spirit to the KLM postulates. Their interpretation of the im- possibility result is that defeasible entailment for PTL need not be unique. In this paper we continue the line of research in which the expressivity of the core KLM logic is extended. We present the logic Boolean KLM (BKLM) in which we allow for dis- junctions, conjunctions, and negations, but not nesting, of de- feasible implications. Our contribution is twofold. Firstly, we show (perhaps surprisingly) that BKLM is more expressive than PTL. Our proof is based on the fact that BKLM can characterise all single ranked interpretations, whereas PTL cannot. Secondly, given that the PTL impossibility result also applies to BKLM, we adapt the different forms of PTL entail- ment proposed by Booth et al. to apply to BKLM

    A Boolean Extension of KLM-Style Conditional Reasoning

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    Propositional KLM-style defeasible reasoning involves extending propositional logic with a new logical connective that can express defeasible (or conditional) implications, with semantics given by ordered structures known as ranked interpretations. KLM-style defeasi- ble entailment is referred to as rational whenever the defeasible entail- ment relation under consideration generates a set of defeasible implica- tions all satisfying a set of rationality postulates known as the KLM postulates. In a recent paper Booth et al. proposed PTL, a logic that is more expressive than the core KLM logic. They proved an impossibility result, showing that defeasible entailment for PTL fails to satisfy a set of rationality postulates similar in spirit to the KLM postulates. Their interpretation of the impossibility result is that defeasible entailment for PTL need not be unique. In this paper we continue the line of research in which the expressivity of the core KLM logic is extended. We present the logic Boolean KLM (BKLM) in which we allow for disjunctions, conjunctions, and negations, but not nesting, of defeasible implications. Our contribution is twofold. Firstly, we show (perhaps surprisingly) that BKLM is more expressive than PTL. Our proof is based on the fact that BKLM can characterise all single ranked interpretations, whereas PTL cannot. Secondly, given that the PTL impossibility result also applies to BKLM, we adapt the different forms of PTL entailment proposed by Booth et al. to apply to BKLM
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