28 research outputs found

    2021 Fifth-Year Interim Report, Narratives only (238 pages)

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    Climate change adaptation planning under uncertainty in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam: a case study on institutional vulnerability, adaptive capacity and climate change governance

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    Climate change is expected to have wide-ranging impacts on urban areas and creates additional challenges for sustainable development. Urban areas are inextricably linked with climate change, as they are major contributors to it, while also being particularly vulnerable to its impacts. Climate change presents a new challenge to urban areas, not only because of the expected rises in temperature and sea-level, but also the current context of failure to fully address the institutional barriers preventing action to prepare for climate change, or feedbacks between urban systems and agents. Despite the importance of climate change, there are few cities in developing countries that are attempting to address these issues systematically as part of their governance and planning processes. While there is a growing literature on the risks and vulnerabilities related to climate change, as yet there is limited research on the development of institutional responses, the dissemination of relevant knowledge and evaluation of tools for practical planning responses by decision makers at the city level. This thesis questions the dominant assumptions about the capacity of institutions and potential of adaptive planning. It argues that achieving a balance between climate change impacts and local government decision-making capacity is a vital for successful adaptation to the impacts of climate change. Urban spatial planning and wider environmental planning not only play a major role in reducing/mitigating risks but also have a key role in adapting to uncertainty in over future risk. The research focuses on a single province - the biggest city in Vietnam - Ho Chi Minh City - as the principal case study to explore this argument, by examining the linkages between urban planning systems, the structures of governance, and climate change adaptation planning. In conclusion it proposes a specific framework to offer insights into some of the more practical considerations, and the approach emphasises the importance of vertical and horizontal coordination in governance and urban planning


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    Il lavoro mira a fornire una visione d'insieme del quadro normativo relativo alla protezione ambientale nella Repubblica Popolare Cinese, al fine di valutarne le traiettorie, le aree di criticit\ue0 e le implicazioni che ne derivano in chiave di sviluppo delle relazioni bilaterali Europa-Cina, sia in ambito istituzionale che d'affari. La ricerca affianca all\u2019analisi del quadro normativo nazionale le sue declinazioni a livello locale, prendendo in esame il caso specifico del Hunan, Provincia particolarmente rilevante sia per gli allarmanti livelli di inquinamento attuali, sia per le misure messe in atto dal suo governo per il rimedio e la prevenzione, le quali passano anche attraverso la costruzione di una rete di relazioni con svariati player istituzionali e privati a livello internazionale, tra cui spicca la Regione Marche. I settori maggiormente approfonditi sono la tutela del suolo e dell'aria, i quali rappresentano gli ambiti di maggiore criticit\ue0 attuale e futura per le politiche e le pratiche di protezione ambientale. Complementare all'analisi del quadro normativo \ue8 la prospettiva storica con cui la stessa \ue8 condotta, nonch\ue9 la presa in esame del contesto politico corrente, che ne traccia le direttrici per lo sviluppo futuro e costituisce il piano sul quale le relazioni bilaterali Europa-Cina dovranno fondarsi. Pertanto, la ricerca accademica sul piano giuridico attinge largamente ad una larga rassegna di lavori di estrazione consulenziale e professionale, in particolare attraverso la documentazione dei casi di studio aziendale relativi a Loccioni e Zoomlion e delle rispettive strategie di ingresso nel settore green in Cina ed in Italia. Le implicazioni pratiche di questo lavoro sono da identificarsi nel contributo che lo stesso intende fornire a livello di gestione strategica, con focus particolare sui processi di internazionalizzazione di piccole e medie imprese europee del settore green verso la Cina. Lo stesso lavoro intende fornire un contributo anche a livello di policy making, laddove le relazioni istituzionali internazionali, anche e soprattutto a livello decentrato, possono costituire una cornice decisiva per lo sviluppo di relazioni d'affari basate su presupposti di reciprocit\ue0 e sostenibilit\ue0

    Volume II Acquisition Research Creating Synergy for Informed Change, Thursday 19th Annual Acquisition Research Proceedings

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    Economics of Electricity Battery Storage

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    This chapter deals with the challenges and opportunities of energy storage, with a specific focus on the economics of batteries for storing electricity in the framework of the current energy transition. Storage technologies include a variety of solutions that have been used for different grid services, including frequency control, load following, and uninterrupted power supply. A recent interest is being triggered by the increasing grid balance requirements to integrate variable renewable sources and distributed generation. In parallel, lithium-ion batteries are experiencing a strong market expansion driven by an uptake of electric vehicles worldwide, which is leading to a strong decrease of production costs, making Li-ion batteries an attractive solution also for stationary storage applications

    The Palgrave Handbook of International Energy Economics

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    This open access handbook is distinguished by its emphasis on international energy, rather than domestic energy policies or international geopolitic aspects. Addressing key topics such as energy production and distribution, renewables and corporate energy structures, alongside global energy trends, regional case studies and emerging areas such as the digitalization of energy and energy transition, this handbook provides a major new contribution to the field of international energy economics. Written by academics, practitioners and policy-makers, this handbook is a valuable and timely addition to the literature on international energy economics. This book was published open access with the support of Eni

    Academic Integrity in Canada

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    This open access book presents original contributions and thought leadership on academic integrity from a variety of Canadian scholars. It showcases how our understanding and support for academic integrity have progressed, while pointing out areas urgently requiring more attention. Firmly grounded in the scholarly literature globally, it engages with the experience of local practicioners. It presents aspects of academic integrity that is specific to Canada, such as the existence of an "honour culture", rather than relying on an "honour code". It also includes Indigenous voices and perspectives that challenge traditional understandings of intellectual property, as well as new understandings that have arisen as a consequence of Covid-19 and the significant shift to online and remote learning. This book will be of interest to senior university and college administrators who are interested in ensuring the integrity of their institutions. It will also be of interest to those implementing university and college policy, as well as those who support students in their scholarly work

    Measurement of service innovation project success:A practical tool and theoretical implications

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