77 research outputs found

    Non-crossing frameworks with non-crossing reciprocals

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    We study non-crossing frameworks in the plane for which the classical reciprocal on the dual graph is also non-crossing. We give a complete description of the self-stresses on non-crossing frameworks whose reciprocals are non-crossing, in terms of: the types of faces (only pseudo-triangles and pseudo-quadrangles are allowed); the sign patterns in the self-stress; and a geometric condition on the stress vectors at some of the vertices. As in other recent papers where the interplay of non-crossingness and rigidity of straight-line plane graphs is studied, pseudo-triangulations show up as objects of special interest. For example, it is known that all planar Laman circuits can be embedded as a pseudo-triangulation with one non-pointed vertex. We show that if such an embedding is sufficiently generic, then the reciprocal is non-crossing and again a pseudo-triangulation embedding of a planar Laman circuit. For a singular (i.e., non-generic) pseudo-triangulation embedding of a planar Laman circuit, the reciprocal is still non-crossing and a pseudo-triangulation, but its underlying graph may not be a Laman circuit. Moreover, all the pseudo-triangulations which admit a non-crossing reciprocal arise as the reciprocals of such, possibly singular, stresses on pseudo-triangulation embeddings of Laman circuits. All self-stresses on a planar graph correspond to liftings to piece-wise linear surfaces in 3-space. We prove characteristic geometric properties of the lifts of such non-crossing reciprocal pairs.Comment: 32 pages, 23 figure

    Hierarchical Riesz bases for Hs(Omega), 1 < s < 5/2

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    On arbitrary polygonal domains OmegasubsetRR2Omega subset RR^2, we construct C1C^1 hierarchical Riesz bases for Sobolev spaces Hs(Omega)H^s(Omega). In contrast to an earlier construction by Dahmen, Oswald, and Shi (1994), our bases will be of Lagrange instead of Hermite type, by which we extend the range of stability from sin(2,frac52)s in (2,frac{5}{2}) to sin(1,frac52)s in (1,frac{5}{2}). Since the latter range includes s=2s=2, with respect to the present basis, the stiffness matrices of fourth-order elliptic problems are uniformly well-conditioned

    Linear Complexity Hexahedral Mesh Generation

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    We show that any polyhedron forming a topological ball with an even number of quadrilateral sides can be partitioned into O(n) topological cubes, meeting face to face. The result generalizes to non-simply-connected polyhedra satisfying an additional bipartiteness condition. The same techniques can also be used to reduce the geometric version of the hexahedral mesh generation problem to a finite case analysis amenable to machine solution.Comment: 12 pages, 17 figures. A preliminary version of this paper appeared at the 12th ACM Symp. on Computational Geometry. This is the final version, and will appear in a special issue of Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications for papers from SCG '9

    Discrete conformal maps: boundary value problems, circle domains, Fuchsian and Schottky uniformization

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    We discuss several extensions and applications of the theory of discretely conformally equivalent triangle meshes (two meshes are considered conformally equivalent if corresponding edge lengths are related by scale factors attached to the vertices). We extend the fundamental definitions and variational principles from triangulations to polyhedral surfaces with cyclic faces. The case of quadrilateral meshes is equivalent to the cross ratio system, which provides a link to the theory of integrable systems. The extension to cyclic polygons also brings discrete conformal maps to circle domains within the scope of the theory. We provide results of numerical experiments suggesting that discrete conformal maps converge to smooth conformal maps, with convergence rates depending on the mesh quality. We consider the Fuchsian uniformization of Riemann surfaces represented in different forms: as immersed surfaces in \mathbb {R}^{3}, as hyperelliptic curves, and as \mathbb {CP}^{1} modulo a classical Schottky group, i.e., we convert Schottky to Fuchsian uniformization. Extended examples also demonstrate a geometric characterization of hyperelliptic surfaces due to Schmutz Schaller

    Selected topics in algorithmic geometry

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    Let P be a set of n points on the plane with no three points on a line. A crossing-free structure on P is a straight-edge plane graph whose vertex set is P. In this thesis we consider problems of two different topics in the area of algorithmic geometry: Geometry using Steiner points, and counting algorithms. These topics have certain crossing-free structures on P as our primary objects of study. Our results can roughly be described as follows: i) Given a k-coloring of P, with k >= 3 colors, we will show how to construct a set of Steiner points S = S(P) such that a k-colored quadrangulation can always be constructed on (P U S). The bound we show of |S| significantly improves on previously known results. ii) We also show how to construct a se S = S(P) of Steiner points such that a triangulation of (P U S) having all its vertices of even (odd) degree can always be constructed. We show that |S| <= n/3 + c, where c is a constant. We also look at other variants of this problem. iii) With respect to counting algorithms, we show new algorithms for counting triangulations, pseudo-triangulations, crossing-free matchings and crossing-free spanning cycles on P. Our algorithms are simple and allow good analysis of their running times. These algorithms significantly improve over previously known results. We also show an algorithm that counts triangulations approximately, and a hardness result of a particular instance of the problem of counting triangulations exactly. iv) We show experiments comparing our algorithms for counting triangulations with another well-known algorithm that is supposed to be very fast in practice.Sei P eine Menge von n Punkte in der Ebene, so dass keine drei Punkten auf einer Geraden liegen. Eine kreuzungsfreie Struktur von P ist ein geradliniger ebener Graph, der P als Knotenmenge hat. In dieser Dissertation behandeln wir zwei verschiedene Problemkreise auf dem Gebiet der algorithmischen Geometrie: Geometrie mit Steinerpunkten und Anzahl bestimmende Algorithmen auf P und auf gewissen kreuzungsfreien Strukturen von P. Unsere Resultate können wie folgt beschrieben werden: i) Gegeben sei eine k-Färbung von P, mit k >= 3 Farben. Es wird gezeigt, wie eine Menge S = S(P) von Steiner Punkten konstruiert werden kann, die die Konstruktion einer k-gefärbten Quadrangulierung von (P U S) ermöglicht. Die von uns gezeigte Schranke für |S| verbessert die bisher bekannte Schranke. ii) Gezeigt wird auch die Konstruktion einer Menge S = S(P) von Steiner Punkten, so dass eine Triangulierung von (P U S) konstruiert werden kann, bei der der Grad aller Knoten gerade (ungerade) ist. Wir zeigen, dass |S| <= n/3 + c möglich ist, wobei c eine Konstante ist. Wir betrachten auch andere Varianten dieses Problems. iii) Was die Anzahl bestimmenden Algorithmen betrifft, zeigen wir neue Algorithmen, um Triangulierungen, Pseudotriangulierungen, kreuzungsfreie Matchings und kreuzungsfreie aufspannende Zyklen von P zu zählen. Unsere Algorithmen sind einfach und lassen eine gute Analyse der Laufzeiten zu. Diese neuen Algorithmen verbessern wesentlich die bisherigen Ergebnisse. Weiter zeigen wir einen Algorithmus, der Triangulierungen approximativ zählt, und bestimmen die Komplexitätsklasse einer bestimmten Variante des Problems des exakten Zählens von Triangulierungen. iv) Wir zeigen Experimente, die unsere triangulierungszählenden Algorithmen mit einem anderen bekannten Algorithmus vergleichen, der in der Praxis als besonders schnell bekannt ist

    Quadrilateral Meshes with Bounded Minimum Angle

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    This paper presents an algorithm that utilizes a quadtree to construct a strictly convex quadrilateral mesh for a simple polygonal region in which no newly created angle is smaller than . This is the first known result, to the best of our knowledge, on quadrilateral mesh generation with a provable guarantee on the minimum angle
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