226 research outputs found

    Robust design of bridges : robustness analysis of Sjölundaviadukt bridge

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    Robustness of structural systems is as yet not explicitly defined nor is there a clearly defined method for incorporating robustness in design/construction. Robustness can be simply defined as the ability of a structural system to survive unforeseen/extraordinary exposures or circumstances that would otherwise cause it to fail. The structure must have enough residual capacity during and after the event to maintain at least some of its intended function intact. The level of robustness of a structure has to be analyzed in terms of the causes and consequences of failure; i.e. the consequences of structural damages should not be disproportional to the original cause (see 2.1 (3) of EN 1990:2002). This master thesis deals with the robustness of bridge structures. It examines common circumstances of failure and investigates methods and strategies towards incorporating structural robustness into the design of bridges. A robustness analysis is conducted for the Sjölundaviadukten Bridge; a 5-span post-tensioned frame bridge in Malmö

    Improving Trip- and Slip-Resisting Skills in Older People: Perturbation Dose Matters

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    Aging negatively affects balance recovery responses after trips and slips. We hypothesize that older people can benefit from brief treadmill-based trip and slip perturbation exposure despite reduced muscular capacities, but with neuropathology, their responsiveness to these perturbations will be decreased. Thus, to facilitate long-term benefits and their generalizability to everyday life, one needs to consider the individual threshold for perturbation dose. This is a non-final version of an article published in final form in Exercise and Sport Sciences Review

    Margins of postural stability in Parkinson’s disease: an application of control theory

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    Introduction: Postural instability is a restrictive feature in Parkinson’s disease (PD), usually assessed by clinical or laboratory tests. However, the exact quantification of postural stability, using stability theorems that take into account human dynamics, is still lacking. We investigated the feasibility of control theory and the Nyquist stability criterion—gain margin (GM) and phase margin (PM)—in discriminating postural instability in PD, as well as the effects of a balance-training program.Methods: Center-of-pressure (COP) data of 40 PD patients before and after a 4-week balance-training program, and 20 healthy control subjects (HCs) (Study1) as well as COP data of 20 other PD patients at four time points during a 6-week balance-training program (Study2), collected in two earlier studies, were used. COP was recorded in four tasks, two on a rigid surface and two on foam, both with eyes open and eyes closed. A postural control model (an inverted pendulum with a Proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller and time delay) was fitted to the COP data to subject-specifically identify the model parameters thereby calculating |GM| and PM for each subject in each task.Results: PD patients had a smaller margin of stability (|GM| and PM) compared with HCs. Particularly, patients, unlike HCs, showed a drastic drop in PM on foam. Clinical outcomes and margins of stability improved in patients after balance training. |GM| improved early in week 4, followed by a plateau during the rest of the training. In contrast, PM improved late (week 6) in a relatively continuous-progression form.Conclusion: Using fundamental stability theorems is a promising technique for the standardized quantification of postural stability in various tasks

    Development of a Locomotion and Balancing Strategy for Humanoid Robots

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    The locomotion ability and high mobility are the most distinguished features of humanoid robots. Due to the non-linear dynamics of walking, developing and controlling the locomotion of humanoid robots is a challenging task. In this thesis, we study and develop a walking engine for the humanoid robot, NAO, which is the official robotic platform used in the RoboCup Spl. Aldebaran Robotics, the manufacturing company of NAO provides a walking module that has disadvantages, such as being a black box that does not provide control of the gait as well as the robot walk with a bent knee. The latter disadvantage, makes the gait unnatural, energy inefficient and exert large amounts of torque to the knee joint. Thus creating a walking engine that produces a quality and natural gait is essential for humanoid robots in general and is a factor for succeeding in RoboCup competition. Humanoids robots are required to walk fast to be practical for various life tasks. However, its complex structure makes it prone to falling during fast locomotion. On the same hand, the robots are expected to work in constantly changing environments alongside humans and robots, which increase the chance of collisions. Several human-inspired recovery strategies have been studied and adopted to humanoid robots in order to face unexpected and avoidable perturbations. These strategies include hip, ankle, and stepping, however, the use of the arms as a recovery strategy did not enjoy as much attention. The arms can be employed in different motions for fall prevention. The arm rotation strategy can be employed to control the angular momentum of the body and help to regain balance. In this master\u27s thesis, I developed a detailed study of different ways in which the arms can be used to enhance the balance recovery of the NAO humanoid robot while stationary and during locomotion. I model the robot as a linear inverted pendulum plus a flywheel to account for the angular momentum change at the CoM. I considered the role of the arms in changing the body\u27s moment of inertia which help to prevent the robot from falling or to decrease the falling impact. I propose a control algorithm that integrates the arm rotation strategy with the on-board sensors of the NAO. Additionally, I present a simple method to control the amount of recovery from rotating the arms. I also discuss the limitation of the strategy and how it can have a negative impact if it was misused. I present simulations to evaluate the approach in keeping the robot stable against various disturbance sources. The results show the success of the approach in keeping the NAO stable against various perturbations. Finally,I adopt the arm rotation to stabilize the ball kick, which is a common reason for falling in the soccer humanoid RoboCup competitions

    Probing breast cancer cell contact guidance in organized collagen environments

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    Abstract Invasion of cancer cells into the surrounding tissue is an important step during cancer progression and is driven by cell migration. Cell migration can be random, but often it is directed by various cues such as aligned fibers composed of extracellular matrix (ECM), a process called contact guidance. During contact guidance, aligned fibers bias migration along the long axis of the fibers. Contact guidance cues are known to develop in the tumor microenvironment (TME) and contact guidance has been shown to be an important aspect of cancer progression. Epitaxially grown, aligned collagen fibrils are unique in their ability to show cell-type differences in contact guidance, likely due to physiologically relevant assembly of collagen fibrils. These cell type differences are also seen in 3D aligned collagen networks assessed in our lab as well as invasion assays in mouse models of cancer. MDA-MB-231 cells perceive the directional signal of highly aligned type I collagen fibrils with high fidelity, elongating to large extents and migrating directionally. Interestingly, behavior in MTLn3 cells differs. While highly aligned type I collagen fibril patterns facilitate spreading and random migration of MTLn3 cells, it does not support elongation or directed migration. The directionality of highly contractile and adhesive MDA-MB-231 cells can be diminished by inhibiting Rho kinase or β1 integrin binding. Inversely, the directionality of less contractile and adhesive MTLn3 cells can be enhanced by activating contractility or integrins. Subtle, but quantifiable alterations in myosin II regulatory light chain phosphorylation on stress fibers explain the tuning of contact guidance fidelity, separate from migration per se indicating that the contractile and adhesive state of the cell in combination with collagen organization in the TME determine the efficiency of migration. Amplification or dampening of contact guidance with respect to a particular collagen fibril organization is seen under different conditions, suggesting that not only does contractility and proteolytic activity alter the ability of cells to remodel the ECM, but also their ability to respond to it. MDA-MB-231 cells exerted higher speed on intermediate stiff transferred PDMS and soft 2000Pa polyacrylamide, but exert lower speed on extremely soft 200Pa polyacrylamide. MTLn3 cells exerted higher speed on intermediate stiff substrates but lower speed on very soft substrate. Cell directionality of MDA-MB-231 cells on all substrates does not have significant difference. This also happens for MTLn3 cells. It appears that the stiffness of substrate does not play a large role in contact guidance

    Fall Prevention Using Linear and Nonlinear Analyses and Perturbation Training Intervention

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    abstract: Injuries and death associated with fall incidences pose a significant burden to society, both in terms of human suffering and economic losses. The main aim of this dissertation is to study approaches that can reduce the risk of falls. One major subset of falls is falls due to neurodegenerative disorders such as Parkinson’s disease (PD). Freezing of gait (FOG) is a major cause of falls in this population. Therefore, a new FOG detection method using wavelet transform technique employing optimal sampling window size, update time, and sensor placements for identification of FOG events is created and validated in this dissertation. Another approach to reduce the risk of falls in PD patients is to correctly diagnose PD motor subtypes. PD can be further divided into two subtypes based on clinical features: tremor dominant (TD), and postural instability and gait difficulty (PIGD). PIGD subtype can place PD patients at a higher risk for falls compared to TD patients and, they have worse postural control in comparison to TD patients. Accordingly, correctly diagnosing subtypes can help caregivers to initiate early amenable interventions to reduce the risk of falls in PIGD patients. As such, a method using the standing center-of-pressure time series data has been developed to identify PD motor subtypes in this dissertation. Finally, an intervention method to improve dynamic stability was tested and validated. Unexpected perturbation-based training (PBT) is an intervention method which has shown promising results in regard to improving balance and reducing falls. Although PBT has shown promising results, the efficacy of such interventions is not well understood and evaluated. In other words, there is paucity of data revealing the effects of PBT on improving dynamic stability of walking and flexible gait adaptability. Therefore, the effects of three types of perturbation methods on improving dynamics stability was assessed. Treadmill delivered translational perturbations training improved dynamic stability, and adaptability of locomotor system in resisting perturbations while walking.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Biomedical Engineering 201

    Aircraft Trajectory Planning Considering Ensemble Forecasting of Thunderstorms

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    Mención Internacional en el título de doctorConvective weather poses a major threat that compromises the safe operation of flights while inducing delay and cost. The aircraft trajectory planning problem under thunderstorm evolution is addressed in this thesis, proposing two novel heuristic approaches that incorporate uncertainties in the evolution of convective cells. In this context, two additional challenges are faced. On the one hand, studies have demonstrated that given the computational power available nowadays, the best way to characterize weather uncertainties is through ensemble forecasting products, hence compatibility with them is crucial. On the other hand, for the algorithms to be used during a flight, they must be fast and deliver results in a few seconds. As a first methodology, three variants of the Scenario-Based Rapidly-Exploring Random Trees (SB-RRTs) are proposed. Each of them builds a tree to explore the free airspace during an iterative and random process. The so-called SB-RRT, the SB-RRT∗ and the Informed SB-RRT∗ find point-to-point safe trajectories by meeting a user-defined safety threshold. Additionally, the last two techniques converge to solutions of minimum flight length. In a second instance, the Augmented Random Search (ARS) algorithm is used to sample trajectories from a directed graph and deform them iteratively in the search for an optimal path. The aim of such deformations is to adapt the initial graph to the unsafe set and its possible changes. In the end, the ARS determines the population of trajectories that, on average, minimizes a combination of flight time, time in storms, and fuel consumption Both methodologies are tested considering a dynamic model of an aircraft flying between two waypoints at a constant flight level. Test scenarios consist of realistic weather forecasts described by an ensemble of equiprobable members. Moreover, the influence of relevant parameters, such as the maximum number of iterations, safety margin (in SB-RRTs) or relative weights between objectives (in ARS) is analyzed. Since both algorithms and their convergence processes are random, sensitivity analyses are conducted to show that after enough iterations the results match. Finally, through parallelization on graphical processing units, the required computational times are reduced substantially to become compatible with near real-time operation. In either case, results show that the suggested approaches are able to avoid dangerous and uncertain stormy regions, minimize objectives such as time of flight, flown distance or fuel consumption and operate in less than 10 seconds.Los fenómenos convectivos representan una gran amenaza que compromete la seguridad de los vuelos, a la vez que incrementa los retrasos y costes. En esta tesis se aborda el problema de la planificación de vuelos bajo la influencia de tormentas, proponiendo dos nuevos métodos heurísticos que incorporan incertidumbre en la evolución de las células convectivas. En este contexto, se intentará dar respuesta a dos desafíos adicionales. Por un lado, hay estudios que demuestran que, con los recursos computacionales disponibles hoy en día, la mejor manera de caracterizar la incertidumbre meteorológica es mediante productos de tipo “ensemble”. Por tanto, la compatibilidad con ellos es crucial. Por otro lado, para poder emplear los algoritmos durante el vuelo, deben de ser rápidos y obtener resultados en pocos segundos. Como primera aproximación, se proponen tres variantes de los “Scenario-Based Rapidly-Exploring Random Trees” (SB-RRTs). Cada uno de ellos crea un árbol que explora el espacio seguro durante un proceso iterativo y aleatorio. Los denominados SB-RRT, SB-RRT∗ e Informed SB-RRT∗ calculan trayectorias entre dos puntos respetando un margen de seguridad impuesto por el usuario. Además, los dos últimos métodos convergen en soluciones de mínima distancia de vuelo. En segundo lugar, el algoritmo “Augmented Random Search” (ARS) se utiliza para muestrear trajectorias de un grafo dirigido y deformarlas iterativamente en busca del camino óptimo. El fin de tales deformaciones es adaptar el grafo inicial a las zonas peligrosas y a los cambios que puedan sufrir. Finalmente, el ARS calcula aquella población de trayectorias que, de media, minimiza una combinación del tiempo de vuelo, el tiempo en zonas tormentosas y el consumo de combustible. Ambas metodologías se testean considerando un modelo de avión volando punto a punto a altitud constante. Los casos de prueba se basan en datos meteorológicos realistas formados por un grupo de predicciones equiprobables. Además, se analiza la influencia de los parámetros más importantes como el máximo número de iteraciones, el margen de seguridad (en SB-RRTs) o los pesos relativos de cada objetivo (en ARS). Como ambos algoritmos y sus procesos de convergencia son aleatorios, se realizan análisis de sensibilidad para mostrar que, tras suficientes iteraciones, los resultados coinciden. Por último, mediante técnicas de paralelización en procesadores gráficos, se reducen enormemente los tiempos de cálculo, siendo compatibles con una operación en tiempo casi-real. En ambos casos los resultados muestran que los algoritmos son capaces de evitar zonas inciertas de tormenta, minimizar objetivos como el tiempo de vuelo, la distancia recorrida o el consumo de combustible, en menos de 10 segundos de ejecución.Programa de Doctorado en Ingeniería Aeroespacial por la Universidad Carlos III de MadridPresidente: Ernesto Staffetti Giammaria.- Secretario: Alfonso Valenzuela Romero.- Vocal: Valentin Polishchu

    On the role of stability in animal morphology and neural control

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    Mechanical stability is vital for the fitness and survival of animals and is a crucial aspect of robot design and control. Stability depends on multiple factors, including the body\u27s intrinsic mechanical response and feedback control. But feedback control is more fragile than the body\u27s innate mechanical response or open-loop control strategies because of sensory noise and time-delays in feedback. This thesis examines the overarching hypothesis that stability demands have played a crucial role in how animal form and function arise through natural selection and motor learning. In two examples, finger contact and overall body stability, we investigated the relationship between morphology, open-loop control, and stability. By studying the stability of the internal degrees of freedom of a finger when pushing on a hard surface, we find that stability limits the force that we can produce and is a dominant aspect of the neural control of the finger\u27s muscles. In our study on whole body lateral stability during locomotion in terrestrial animals, we find that the overall body aspect ratio has evolved to ensure passive lateral stability on the uneven terrain of natural environments. Precisely gripping an object with the fingertips is a hallmark of human hand dexterity. In Chapter 2, we show how human fingers are intrinsically prone to a buckling-type postural instability and how humans use careful neural orchestration of our muscles so that the elastic response of our muscles can suppress the intrinsic instability. In Chapter 3, we extend these findings further to examine the nature of neuromuscular variability and how the nervous system deals with the need for muscle-induced stability. We find that there is structure to neuromuscular variability so that most of the variability lies within the subspace that does not affect stability. Inspired by the open-loop stable control of our index fingers, in Chapter 4, we derive open-loop stability conditions for a general mechanical linkage with arbitrary joint torques subjected to holonomic constraints. The solution that we derive is physically realizable as cable-driven active mechanical linkages. With a user-prescribed cable layout, we pose the problem of actuating the system to maintain stability while subject to goals like energy minimization as a convex optimization problem. We are thus able to use efficient optimization methods available for convex problems and demonstrate numerical solutions in examples inspired by the finger. Chapter 5 presents a general formulation of the stability criteria for active mechanical linkages subject to Pfaffian holonomic and non-holonomic constraints. Active mechanical linkages subject to multiple constraints represent the mechanics of systems spanning many domains and length scales, such as limbs and digits in animals and robots, and elastic networks like actin meshes in microscopic systems. We show that a constrained mechanical linkage with regular stiffness and damping, and circulation-free feedback, can only destabilize by static buckling when subject to holonomic constraints. In contrast, the same mechanical linkage, subject to a non-holonomic constraint, such as a skate contact, can exhibit either static buckling or flutter instability. Chapter 6 moves away from neural control and studies the shape of animal bodies and their relationship to stability in locomotion. We investigate why small land animals tend to have a crouched or sprawled posture, whereas larger animals are generally more upright. We propose a new hypothesis that the scaling of body aspect ratio with size is driven by the scale-dependent unevenness of natural terrain. We show that the scaling law arising from the need for stability on rough natural terrain correctly predicts the frontal aspect ratio scaling law across 335 terrestrial vertebrates and invertebrates, spanning eight orders of magnitude in mass so that smaller animals have a wider aspect ratio. We also carry out statistical analyses that consider the phylogenetic relationship among the species in our dataset to show that the scaling is not due to gradual changes of the traits over time. Thus, stability demands on natural terrain may have driven the macroevolution of body aspect ratio across terrestrial animals. Interrogating unstable and marginally stable behaviors has helped us identify the morphological and control features that allow animals to perform robustly in noisy environments where perfect sensory feedback cannot be assumed. Although the thesis identifies the `what\u27 and `why,\u27 further studies are needed to understand `how\u27 mechanics and development intertwine to give rise to control and form in growing and adapting biological organisms

    Design and Control of Power Converters 2019

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    In this book, 20 papers focused on different fields of power electronics are gathered. Approximately half of the papers are focused on different control issues and techniques, ranging from the computer-aided design of digital compensators to more specific approaches such as fuzzy or sliding control techniques. The rest of the papers are focused on the design of novel topologies. The fields in which these controls and topologies are applied are varied: MMCs, photovoltaic systems, supercapacitors and traction systems, LEDs, wireless power transfer, etc

    A Trip to Remember:Assessing and Improving Walking Stability in Older Adults

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