16 research outputs found

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    FIBS: A Generic Framework for Classifying Interval-based Temporal Sequences

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    We study the problem of classifying interval-based temporal sequences (IBTSs). Since common classification algorithms cannot be directly applied to IBTSs, the main challenge is to define a set of features that effectively represents the data such that classifiers can be applied. Most prior work utilizes frequent pattern mining to define a feature set based on discovered patterns. However, frequent pattern mining is computationally expensive and often discovers many irrelevant patterns. To address this shortcoming, we propose the FIBS framework for classifying IBTSs. FIBS extracts features relevant to classification from IBTSs based on relative frequency and temporal relations. To avoid selecting irrelevant features, a filter-based selection strategy is incorporated into FIBS. Our empirical evaluation on eight real-world datasets demonstrates the effectiveness of our methods in practice. The results provide evidence that FIBS effectively represents IBTSs for classification algorithms, which contributes to similar or significantly better accuracy compared to state-of-the-art competitors. It also suggests that the feature selection strategy is beneficial to FIBS's performance.Comment: In: Big Data Analytics and Knowledge Discovery. DaWaK 2020. Springer, Cha

    Robustness, stability, recoverability, and reliability in constraint satisfaction problems

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10115-014-0778-3Many real-world problems in Artificial Intelligence (AI) as well as in other areas of computer science and engineering can be efficiently modeled and solved using constraint programming techniques. In many real-world scenarios the problem is partially known, imprecise and dynamic such that some effects of actions are undesired and/or several un-foreseen incidences or changes can occur. Whereas expressivity, efficiency and optimality have been the typical goals in the area, there are several issues regarding robustness that have a clear relevance in dynamic Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSP). However, there is still no clear and common definition of robustness-related concepts in CSPs. In this paper, we propose two clearly differentiated definitions for robustness and stability in CSP solutions. We also introduce the concepts of recoverability and reliability, which arise in temporal CSPs. All these definitions are based on related well-known concepts, which are addressed in engineering and other related areas.This work has been partially supported by the research project TIN2013-46511-C2-1 (MINECO, Spain). We would also thank the reviewers for their efforts and helpful comments.Barber Sanchís, F.; Salido Gregorio, MA. (2015). Robustness, stability, recoverability, and reliability in constraint satisfaction problems. Knowledge and Information Systems. 44(3):719-734. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10115-014-0778-3S719734443Abril M, Barber F, Ingolotti L, Salido MA, Tormos P, Lova A (2008) An assessment of railway capacity. Transp Res Part E 44(5):774–806Barber F (2000) Reasoning on intervals and point-based disjunctive metric constraints in temporal contexts. J Artif Intell Res 12:35–86Bartak R, Salido MA (2011) Constraint satisfaction for planning and scheduling problems. Constraints 16(3):223–227Bertsimas D, Sim M (2004) The price of robustness. Oper Res 52(1):35–53Climent L, Wallace R, Salido M, Barber F (2013) Modeling robustness in CSPS as weighted CSPS. In: Integration of AI and OR techniques in constraint programming for combinatorial optimization problems CPAIOR 2013, pp 44–60Climent L, Wallace R, Salido M, Barber F (2014) Robustness and stability in constraint programming under dynamism and uncertainty. J Artif Intell Res 49(1):49–78Dechter R (1991) Temporal constraint network. Artif Intell 49:61–295Hazewinkel M (2002) Encyclopaedia of mathematics. Springer, New YorkHebrard E (2007) Robust solutions for constraint satisfaction and optimisation under uncertainty. PhD thesis, University of New South WalesHebrard E, Hnich B, Walsh T (2004) Super solutions in constraint programming. In: Integration of AI and OR techniques in constraint programming for combinatorial optimization problems (CPAIOR-04), pp 157–172Jen E (2003) Stable or robust? What’s the difference? Complexity 8(3):12–18Kitano H (2007) Towards a theory of biological robustness. Mol Syst Biol 3(137)Liebchen C, Lbbecke M, Mhring R, Stiller S (2009) The concept of recoverable robustness, linear programming recovery, and railway applications. In: LNCS, vol 5868Papapetrou P, Kollios G, Sclaroff S, Gunopulos D (2009) Mining frequent arrangements of temporal intervals. Knowl Inf Syst 21:133–171Rizk A, Batt G, Fages F, Solima S (2009) A general computational method for robustness analysis with applications to synthetic gene networks. Bioinformatics 25(12):168–179Rossi F, van Beek P, Walsh T (2006) Handbook of constraint programming. Elsevier, New YorkRoy B (2010) Robustness in operational research and decision aiding: a multi-faceted issue. Eur J Oper Res 200:629–638Szathmary E (2006) A robust approach. Nature 439:19–20Verfaillie G, Schiex T (1994) Solution reuse in dynamic constraint satisfaction problems. In: Proceedings of the 12th national conference on artificial intelligence (AAAI-94), pp 307–312Wallace R, Grimes D, Freuder E (2009) Solving dynamic constraint satisfaction problems by identifying stable features. In: Proceedings of international joint conferences on artificial intelligence (IJCAI-09), pp 621–627Wang D, Tse Q, Zhou Y (2011) A decentralized search engine for dynamic web communities. Knowl Inf Syst 26(1):105–125Wiggins S (1990) Introduction to applied nonlinear dynamical systems and chaos. Springer, New YorkZhou Y, Croft W (2008) Measuring ranked list robustness for query performance prediction. Knowl Inf Syst 16:155–17

    Health history pattern extraction from textual medical records

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    Extracting patterns from medical records using temporal data mining techniques

    Robustness, Stability, Recoverability and Reliability in CSP

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    Technical ReportMany real-world problems in Artificial Intelligence (AI) as well as in other areas of computer science and engineering can be efficiently modeled and solved using constraint programming techniques. In many real-world scenarios the problem is partially known, imprecise, and dynamic such that some effects of actions are undesired and/or several un-foreseen incidences or changes can occur. Whereas expressivity, efficiency, and optimality have been the typical goals in the area, there are several issues regarding robustness that have a clear relevance in dynamic Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSP). However, there is still no clear and common definition of robustness-related concepts in CSPs. In this paper, we propose two clearly differentiated definitions for robustness and stability in CSP solutions. We also introduce the concepts of recoverability and reliability, which arise in temporal CSPs. All these definitions are based on related well-known concepts, that are addressed in engineering and other related areas.Barber Sanchís, F.; Salido Gregorio, MA. (2013). Robustness, Stability, Recoverability and Reliability in CSP. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/2891

    Generalized Methods for Discovering Frequent Poly-Regions in DNA

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    The problem of discovering frequent poly-regions (i.e. regions of high occurrence of a set of items or patterns of a given alphabet) in a sequence is studied, and three efficient approaches are proposed to solve it. The first one is entropy-based and applies a recursive segmentation technique that produces a set of candidate segments which may potentially lead to a poly-region. The key idea of the second approach is the use of a set of sliding windows over the sequence. Each sliding window covers a sequence segment and keeps a set of statistics that mainly include the number of occurrences of each item or pattern in that segment. Combining these statistics efficiently yields the complete set of poly-regions in the given sequence. The third approach applies a technique based on the majority vote, achieving linear running time with a minimal number of false negatives. After identifying the poly-regions, the sequence is converted to a sequence of labeled intervals (each one corresponding to a poly-region). An efficient algorithm for mining frequent arrangements of intervals is applied to the converted sequence to discover frequently occurring arrangements of poly-regions in different parts of DNA, including coding regions. The proposed algorithms are tested on various DNA sequences producing results of significant biological meaning