37 research outputs found

    Lp stability of networked control systems implemented on WirelessHART

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    International audienceThis paper provides results on input-output Lp stability of networked control systems (NCSs) implemented over WirelessHART (WH). WH is a communication protocol widely used in process instrumentation. It is mainly characterised by its multi-hop structure, slotted communication cycles, and the possibility to simultaneously transmit over different frequencies. We propose a non-linear hybrid model of WH-NCSs that is able to capture these network functionalities, and that it is more general than existing models in the literature. Particularly, the multi-hop nature of the network is translated into an interesting mathematical structure in our model. We then follow the emulation approach to stabilise the NCS. We first assume that we know a stabilising controller for the plant without the network. We subsequently show that, under reasonable assumptions on the scheduling protocol, stability is preserved when the controller is implemented over the network with sufficiently frequent data transmission. Specifically, we provide bounds on the maximum allowable transmission interval (MATI) under which all protocols that satisfy the property of being persistently exciting (PE) lead to Lp stable WH-NCSs. These bounds exploit the mathematical structure of our WH-NCS model, improving the existing bounds in the literature. Additionally, we explain how to schedule transmissions over the hops to satisfy the PE property. In particular, we show how simultaneous transmissions over different frequency channels can be exploited to further enlarge the MATI bound

    Dynamic Decision Problems with Cooperative and Strategic Agents and Asymmetric Information.

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    There exist many real world situations involving multiple decision makers with asymmetric information, such as communication systems, social networks, economic markets and many others. Through this dissertation, we attempt to enhance the conceptual understanding of such systems and provide analytical tools to characterize the optimum or equilibrium behavior. Specifically, we study four discrete time, decentralized decision problems in stochastic dynamical systems with cooperative and strategic agents. The first problem we consider is a relay channel where nodes' queue lengths, modeled as conditionally independent Markov chains, are nodes' private information, whereas nodes' actions are publicly observed. This results in non-classical information pattern. Energy-delay tradeoff is studied for this channel through stochastic control techniques for cooperative agents. Extending this model for strategic users, in the second problem we study a general model with NN strategic players having conditionally independent, Markovian types and publicly observed actions. This results in a dynamic game with asymmetric information. We present a forward/backward sequential decomposition algorithm to find a class of perfect Bayesian equilibria of the game. Using this methodology, in the third problem, we study a general two player dynamic LQG game with asymmetric information, where players' types evolve as independent, controlled linear Gaussian processes and players incur quadratic instantaneous costs. We show that under certain conditions, players' strategies that are linear in their private types, together with Gaussian beliefs, form a perfect Bayesian equilibrium (PBE) of the game. Finally, we consider two sub problems in decentralized Bayesian learning in dynamic games. In the first part, we consider an ergodic version of a sequential buyers game where strategic users sequentially make a decision to buy or not buy a product. In this problem, we design incentives to align players' individual objectives with the team objective. In the second part, we present a framework to study learning dynamics and especially informational cascades for decentralized dynamic games. We first generalize our methodology to find PBE to the case when players do not perfectly observe their types; rather they make independent, noisy observations. Based on this, we characterize informational cascades for a specific learning model.PhDElectrical Engineering: SystemsUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/133294/1/dvasal_1.pd

    Triggering mechanisms in control systems design

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    Triggering mechanisms in control systems design

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    Analysis of Embedded Controllers Subject to Computational Overruns

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    Microcontrollers have become an integral part of modern everyday embedded systems, such as smart bikes, cars, and drones. Typically, microcontrollers operate under real-time constraints, which require the timely execution of programs on the resource-constrained hardware. As embedded systems are becoming increasingly more complex, microcontrollers run the risk of violating their timing constraints, i.e., overrunning the program deadlines. Breaking these constraints can cause severe damage to both the embedded system and the humans interacting with the device. Therefore, it is crucial to analyse embedded systems properly to ensure that they do not pose any significant danger if the microcontroller overruns a few deadlines.However, there are very few tools available for assessing the safety and performance of embedded control systems when considering the implementation of the microcontroller. This thesis aims to fill this gap in the literature by presenting five papers on the analysis of embedded controllers subject to computational overruns. Details about the real-time operating system's implementation are included into the analysis, such as what happens to the controller's internal state representation when the timing constraints are violated. The contribution includes theoretical and computational tools for analysing the embedded system's stability, performance, and real-time properties.The embedded controller is analysed under three different types of timing violations: blackout events (when no control computation is completed during long periods), weakly-hard constraints (when the number of deadline overruns is constrained over a window), and stochastic overruns (when violations of timing constraints are governed by a probabilistic process). These scenarios are combined with different implementation policies to reduce the gap between the analysis and its practical applicability. The analyses are further validated with a comprehensive experimental campaign performed on both a set of physical processes and multiple simulations.In conclusion, the findings of this thesis reveal that the effect deadline overruns have on the embedded system heavily depends the implementation details and the system's dynamics. Additionally, the stability analysis of embedded controllers subject to deadline overruns is typically conservative, implying that additional insights can be gained by also analysing the system's performance

    Design of Wireless Communication Networks for Cyber-Physical Systems with Application to Smart Grid

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    Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) are the next generation of engineered systems in which computing, communication, and control technologies are tightly integrated. On one hand, CPS are generally large with components spatially distributed in physical world that has lots of dynamics; on the other hand, CPS are connected, and must be robust and responsive. Smart electric grid, smart transportation system are examples of emerging CPS that have significant and far-reaching impact on our daily life. In this dissertation, we design wireless communication system for CPS. To make CPS robust and responsive, it is critical to have a communication subsystem that is reliable, adaptive, and scalable. Our design uses a layered structure, which includes physical layer, multiple access layer, network layer, and application layer. Emphases are placed on multiple access and network layer. At multiple access layer, we have designed three approaches, namely compressed multiple access, sample-contention multiple access, and prioritized multiple access, for reliable and selective multiple access. At network layer, we focus on the problem of creating reliable route, with service interruption anticipated. We propose two methods: the first method is a centralized one that creates backup path around zones posing high interruption risk; the other method is a distributed one that utilizes Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) and positive feedback, and is able to update multipath dynamically. Applications are treated as subscribers to the data service provided by the communication system. Their data quality requirements and Quality of Service (QoS) feedback are incorporated into cross-layer optimization in our design. We have evaluated our design through both simulation and testbed. Our design demonstrates desired reliability, scalability and timeliness in data transmission. Performance gain is observed over conventional approaches as such random access

    Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2003, nr 2

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