8 research outputs found

    Estado del arte del riesgo que representa para la salud humana la radiación electromagnética de las comunicaciones 5G

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    Una nueva tecnología de telecomunicaciones permitirá que las personas tengan un mejor acceso a la información a alta velocidad y baja latencia que será de gran beneficio para todos ya que permitirá la implementación de otras tecnologías que aprovechen al máximo el 5G, pero esta llegada ha traído algunos temores entre la población acerca de si habrá algún riesgo para la salud humana. El 5G se basa en radiación no ionizante que aparentemente es segura, sin embargo, algunos estudios revelan que sería capaz de generar algunos daños en el organismo mientras que la Agencia Internacional para la Investigación del Cáncer lo clasifica en el grupo 2B posiblemente sea carcinogénico. Este trabajo recopila información sobre 5G y sus riesgos para la salud humana. Utilizando el mapeo sistemático la información es ordenada y clasificada y es respaldada por artículos sobre este tipo de investigación publicados en IEEE o Scopus. Como resultado de este trabajo me he encontrado con un problema, como el aumento de temperatura en la piel de los seres humanos, como principal factor de riesgo para la salud humana. Finalmente, se recomienda continuar realizando estudios para confirmar o descartar estos problemas de salud considerando otros factores como: social, ambiental, pandemia, etc.A new telecommunications technology will allow people to have better access to information to high speed and low latency that it will be great benefit for everyone, since it will allow the implementation of other technologies that make the most of 5G, but this arrival has brought some fears among the population about, if it any risk for human health will be there. 5G is based on non-ionizing radiation, that is apparently secure, however, some studies reveal that it would be capable of generating some damages in the body, while the International Agency for Research on Cancer classifies it in group 2B, which it is possibly carcinogenic. This work collects information about 5G and its risks for the human health. Using the systematic mapping, the information is sorted and classified, supported by papers about research publish either IEEE or Scopus. As results of this work, I have found a problem, such as the increase in temperature in the skin of human beings, as the main risk factor to human health. Finally, it is recommended to continue carrying out studies to confirm or rule out these health problems considering other factors like: social, environment, pandemic, etc

    Analysis of Human EMF Exposure in 5G Cellular Systems

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    Increasing concerns of communications at a frequency spectrum higher than 6 GHz have gained international alarm that suggests more research is needed before it is deployed successfully. In this context, in the first part of this thesis, we investigated the human electromagnetic field (EMF) exposure in indoor and outdoor environments from fifth-generation (5G) downlink communications and compared its impacts with the present cellular technologies considering the features that the 5G will likely adopt. The second part focuses on mitigation of human exposure for both indoor and outdoor environments with two different methods adopted. Our simulation results suggest that while the impacts from 5G communications cross the regulatory borders for a very short separation distance between base stations (BSs) and user equipment (UE), the exposure level remains high throughout the network compared to the present systems. This work also highlights the significance of considering SAR for the measurement of exposure compliance in downlinks

    Analysis of the impact of EMF exposure in 5G deployments

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    Abstract. 5G or fifth-generation mobile network is being developed to meet the massive increase in data and connectivity, and it connects billions of devices via the internet of things. A significant advantage of 5G is the fast response time, also known as latency, which is delivered by faster connections and greater capacity. As 5G is using high frequencies such as above 6GHz, people are concerned about this electromagnetic field (EMF) exposure because it uses a large number of transmitters. The International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) issued guidelines to protect humans and the environment from radio frequency electro magnetic field (RF-EMF) exposure in the frequency range of 100kHz-300GHz. These constraints are expressed in terms of specific absorption rate (SAR), electric and magnetic field strength, and power density. The goal of this thesis is to analyse the impact of EMF exposure in 5G deployment. The first step was to examine the EMF and its characteristics in general and in 5G in particular. Characteristics of 5G which are relevant to the electromagnetic field were then analyzed. The regulations related to human exposure to EMF were investigated globally, regionally, and in selected countries and compared with the key parameters including incident electric field strength, incident magnetic field strength, and incident power strength. To analyze the impact of the EMF in 5G two methods were used to assess EMF exposure: calculating the minimum distance and assessing the power density. Power density assessments were done for three different frequency bands (700MHz,1800MHz, and 3.5GHz), five different environmental scenarios (indoor hotspot, dense urban, rural, urban macro massive machine-type communications (mMTC), urban micro ultra-reliable low-latency communications (URLLC), and four different scenarios of a typical 5G network (indoor hotspot, dense urban, micro, micro remote radio head (RRH)), and by co-locating the three transmitters in the frequency bands 700MHz,1800MHz and 3.5GHz. The results of the power density assessment in frequency bands 700MHz,1800Mhz, and 3.5GHz show that there is no EMF exposure near the transmitters. However, with the simulation results, we can see that there is an EMF exposure near the transmitter when considering various scenarios such as dense urban, rural, urban macro mMTC, urban micro URLLC, micro and micro remote radio head (RRH). With the simulation results of co-locating transmitters also we can see that there is also EMF exposure close to the transmitters. So, when deploying the 5G network in these environmental conditions, EMF regulations and limitations should be taken into greater account and deployment should be carried out to minimize this exposure. Thus, when planning the 5G network this exposed area should be included as a restricted area that the general public cannot access

    Mitigation of Human EMF Exposure in Downlink of 5G

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    While cellular communications operating at higher frequencies (i.e., above 6 GHz) have been attracting significant research interest, their potentially harmful impacts on human health are not studied as significantly. Few existing studies discussing the human health impacts above 6 GHz paid attention to uplink only, due to close contact of a transmitter to a human body. This paper claims the necessity of thorough investigation in downlink on human exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs). Our simulation results suggest the downlink of a Fifth Generation Cellular Mobile Communications (5G) system can generate significantly higher power density (PD) and specific absorption rate (SAR) than the previous generations of wireless systems. Our study also highlights the significance of considering SAR as a metric in evaluation of the EMF exposure at high frequencies. Moreover, this paper proposes a downlink protocol that guarantees the EMF exposure level under a threshold while keeping the data rate above the 5G requirements