1,642 research outputs found

    Person re-identification by robust canonical correlation analysis

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    Person re-identification is the task to match people in surveillance cameras at different time and location. Due to significant view and pose change across non-overlapping cameras, directly matching data from different views is a challenging issue to solve. In this letter, we propose a robust canonical correlation analysis (ROCCA) to match people from different views in a coherent subspace. Given a small training set as in most re-identification problems, direct application of canonical correlation analysis (CCA) may lead to poor performance due to the inaccuracy in estimating the data covariance matrices. The proposed ROCCA with shrinkage estimation and smoothing technique is simple to implement and can robustly estimate the data covariance matrices with limited training samples. Experimental results on two publicly available datasets show that the proposed ROCCA outperforms regularized CCA (RCCA), and achieves state-of-the-art matching results for person re-identification as compared to the most recent methods

    Unified Spectral Clustering with Optimal Graph

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    Spectral clustering has found extensive use in many areas. Most traditional spectral clustering algorithms work in three separate steps: similarity graph construction; continuous labels learning; discretizing the learned labels by k-means clustering. Such common practice has two potential flaws, which may lead to severe information loss and performance degradation. First, predefined similarity graph might not be optimal for subsequent clustering. It is well-accepted that similarity graph highly affects the clustering results. To this end, we propose to automatically learn similarity information from data and simultaneously consider the constraint that the similarity matrix has exact c connected components if there are c clusters. Second, the discrete solution may deviate from the spectral solution since k-means method is well-known as sensitive to the initialization of cluster centers. In this work, we transform the candidate solution into a new one that better approximates the discrete one. Finally, those three subtasks are integrated into a unified framework, with each subtask iteratively boosted by using the results of the others towards an overall optimal solution. It is known that the performance of a kernel method is largely determined by the choice of kernels. To tackle this practical problem of how to select the most suitable kernel for a particular data set, we further extend our model to incorporate multiple kernel learning ability. Extensive experiments demonstrate the superiority of our proposed method as compared to existing clustering approaches.Comment: Accepted by AAAI 201

    Clustered Multi-Task Learning: A Convex Formulation

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    In multi-task learning several related tasks are considered simultaneously, with the hope that by an appropriate sharing of information across tasks, each task may benefit from the others. In the context of learning linear functions for supervised classification or regression, this can be achieved by including a priori information about the weight vectors associated with the tasks, and how they are expected to be related to each other. In this paper, we assume that tasks are clustered into groups, which are unknown beforehand, and that tasks within a group have similar weight vectors. We design a new spectral norm that encodes this a priori assumption, without the prior knowledge of the partition of tasks into groups, resulting in a new convex optimization formulation for multi-task learning. We show in simulations on synthetic examples and on the IEDB MHC-I binding dataset, that our approach outperforms well-known convex methods for multi-task learning, as well as related non convex methods dedicated to the same problem

    Compressive Mining: Fast and Optimal Data Mining in the Compressed Domain

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    Real-world data typically contain repeated and periodic patterns. This suggests that they can be effectively represented and compressed using only a few coefficients of an appropriate basis (e.g., Fourier, Wavelets, etc.). However, distance estimation when the data are represented using different sets of coefficients is still a largely unexplored area. This work studies the optimization problems related to obtaining the \emph{tightest} lower/upper bound on Euclidean distances when each data object is potentially compressed using a different set of orthonormal coefficients. Our technique leads to tighter distance estimates, which translates into more accurate search, learning and mining operations \textit{directly} in the compressed domain. We formulate the problem of estimating lower/upper distance bounds as an optimization problem. We establish the properties of optimal solutions, and leverage the theoretical analysis to develop a fast algorithm to obtain an \emph{exact} solution to the problem. The suggested solution provides the tightest estimation of the L2L_2-norm or the correlation. We show that typical data-analysis operations, such as k-NN search or k-Means clustering, can operate more accurately using the proposed compression and distance reconstruction technique. We compare it with many other prevalent compression and reconstruction techniques, including random projections and PCA-based techniques. We highlight a surprising result, namely that when the data are highly sparse in some basis, our technique may even outperform PCA-based compression. The contributions of this work are generic as our methodology is applicable to any sequential or high-dimensional data as well as to any orthogonal data transformation used for the underlying data compression scheme.Comment: 25 pages, 20 figures, accepted in VLD