3,220 research outputs found

    Author index to volume 279

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    Clique Decompositions in Random Graphs via Refined Absorption

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    We prove that if p≄n−13+ÎČp\ge n^{-\frac{1}{3}+\beta} for some ÎČ>0\beta > 0, then asymptotically almost surely the binomial random graph G(n,p)G(n,p) has a K3K_3-packing containing all but at most n+O(1)n + O(1) edges. Similarly, we prove that if d≄n23+ÎČd \ge n^{\frac{2}{3}+\beta} for some ÎČ>0\beta > 0 and dd is even, then asymptotically almost surely the random dd-regular graph Gn,dG_{n,d} has a triangle decomposition provided 3∣d⋅n3 \mid d \cdot n. We also show that G(n,p)G(n,p) admits a fractional K3K_3-decomposition for such a value of pp. We prove analogous versions for a KqK_q-packing of G(n,p)G(n,p) with p≄n−1q+0.5+ÎČp\ge n^{-\frac{1}{q+0.5}+\beta} and leave of (q−2)n+O(1)(q-2)n+O(1) edges, for KqK_q-decompositions of Gn,dG_{n,d} with (q−1) ∣ d(q-1)~|~d and d≄n1−1q+0.5+ÎČd\ge n^{1-\frac{1}{q+0.5}+\beta} provided q∣d⋅nq\mid d\cdot n, and for fractional KqK_q-decompositions.Comment: 49 page

    Chromatic Numbers of Simplicial Manifolds

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    Higher chromatic numbers χs\chi_s of simplicial complexes naturally generalize the chromatic number χ1\chi_1 of a graph. In any fixed dimension dd, the ss-chromatic number χs\chi_s of dd-complexes can become arbitrarily large for s≀⌈d/2⌉s\leq\lceil d/2\rceil [6,18]. In contrast, χd+1=1\chi_{d+1}=1, and only little is known on χs\chi_s for ⌈d/2⌉<s≀d\lceil d/2\rceil<s\leq d. A particular class of dd-complexes are triangulations of dd-manifolds. As a consequence of the Map Color Theorem for surfaces [29], the 2-chromatic number of any fixed surface is finite. However, by combining results from the literature, we will see that χ2\chi_2 for surfaces becomes arbitrarily large with growing genus. The proof for this is via Steiner triple systems and is non-constructive. In particular, up to now, no explicit triangulations of surfaces with high χ2\chi_2 were known. We show that orientable surfaces of genus at least 20 and non-orientable surfaces of genus at least 26 have a 2-chromatic number of at least 4. Via a projective Steiner triple systems, we construct an explicit triangulation of a non-orientable surface of genus 2542 and with face vector f=(127,8001,5334)f=(127,8001,5334) that has 2-chromatic number 5 or 6. We also give orientable examples with 2-chromatic numbers 5 and 6. For 3-dimensional manifolds, an iterated moment curve construction [18] along with embedding results [6] can be used to produce triangulations with arbitrarily large 2-chromatic number, but of tremendous size. Via a topological version of the geometric construction of [18], we obtain a rather small triangulation of the 3-dimensional sphere S3S^3 with face vector f=(167,1579,2824,1412)f=(167,1579,2824,1412) and 2-chromatic number 5.Comment: 22 pages, 11 figures, revised presentatio

    A theory of flow network typings and its optimization problems

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    Many large-scale and safety critical systems can be modeled as flow networks. Traditional approaches for the analysis of flow networks are whole-system approaches in that they require prior knowledge of the entire network before an analysis is undertaken, which can quickly become intractable as the size of network increases. In this thesis we study an alternative approach to the analysis of flow networks, which is modular, incremental and order-oblivious. The formal mechanism for realizing this compositional approach is an appropriately defined theory of network typings. Typings are formalized differently depending on how networks are specified and which of their properties is being verified. We illustrate this approach by considering a particular family of flow networks, called additive flow networks. In additive flow networks, every edge is assigned a constant gain/loss factor which is activated provided a non-zero amount of flow enters that edge. We show that the analysis of additive flow networks, more specifically the max-flow problem, is NP-hard, even when the underlying graph is planar. The theory of network typings gives rise to different forms of graph decomposition problems. We focus on one problem, which we call the graph reassembling problem. Given an abstraction of a flow network as a graph G = (V,E), one possible definition of this problem is specified in two steps: (1) We cut every edge of G into two halves to obtain a collection of |V| one-vertex components, and (2) we splice the two halves of all the edges, one edge at a time, in some order that minimizes the complexity of constructing a typing for G, starting from the typings of its one-vertex components. One optimization is minimizing “maximum” edge-boundary degree of components encountered during the reassembling of G (denoted as α measure). Another is to minimize the “sum” of all edge-boundary degrees encountered during this process (denoted by ÎČ measure). Finally, we study different variations of graph reassembling (with respect to minimizing α or ÎČ) and their relation with problems such as Linear Arrangement, Routing Tree Embedding, and Tree Layout
