1,855 research outputs found

    Partitioning Regular Polygons into Circular Pieces I: Convex Partitions

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    We explore an instance of the question of partitioning a polygon into pieces, each of which is as ``circular'' as possible, in the sense of having an aspect ratio close to 1. The aspect ratio of a polygon is the ratio of the diameters of the smallest circumscribing circle to the largest inscribed disk. The problem is rich even for partitioning regular polygons into convex pieces, the focus of this paper. We show that the optimal (most circular) partition for an equilateral triangle has an infinite number of pieces, with the lower bound approachable to any accuracy desired by a particular finite partition. For pentagons and all regular k-gons, k > 5, the unpartitioned polygon is already optimal. The square presents an interesting intermediate case. Here the one-piece partition is not optimal, but nor is the trivial lower bound approachable. We narrow the optimal ratio to an aspect-ratio gap of 0.01082 with several somewhat intricate partitions.Comment: 21 pages, 25 figure

    Securing Pathways with Orthogonal Robots

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    The protection of pathways holds immense significance across various domains, including urban planning, transportation, surveillance, and security. This article introduces a groundbreaking approach to safeguarding pathways by employing orthogonal robots. The study specifically addresses the challenge of efficiently guarding orthogonal areas with the minimum number of orthogonal robots. The primary focus is on orthogonal pathways, characterized by a path-like dual graph of vertical decomposition. It is demonstrated that determining the minimum number of orthogonal robots for pathways can be achieved in linear time. However, it is essential to note that the general problem of finding the minimum number of robots for simple polygons with general visibility, even in the orthogonal case, is known to be NP-hard. Emphasis is placed on the flexibility of placing robots anywhere within the polygon, whether on the boundary or in the interior.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    A Note on Plus-Contacts, Rectangular Duals, and Box-Orthogonal Drawings

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    A plus-contact representation of a planar graph GG is called cc-balanced if for every plus shape +v+_v, the number of other plus shapes incident to each arm of +v+_v is at most cΞ”+O(1) c \Delta +O(1), where Ξ”\Delta is the maximum degree of GG. Although small values of cc have been achieved for a few subclasses of planar graphs (e.g., 22- and 33-trees), it is unknown whether cc-balanced representations with c<1c<1 exist for arbitrary planar graphs. In this paper we compute (1/2)(1/2)-balanced plus-contact representations for all planar graphs that admit a rectangular dual. Our result implies that any graph with a rectangular dual has a 1-bend box-orthogonal drawings such that for each vertex vv, the box representing vv is a square of side length deg(v)2+O(1)\frac{deg(v)}{2}+ O(1).Comment: A poster related to this research appeared at the 25th International Symposium on Graph Drawing & Network Visualization (GD 2017

    Optimally fast incremental Manhattan plane embedding and planar tight span construction

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    We describe a data structure, a rectangular complex, that can be used to represent hyperconvex metric spaces that have the same topology (although not necessarily the same distance function) as subsets of the plane. We show how to use this data structure to construct the tight span of a metric space given as an n x n distance matrix, when the tight span is homeomorphic to a subset of the plane, in time O(n^2), and to add a single point to a planar tight span in time O(n). As an application of this construction, we show how to test whether a given finite metric space embeds isometrically into the Manhattan plane in time O(n^2), and add a single point to the space and re-test whether it has such an embedding in time O(n).Comment: 39 pages, 15 figure

    Fat Polygonal Partitions with Applications to Visualization and Embeddings

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    Let T\mathcal{T} be a rooted and weighted tree, where the weight of any node is equal to the sum of the weights of its children. The popular Treemap algorithm visualizes such a tree as a hierarchical partition of a square into rectangles, where the area of the rectangle corresponding to any node in T\mathcal{T} is equal to the weight of that node. The aspect ratio of the rectangles in such a rectangular partition necessarily depends on the weights and can become arbitrarily high. We introduce a new hierarchical partition scheme, called a polygonal partition, which uses convex polygons rather than just rectangles. We present two methods for constructing polygonal partitions, both having guarantees on the worst-case aspect ratio of the constructed polygons; in particular, both methods guarantee a bound on the aspect ratio that is independent of the weights of the nodes. We also consider rectangular partitions with slack, where the areas of the rectangles may differ slightly from the weights of the corresponding nodes. We show that this makes it possible to obtain partitions with constant aspect ratio. This result generalizes to hyper-rectangular partitions in Rd\mathbb{R}^d. We use these partitions with slack for embedding ultrametrics into dd-dimensional Euclidean space: we give a polylog(Ξ”)\mathop{\rm polylog}(\Delta)-approximation algorithm for embedding nn-point ultrametrics into Rd\mathbb{R}^d with minimum distortion, where Ξ”\Delta denotes the spread of the metric, i.e., the ratio between the largest and the smallest distance between two points. The previously best-known approximation ratio for this problem was polynomial in nn. This is the first algorithm for embedding a non-trivial family of weighted-graph metrics into a space of constant dimension that achieves polylogarithmic approximation ratio.Comment: 26 page

    Minimizing Turns in Watchman Robot Navigation: Strategies and Solutions

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    The Orthogonal Watchman Route Problem (OWRP) entails the search for the shortest path, known as the watchman route, that a robot must follow within a polygonal environment. The primary objective is to ensure that every point in the environment remains visible from at least one point on the route, allowing the robot to survey the entire area in a single, continuous sweep. This research places particular emphasis on reducing the number of turns in the route, as it is crucial for optimizing navigation in watchman routes within the field of robotics. The cost associated with changing direction is of significant importance, especially for specific types of robots. This paper introduces an efficient linear-time algorithm for solving the OWRP under the assumption that the environment is monotone. The findings of this study contribute to the progress of robotic systems by enabling the design of more streamlined patrol robots. These robots are capable of efficiently navigating complex environments while minimizing the number of turns. This advancement enhances their coverage and surveillance capabilities, making them highly effective in various real-world applications.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure
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