306 research outputs found

    Migrating to Post-Quantum Cryptography: a Framework Using Security Dependency Analysis

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    Quantum computing is emerging as an unprecedented threat to the current state of widely used cryptographic systems. Cryptographic methods that have been considered secure for decades will likely be broken, with enormous impact on the security of sensitive data and communications in enterprises worldwide. A plan to migrate to quantum-resistant cryptographic systems is required. However, migrating an enterprise system to ensure a quantum-safe state is a complex process. Enterprises will require systematic guidance to perform this migration to remain resilient in a post-quantum era, as many organisations do not have staff with the expertise to manage this process unaided. This paper presents a comprehensive framework designed to aid enterprises in their migration. The framework articulates key steps and technical considerations in the cryptographic migration process. It makes use of existing organisational inventories and provides a roadmap for prioritising the replacement of cryptosystems in a post-quantum context. The framework enables the efficient identification of cryptographic objects, and can be integrated with other frameworks in enterprise settings to minimise operational disruption during migration. Practical case studies are included to demonstrate the utility and efficacy of the proposed framework using graph theoretic techniques to determine and evaluate cryptographic dependencies.Comment: 21 Page

    General Impossibility of Group Homomorphic Encryption in the Quantum World

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    Group homomorphic encryption represents one of the most important building blocks in modern cryptography. It forms the basis of widely-used, more sophisticated primitives, such as CCA2-secure encryption or secure multiparty computation. Unfortunately, recent advances in quantum computation show that many of the existing schemes completely break down once quantum computers reach maturity (mainly due to Shor's algorithm). This leads to the challenge of constructing quantum-resistant group homomorphic cryptosystems. In this work, we prove the general impossibility of (abelian) group homomorphic encryption in the presence of quantum adversaries, when assuming the IND-CPA security notion as the minimal security requirement. To this end, we prove a new result on the probability of sampling generating sets of finite (sub-)groups if sampling is done with respect to an arbitrary, unknown distribution. Finally, we provide a sufficient condition on homomorphic encryption schemes for our quantum attack to work and discuss its satisfiability in non-group homomorphic cases. The impact of our results on recent fully homomorphic encryption schemes poses itself as an open question.Comment: 20 pages, 2 figures, conferenc

    Performance Analysis of NIST Round 2 Post-Quantum Cryptography Public-key Encryption and Key-establishment Algorithms on ARMv8 IoT Devices using SUPERCOP

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    With tens of billions of new IoT devices being utilized, and the advent of quantum computing, our future and our security needs are rapidly changing. While IoT devices have great potential to transform the way we live, they also have a number of serious problems centering on their security capabilities. Quantum computers capable of breaking today’s encryption are just around the corner, and we will need to securely communicate over the internet using the encryption of the future. Post-quantum public-key encryption and key-establishment algorithms may be the answer to address those concerns. This paper used the benchmarking toolkit SUPERCOP to analyze the performance of post-quantum public-key encryption and key-establishment algorithms on IoT devices that are using ARMv8 CPUs. The performance of the NIST round 2 algorithms were found to not be significantly different between the two ARMv8 devices

    Envisioning the Future of Cyber Security in Post-Quantum Era: A Survey on PQ Standardization, Applications, Challenges and Opportunities

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    The rise of quantum computers exposes vulnerabilities in current public key cryptographic protocols, necessitating the development of secure post-quantum (PQ) schemes. Hence, we conduct a comprehensive study on various PQ approaches, covering the constructional design, structural vulnerabilities, and offer security assessments, implementation evaluations, and a particular focus on side-channel attacks. We analyze global standardization processes, evaluate their metrics in relation to real-world applications, and primarily focus on standardized PQ schemes, selected additional signature competition candidates, and PQ-secure cutting-edge schemes beyond standardization. Finally, we present visions and potential future directions for a seamless transition to the PQ era

    NewHope: A Mobile Implementation of a Post-Quantum Cryptographic Key Encapsulation Mechanism

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    NIST anticipates the appearance of large-scale quantum computers by 2036 [34], which will threaten widely used asymmetric algorithms, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) launched a Post-Quantum Cryptography Standardization Project to find quantum-secure alternatives. NewHope post-quantum cryptography (PQC) key encapsulation mechanism (KEM) is the only Round 2 candidate to simultaneously achieve small key values through the use of a security problem with sufficient confidence its security, while mitigating any known vulnerabilities. This research contributes to NIST project’s overall goal by assessing the platform flexibility and resource requirements of NewHope KEMs on an Android mobile device. The resource requirements analyzed are transmission size as well as scheme runtime, central processing unit (CPU), memory, and energy usage. Results from each NewHope KEM instantiations are compared amongst each other, to a baseline application, and to results from previous work. NewHope PQC KEM was demonstrated to have sufficient flexibility for mobile implementation, competitive performance with other PQC KEMs, and to have competitive scheme runtime with current key exchange algorithms

    Cryptographic Tools for Privacy Preservation

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    Data permeates every aspect of our daily life and it is the backbone of our digitalized society. Smartphones, smartwatches and many more smart devices measure, collect, modify and share data in what is known as the Internet of Things.Often, these devices don’t have enough computation power/storage space thus out-sourcing some aspects of the data management to the Cloud. Outsourcing computation/storage to a third party poses natural questions regarding the security and privacy of the shared sensitive data.Intuitively, Cryptography is a toolset of primitives/protocols of which security prop- erties are formally proven while Privacy typically captures additional social/legislative requirements that relate more to the concept of “trust” between people, “how” data is used and/or “who” has access to data. This thesis separates the concepts by introducing an abstract model that classifies data leaks into different types of breaches. Each class represents a specific requirement/goal related to cryptography, e.g. confidentiality or integrity, or related to privacy, e.g. liability, sensitive data management and more.The thesis contains cryptographic tools designed to provide privacy guarantees for different application scenarios. In more details, the thesis:(a) defines new encryption schemes that provide formal privacy guarantees such as theoretical privacy definitions like Differential Privacy (DP), or concrete privacy-oriented applications covered by existing regulations such as the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR);(b) proposes new tools and procedures for providing verifiable computation’s guarantees in concrete scenarios for post-quantum cryptography or generalisation of signature schemes;(c) proposes a methodology for utilising Machine Learning (ML) for analysing the effective security and privacy of a crypto-tool and, dually, proposes a secure primitive that allows computing specific ML algorithm in a privacy-preserving way;(d) provides an alternative protocol for secure communication between two parties, based on the idea of communicating in a periodically timed fashion

    A one-time single-bit fault leaks all previous NTRU-HRSS session keys to a chosen-ciphertext attack

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    This paper presents an efficient attack that, in the standard IND-CCA2 attack model plus a one-time single-bit fault, recovers the NTRU-HRSS session key. This type of fault is expected to occur for many users through natural DRAM bit flips. In a multi-target IND-CCA2 attack model plus a one-time single-bit fault, the attack recovers every NTRU-HRSS session key that was encapsulated to the targeted public key before the fault. Software carrying out the full multi-target attack, using a simulated fault, is provided for verification. This paper also explains how a change in NTRU-HRSS in 2019 enabled this attack

    A Simple and Efficient Key Reuse Attack on NTRU Cryptosystem

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    In 1998, Jeffrey Hoffstein, Jill Pipher, and Joseph H. Silverman introduced the famous NTRU cryptosystem, and called it A ring-based public key cryptosystem . Actually, it turns out to be a lattice based cryptosystem that is resistant to Shor\u27s algorithm. There are several modifications to the original NTRU and two of them are selected as round 2 candidates of NIST post quantum public key scheme standardization. In this paper, we present a simple attack on the original NTRU scheme. The idea comes from Ding et al.\u27s key mismatch attack. Essentially, an adversary can find information on the private key of a KEM by not encrypting a message as intended but in a manner which will cause a failure in decryption if the private key is in a certain form. In the present, NTRU has the encrypter generating a random polynomial with small coefficients, but we will have the coefficients be large . After this, some further work will create an equivalent key

    A Systematic Approach and Analysis of Key Mismatch Attacks on Lattice-Based NIST Candidate KEMs

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    The research on the key mismatch attacks against the lattice-based KEMs is an important part of the cryptographic assessment of the ongoing NIST standardization. There have been a number of these attacks. However, a unified method to evaluate these KEMs\u27 resilience under key mismatch attacks is still missing. Since the key index of the efficiency of these attacks is the number of queries needed to successfully mount such an attack, in this paper, we propose and develop a systematic approach to find the lower bounds on the minimum average number of queries needed for such attacks. Our basic idea is to transform the problem of finding the lower bound of queries into finding an optimal binary recovery tree (BRT), where the computations of the lower bounds become essentially the computations of a certain Shannon entropy. The introduction of the optimal BRT approach also enables us to understand why, for some lattice-based NIST candidate KEMs, there is a big gap between the theoretical bounds and practical attacks, in terms of the number of queries needed. This further leads us to propose a generic improvement method for these existing attacks, which are confirmed by our experiments. Moreover, our proposed method could be directly used to improve the side-channel attacks against CCA-secure NIST candidate KEMs

    Decryption Failure Attacks on Post-Quantum Cryptography

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    This dissertation discusses mainly new cryptanalytical results related to issues of securely implementing the next generation of asymmetric cryptography, or Public-Key Cryptography (PKC).PKC, as it has been deployed until today, depends heavily on the integer factorization and the discrete logarithm problems.Unfortunately, it has been well-known since the mid-90s, that these mathematical problems can be solved due to Peter Shor's algorithm for quantum computers, which achieves the answers in polynomial time.The recently accelerated pace of R&D towards quantum computers, eventually of sufficient size and power to threaten cryptography, has led the crypto research community towards a major shift of focus.A project towards standardization of Post-quantum Cryptography (PQC) was launched by the US-based standardization organization, NIST. PQC is the name given to algorithms designed for running on classical hardware/software whilst being resistant to attacks from quantum computers.PQC is well suited for replacing the current asymmetric schemes.A primary motivation for the project is to guide publicly available research toward the singular goal of finding weaknesses in the proposed next generation of PKC.For public key encryption (PKE) or digital signature (DS) schemes to be considered secure they must be shown to rely heavily on well-known mathematical problems with theoretical proofs of security under established models, such as indistinguishability under chosen ciphertext attack (IND-CCA).Also, they must withstand serious attack attempts by well-renowned cryptographers both concerning theoretical security and the actual software/hardware instantiations.It is well-known that security models, such as IND-CCA, are not designed to capture the intricacies of inner-state leakages.Such leakages are named side-channels, which is currently a major topic of interest in the NIST PQC project.This dissertation focuses on two things, in general:1) how does the low but non-zero probability of decryption failures affect the cryptanalysis of these new PQC candidates?And 2) how might side-channel vulnerabilities inadvertently be introduced when going from theory to the practice of software/hardware implementations?Of main concern are PQC algorithms based on lattice theory and coding theory.The primary contributions are the discovery of novel decryption failure side-channel attacks, improvements on existing attacks, an alternative implementation to a part of a PQC scheme, and some more theoretical cryptanalytical results
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