65 research outputs found

    Indefinite waitings in MIRELA systems

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    MIRELA is a high-level language and a rapid prototyping framework dedicated to systems where virtual and digital objects coexist in the same environment and interact in real time. Its semantics is given in the form of networks of timed automata, which can be checked using symbolic methods. This paper shows how to detect various kinds of indefinite waitings in the components of such systems. The method is experimented using the PRISM model checker.Comment: In Proceedings ESSS 2015, arXiv:1506.0325

    The Use of Virtual Environments in Teacher Preparation

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    While virtual technology for training in the simulation field has had a long history in medicine and the military, the application of emerging and innovative technologies in teacher preparation and education has been limited. TeachME™ (Teaching in a Mixed Reality Environment) is an innovative mixed-reality environment (the blending of real and synthetic content) where prospective teachers can interact with a group of virtual students. The purpose of the virtual teaching environment of TeachME™ is to positively impact teacher recruitment, preparation, and retention in education by allowing teachers to improve their skills with virtual students, providing a more ethical approach to learning the art of teaching. This paper introduces the project, the mixed-reality environment, and the results of its effectiveness on pre-service teachers

    Literature Review of Mixed Reality Research

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    In the global context, while mixed reality has been an emerging concept for years, recent technological and scientific advancements have now made it poised to revolutionize industries and daily life by offering enhanced functionalities and improved services. Besides reviewing the highly cited papers in the last 20 years among over a thousand research papers on mixed reality, this systematic review provides the state-of-the-art applications and utilities of the mixed reality by primarily scrutinizing the associated papers in 2022 and 2023. Focusing on the potentials that this technology have in providing digitally supported simulations and other utilities in the era of large language models, highlighting the potential and limitations of the innovative solutions and also bringing focus to emerging research directions, such as telemedicine, remote control and optimization of direct volume rendering. The paper's associated repository is publicly accessible at https://aizierjiang.github.io/mr

    Realidad aumentada, WebGIS y storytelling para la docencia geográfica: una revisión bibliográfica

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    Innovación EducativaSe presenta un resumen con la bibliografía recopilada en el Proyecto de Innovación Docente, referida a realidad aumentada, WebGIS, cartografía y storytelling enfocados a la docencia en geografía y ciencias sociales afines. Todas las obras recogidas en el listado han podido ser consultadas a través de repositorios en Internet y en las bases de datos de la Universidad de Valladolid, y se han recopilado para poder ser consultadas en el ámbito de un grupo de innovación docenteDepartamento de Geografí

    The Use of Visual-based Simulated Environments in Teacher Preparation

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    While virtual technology for training in the simulation field has a long history in medicine, aviation, and the military, the application of similar emerging and innovative technologies in teacher preparation and education has been limited. TLE TeachLive™ (Teaching Learning Environment, Teaching in a Virtual Environment) [TLE] is an inventive mixed-reality environment (the blending of real and synthetic content) where prospective teachers can interact with a group of virtual students. The purpose of the virtual teaching environment of TLE is to strengthen teacher recruitment, preparation, and retention in education by allowing teachers to improve their skills with virtual students, providing a more constructive and ethical approach to learning the art of teaching. The protected environment allows pre-service teachers to utilize their emergent knowledge of behavior, diversity, and effective instruction in a flexible and safe practice environment. In this simulated environment, permission does not have to be gained to work with actual children and they are not exposed to missteps on the part of novice teachers as the teachers learn to refine their instructional techniques. This study investigated pre-service teachers’ use of differential reinforcement of incompatible behavior, a set of behavior management strategies, in a simulated classroom. Results indicated that the majority of participants evidenced an increase in the use of these strategies to enhance student engagement in the classroom

    Audio masking effect on inter-component skews in olfaction-enhanced multimedia presentations

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    Media-rich content plays a vital role in consumer applications today, as these applications try to find new and interesting ways to engage their users. Video, audio, and the more traditional forms of media content continue to dominate with respect to the use of media content to enhance the user experience. Tactile interactivity has also now become widely popular in modern computing applications, while our olfactory and gustatory senses continue to have a limited role. However, in recent times, there have been significant advancements regarding the use of olfactory media content (i.e., smell), and there are a variety of devices now available to enable its computer-controlled emission. This paper explores the impact of the audio stream on user perception of olfactory-enhanced video content in the presence of skews between the olfactory and video media. This research uses the results from two experimental studies of user-perceived quality of olfactory-enhanced multimedia, where audio was present and absent, respectively. Specifically, the paper shows that the user Quality of Experience (QoE) is generally higher in the absence of audio for nearly perfect synchronized olfactory-enhanced multimedia presentations (i.e., an olfactory media skew of between {−10,+10s}); however, for greater olfactory media skews (ranging between {−30s;−10s} and {+10s, +30s}) user QoE is higher when the audio stream is present. It can be concluded that the presence of the audio has the ability to mask larger synchronization skews between the other media components in olfaction-enhanced multimedia presentations

    Evaluating students readiness, expectancy, acceptance and effectiveness of augmented reality based construction technology education

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    Augmented reality (AR) has the potential to enhance the teaching and learning experience in construction technology which involves the learning of construction processes and understanding the construction elements. Augmented reality also provides the ability to change and improve the nature of education. This is due to the possibility of overlaying media onto the real world for content consumption using smartphones and tablets devices, which enables students to access information anywhere and anytime. However, before implementing a new approach to teaching, the state of whether the students are ready to use AR have to be identified. This also goes toward what the students expect when using AR in learning, how do they accept using AR and effectiveness of using AR in learning. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to (1) Identify the readiness of students on using AR in teaching; (2) Identifying what do the students expect when using AR in learning construction technology; (3) Identifying the student’s acceptance of AR in learning; (4) The effectiveness of AR in construction technology learning. A quantitative method of analysis has been implemented measuring the mean score of objective 1-3 based on the student’s responses to the questionnaire. On the other hand, the second phase of the study which is to determine whether using AR is effective in learning was done by comparing pre-test and post-test results. Results from the study show assuring indicators that students accept the usage of AR in construction technology education, the application also fulfils their expectations on what AR could aid in the learning process and for student’s acceptance, the result shows that students accepted the usage of AR as a learning tool. Meanwhile, the results regarding AR effectiveness on construction technology displayed noticeable improvements regarding student’s pre-test and post-test results with 68% of students display improvements in their scores


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    This article examines the issue of augmented reality and possibilities of its application in education. It briefly reports on selected results of a broader survey focused on technological, psychological, physiological and didactical aspects of the issue. It presumes that augmented reality has its unique place in technical teaching tools since it is a technological-perception concept, which in certain didactical situations creates more suitable perceptual environment than real environment itself on one hand, or virtual environment on the other. It focuses on identification of the technological-functional properties and specifics of augmented reality systems and on verification of model examples of augmented reality applications in school practice. It characterizes the course and results of empirical research project based on a descriptive case study exploring the cases of implementing selected application solutions of augmented reality into learning experience in accordance with the model of pro-active action research

    Multimodal augmented reality tangible gaming

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    This paper presents tangible augmented reality gaming environment that can be used to enhance entertainment using a multimodal tracking interface. Players can interact using different combinations between a pinch glove, a Wiimote, a six-degrees-of-freedom tracker, through tangible ways as well as through I/O controls. Two tabletop augmented reality games have been designed and implemented including a racing game and a pile game. The goal of the augmented reality racing game is to start the car and move around the track without colliding with either the wall or the objects that exist in the gaming arena. Initial evaluation results showed that multimodal-based interaction games can be beneficial in gaming. Based on these results, an augmented reality pile game was implemented with goal of completing a circuit of pipes (from a starting point to an end point on a grid). Initial evaluation showed that tangible interaction is preferred to keyboard interaction and that tangible games are much more enjoyable