189 research outputs found

    Implementation of linear minimum area enclosing traingle algorithm

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    This article has been made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund.An algorithm which computes the minimum area triangle enclosing a convex polygon in linear time already exists in the literature. The paper describing the algorithm also proves that the provided solution is optimal and a lower complexity sequential algorithm cannot exist. However, only a high-level description of the algorithm was provided, making the implementation difficult to reproduce. The present note aims to contribute to the field by providing a detailed description of the algorithm which is easy to implement and reproduce, and a benchmark comprising 10,000 variable sized, randomly generated convex polygons for illustrating the linearity of the algorithm

    Problems and applications of Discrete and Computational Geometry concerning graphs, polygons, and points in the plane

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    Esta tesistratasobreproblemasyaplicacionesdelageometríadiscretay computacional enelplano,relacionadosconpolígonos,conjuntosdepuntos y grafos. Después deunprimercapítulointroductorio,enelcapítulo 2 estudiamos una generalizacióndeunfamosoproblemadevisibilidadenelámbitodela O-convexidad. Dadounconjuntodeorientaciones(ángulos) O, decimosque una curvaes O-convexa si suintersecciónconcualquierrectaparalelaauna orientaciónde O es conexa.Cuando O = {0◦, 90◦}, nosencontramosenel caso delaortoconvexidad,consideradodeespecialrelevancia.El O-núcleo de unpolígonoeselconjuntodepuntosdelmismoquepuedenserconectados con cualquierotropuntodelpolígonomedianteunacurva O-convexa.En este trabajoobtenemos,para O = {0◦} y O = {0◦, 90◦}, unalgoritmopara calcular ymantenerel O-núcleodeunpolígonoconformeelconjuntode orientaciones O rota. Dichoalgoritmoproporciona,además,losángulosde rotación paralosqueel O-núcleotieneáreayperímetromáximos. En elcapítulo 3 consideramos unaversiónbicromáticadeunproblema combinatorioplanteadoporNeumann-LarayUrrutia.Enconcreto,de- mostramos quetodoconjuntode n puntosazulesy n puntosrojosenel plano contieneunparbicromáticodepuntostalquetodocírculoquelos tenga ensufronteracontieneensuinterioralmenos n(1− 1 √2 )−o(n) puntos del conjunto.Esteproblemaestáfuertementeligadoalcálculodelosdiagra- mas deVoronoideordensuperiordelconjuntodepuntos,pueslasaristas de estosdiagramascontienenprecisamentetodosloscentrosdeloscírculos que pasanpordospuntosdelconjunto.Porello,nuestralíneadetrabajo actual enesteproblemaconsisteenexplorarestaconexiónrealizandoun estudio detalladodelaspropiedadesdelosdiagramasdeVoronoideorden superior. En loscapítulos 4 y 5, planteamosdosaplicacionesdelateoríadegrafos 6 7 al análisissensorialyalcontroldeltráficoaéreo,respectivamente.Enel primer caso,presentamosunnuevométodoquecombinatécnicasestadísti- cas ygeométricasparaanalizarlasopinionesdelosconsumidores,recogidas a travésdemapeoproyectivo.Estemétodoesunavariacióndelmétodo SensoGraph ypretendecapturarlaesenciadelmapeoproyectivomediante el cálculodelasdistanciaseuclídeasentrelosparesdemuestrasysunor- malización enelintervalo [0, 1]. Acontinuación,aplicamoselmétodoaun ejemplo prácticoycomparamossusresultadosconlosobtenidosmediante métodosclásicosdeanálisissensorialsobreelmismoconjuntodedatos. En elsegundocaso,utilizamoslatécnicadelespectro-coloreadodegrafos para plantearunmodelodecontroldeltráficoaéreoquepretendeoptimizar el consumodecombustibledelosavionesalmismotiempoqueseevitan colisiones entreellos.This thesisdealswithproblemsandapplicationsofdiscreteandcomputa- tional geometryintheplane,concerningpolygons,pointsets,andgraphs. After afirstintroductorychapter,inChapter 2 westudyageneraliza- tion ofafamousvisibilityproblemintheframeworkof O-convexity. Given a setoforientations(angles) O, wesaythatacurveis O-convex if itsin- tersection withanylineparalleltoanorientationin O is connected.When O = {0◦, 90◦}, wefindourselvesinthecaseoforthoconvexity,consideredof specialrelevance.The O-kernel of apolygonisthesubsetofpointsofthe polygonthatcanbeconnectedtoanyotherpointofthepolygonwithan O-convexcurve.Inthisworkweobtain,for O = {0◦} and O = {0◦, 90◦}, an algorithm tocomputeandmaintainthe O-kernelofapolygonasthesetof orientations O rotates. Thisalgorithmalsoprovidestheanglesofrotation that maximizetheareaandperimeterofthe O-kernel. In Chapter 3, weconsiderabichromaticversionofacombinatorialprob- lem posedbyNeumann-LaraandUrrutia.Specifically,weprovethatevery set of n blue and n red pointsintheplanecontainsabichromaticpairof pointssuchthateverycirclehavingthemonitsboundarycontainsatleast n(1 − 1 √2 ) − o(n) pointsofthesetinitsinterior.Thisproblemisclosely related toobtainingthehigherorderVoronoidiagramsofthepointset.The edges ofthesediagramscontain,precisely,allthecentersofthecirclesthat pass throughtwopointsoftheset.Therefore,ourcurrentlineofresearch on thisproblemconsistsonexploringthisconnectionbystudyingindetail the propertiesofhigherorderVoronoidiagrams. In Chapters 4 and 5, weconsidertwoapplicationsofgraphtheoryto sensory analysisandairtrafficmanagement,respectively.Inthefirstcase, weintroduceanewmethodwhichcombinesgeometricandstatisticaltech- niques toanalyzeconsumeropinions,collectedthroughprojectivemapping. This methodisavariationofthemethodSensoGraph.Itaimstocapture 4 5 the essenceofprojectivemappingbycomputingtheEcuclideandistances betweenpairsofsamplesandnormalizingthemtotheinterval [0, 1]. Weap- ply themethodtoareal-lifescenarioandcompareitsperformancewiththe performanceofclassicmethodsofsensoryanalysisoverthesamedataset. In thesecondcase,weusetheSpectrumGraphColoringtechniquetopro- poseamodelforairtrafficmanagementthataimstooptimizetheamount of fuelusedbytheairplanes,whileavoidingcollisionsbetweenthem

    Reshaping Convex Polyhedra

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    Given a convex polyhedral surface P, we define a tailoring as excising from P a simple polygonal domain that contains one vertex v, and whose boundary can be sutured closed to a new convex polyhedron via Alexandrov's Gluing Theorem. In particular, a digon-tailoring cuts off from P a digon containing v, a subset of P bounded by two equal-length geodesic segments that share endpoints, and can then zip closed. In the first part of this monograph, we primarily study properties of the tailoring operation on convex polyhedra. We show that P can be reshaped to any polyhedral convex surface Q a subset of conv(P) by a sequence of tailorings. This investigation uncovered previously unexplored topics, including a notion of unfolding of Q onto P--cutting up Q into pieces pasted non-overlapping onto P. In the second part of this monograph, we study vertex-merging processes on convex polyhedra (each vertex-merge being in a sense the reverse of a digon-tailoring), creating embeddings of P into enlarged surfaces. We aim to produce non-overlapping polyhedral and planar unfoldings, which led us to develop an apparently new theory of convex sets, and of minimal length enclosing polygons, on convex polyhedra. All our theorem proofs are constructive, implying polynomial-time algorithms.Comment: Research monograph. 234 pages, 105 figures, 55 references. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2008.0175

    A Boundary-Based Measure for Gerrymandering

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    This paper presents a new measure for quantifying legislative gerrymandering based intuitive observation that in a non-gerrymandered district a randomly placed observer should be able to walk in a straight line and only cross the boundary of the district once, when the district is exited. We make this notion precise in terms of the expected value of such crossings. The result is the Boundary Intersection Number, or BIN. Properties of the BIN score are proven and its computational properties discussed

    Separating bichromatic point sets in the plane by restricted orientation convex hulls

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    The version of record is available online at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10898-022-01238-9We explore the separability of point sets in the plane by a restricted-orientation convex hull, which is an orientation-dependent, possibly disconnected, and non-convex enclosing shape that generalizes the convex hull. Let R and B be two disjoint sets of red and blue points in the plane, and O be a set of k=2 lines passing through the origin. We study the problem of computing the set of orientations of the lines of O for which the O-convex hull of R contains no points of B. For k=2 orthogonal lines we have the rectilinear convex hull. In optimal O(nlogn) time and O(n) space, n=|R|+|B|, we compute the set of rotation angles such that, after simultaneously rotating the lines of O around the origin in the same direction, the rectilinear convex hull of R contains no points of B. We generalize this result to the case where O is formed by k=2 lines with arbitrary orientations. In the counter-clockwise circular order of the lines of O, let ai be the angle required to clockwise rotate the ith line so it coincides with its successor. We solve the problem in this case in O(1/T·NlogN) time and O(1/T·N) space, where T=min{a1,…,ak} and N=max{k,|R|+|B|}. We finally consider the case in which O is formed by k=2 lines, one of the lines is fixed, and the second line rotates by an angle that goes from 0 to p. We show that this last case can also be solved in optimal O(nlogn) time and O(n) space, where n=|R|+|B|.Carlos Alegría: Research supported by MIUR Proj. “AHeAD” no 20174LF3T8. David Orden: Research supported by Project PID2019-104129GB-I00 / AEI / 10.13039/501100011033 of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. Carlos Seara: Research supported by Project PID2019-104129GB-I00 / AEI / 10.13039/501100011033 of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. Jorge Urrutia: Research supported in part by SEP-CONACYThis project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska–Curie Grant Agreement No 734922.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version