8 research outputs found

    Security and Privacy for Big Data: A Systematic Literature Review

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    Big data is currently a hot research topic, with four million hits on Google scholar in October 2016. One reason for the popularity of big data research is the knowledge that can be extracted from analyzing these large data sets. However, data can contain sensitive information, and data must therefore be sufficiently protected as it is stored and processed. Furthermore, it might also be required to provide meaningful, proven, privacy guarantees if the data can be linked to individuals. To the best of our knowledge, there exists no systematic overview of the overlap between big data and the area of security and privacy. Consequently, this review aims to explore security and privacy research within big data, by outlining and providing structure to what research currently exists. Moreover, we investigate which papers connect security and privacy with big data, and which categories these papers cover. Ultimately, is security and privacy research for big data different from the rest of the research within the security and privacy domain? To answer these questions, we perform a systematic literature review (SLR), where we collect recent papers from top conferences, and categorize them in order to provide an overview of the security and privacy topics present within the context of big data. Within each category we also present a qualitative analysis of papers representative for that specific area. Furthermore, we explore and visualize the relationship between the categories. Thus, the objective of this review is to provide a snapshot of the current state of security and privacy research for big data, and to discover where further research is required

    Feature Selection for Classification under Anonymity Constraint

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    Over the last decade, proliferation of various online platforms and their increasing adoption by billions of users have heightened the privacy risk of a user enormously. In fact, security researchers have shown that sparse microdata containing information about online activities of a user although anonymous, can still be used to disclose the identity of the user by cross-referencing the data with other data sources. To preserve the privacy of a user, in existing works several methods (k-anonymity, l-diversity, differential privacy) are proposed that ensure a dataset which is meant to share or publish bears small identity disclosure risk. However, the majority of these methods modify the data in isolation, without considering their utility in subsequent knowledge discovery tasks, which makes these datasets less informative. In this work, we consider labeled data that are generally used for classification, and propose two methods for feature selection considering two goals: first, on the reduced feature set the data has small disclosure risk, and second, the utility of the data is preserved for performing a classification task. Experimental results on various real-world datasets show that the method is effective and useful in practice

    Security and Privacy for Big Data: A Systematic Literature Review

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    Abstract-Big data is currently a hot research topic, with four million hits on Google scholar in October 2016. One reason for the popularity of big data research is the knowledge that can be extracted from analyzing these large data sets. However, data can contain sensitive information, and data must therefore be sufficiently protected as it is stored and processed. Furthermore, it might also be required to provide meaningful, proven, privacy guarantees if the data can be linked to individuals. To the best of our knowledge, there exists no systematic overview of the overlap between big data and the area of security and privacy. Consequently, this review aims to explore security and privacy research within big data, by outlining and providing structure to what research currently exists. Moreover, we investigate which papers connect security and privacy with big data, and which categories these papers cover. Ultimately, is security and privacy research for big data different from the rest of the research within the security and privacy domain? To answer these questions, we perform a systematic literature review (SLR), where we collect recent papers from top conferences, and categorize them in order to provide an overview of the security and privacy topics present within the context of big data. Within each category we also present a qualitative analysis of papers representative for that specific area. Furthermore, we explore and visualize the relationship between the categories. Thus, the objective of this review is to provide a snapshot of the current state of security and privacy research for big data, and to discover where further research is required

    Towards Name Disambiguation: Relational, Streaming, and Privacy-Preserving Text Data

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    In the real world, our DNA is unique but many people share names. This phenomenon often causes erroneous aggregation of documents of multiple persons who are namesakes of one another. Such mistakes deteriorate the performance of document retrieval, web search, and more seriously, cause improper attribution of credit or blame in digital forensics. To resolve this issue, the name disambiguation task 1 is designed to partition the documents associated with a name reference such that each partition contains documents pertaining to a unique real-life person. Existing algorithms for this task mainly suffer from the following drawbacks. First, the majority of existing solutions substantially rely on feature engineering, such as biographical feature extraction, or construction of auxiliary features from Wikipedia. However, for many scenarios, such features may be costly to obtain or unavailable in privacy sensitive domains. Instead we solve the name disambiguation task in restricted setting by leveraging only the relational data in the form of anonymized graphs. Second, most of the existing works for this task operate in a batch mode, where all records to be disambiguated are initially available to the algorithm. However, more realistic settings require that the name disambiguation task should be performed in an online streaming fashion in order to identify records of new ambiguous entities having no preexisting records. Finally, we investigate the potential disclosure risk of textual features used in name disambiguation and propose several algorithms to tackle the task in a privacy-aware scenario. In summary, in this dissertation, we present a number of novel approaches to address name disambiguation tasks from the above three aspects independently, namely relational, streaming, and privacy preserving textual data

    Privacy preserving algorithms for newly emergent computing environments

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    Privacy preserving data usage ensures appropriate usage of data without compromising sensitive information. Data privacy is a primary requirement since customers' data is an asset to any organization and it contains customers' private information. Data seclusion cannot be a solution to keep data private. Data sharing as well as keeping data private is important for different purposes, e.g., company welfare, research, business etc. A broad range of industries where data privacy is mandatory includes healthcare, aviation industry, education system, federal law enforcement, etc.In this thesis dissertation we focus on data privacy schemes in emerging fields of computer science, namely, health informatics, data mining, distributed cloud, biometrics, and mobile payments. Linking and mining medical records across different medical service providers are important to the enhancement of health care quality. Under HIPAA regulation keeping medical records private is important. In real-world health care databases, records may well contain errors. Linking the error-prone data and preserving data privacy at the same time is very difficult. We introduce a privacy preserving Error-Tolerant Linking Algorithm to enable medical records linkage for error-prone medical records. Mining frequent sequential patterns such as, patient path, treatment pattern, etc., across multiple medical sites helps to improve health care quality and research. We propose a privacy preserving sequential pattern mining scheme across multiple medical sites. In a distributed cloud environment resources are provided by users who are geographically distributed over a large area. Since resources are provided by regular users, data privacy and security are main concerns. We propose a privacy preserving data storage mechanism among different users in a distributed cloud. Managing secret key for encryption is difficult in a distributed cloud. To protect secret key in a distributed cloud we propose a multilevel threshold secret sharing mechanism. Biometric authentication ensures user identity by means of user's biometric traits. Any individual's biometrics should be protected since biometrics are unique and can be stolen or misused by an adversary. We present a secure and privacy preserving biometric authentication scheme using watermarking technique. Mobile payments have become popular with the extensive use of mobile devices. Mobile applications for payments needs to be very secure to perform transactions and at the same time needs to be efficient. We design and develop a mobile application for secure mobile payments. To secure mobile payments we focus on user's biometric authentication as well as secure bank transaction. We propose a novel privacy preserving biometric authentication algorithm for secure mobile payments

    Mining Frequent Patterns with Differential Privacy

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    The mining of frequent patterns is a fundamental component in many data mining tasks. A considerable amount of research on this problem has led to a wide series of efficient and scalable algorithms for mining frequent patterns. However, releasing these patterns is posing concerns on the privacy of the users participating in the data. Indeed the information from the patterns can be linked with a large amount of data available from other sources creating opportunities for adversaries to break the individual privacy of the users and disclose sensitive information. In this proposal, we study the mining of frequent patterns in a privacy preserving setting. We first investigate the difference between sequential and itemset patterns, and second we extend the definition of patterns by considering the absence and presence of noise in the data. This leads us in distinguishing the patterns between exact and noisy. For exact patterns, we describe two novel mining techniques that we previously developed. The first approach has been applied in a privacy preserving record linkage setting, where our solution is used to mine frequent patterns which are employed in a secure transformation procedure to link records that are similar. The second approach improves the mining utility results using a two-phase strategy which allows to effectively mine frequent substrings as well as prefixes patterns. For noisy patterns, first we formally define the patterns according to the type of noise and second we provide a set of potential applications that require the mining of these patterns. We conclude the paper by stating the challenges in this new setting and possible future research directions. 1