4,144 research outputs found

    Minimum cycle and homology bases of surface embedded graphs

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    We study the problems of finding a minimum cycle basis (a minimum weight set of cycles that form a basis for the cycle space) and a minimum homology basis (a minimum weight set of cycles that generates the 11-dimensional (Z2\mathbb{Z}_2)-homology classes) of an undirected graph embedded on a surface. The problems are closely related, because the minimum cycle basis of a graph contains its minimum homology basis, and the minimum homology basis of the 11-skeleton of any graph is exactly its minimum cycle basis. For the minimum cycle basis problem, we give a deterministic O(nω+22gn2+m)O(n^\omega+2^{2g}n^2+m)-time algorithm for graphs embedded on an orientable surface of genus gg. The best known existing algorithms for surface embedded graphs are those for general graphs: an O(mω)O(m^\omega) time Monte Carlo algorithm and a deterministic O(nm2/logn+n2m)O(nm^2/\log n + n^2 m) time algorithm. For the minimum homology basis problem, we give a deterministic O((g+b)3nlogn+m)O((g+b)^3 n \log n + m)-time algorithm for graphs embedded on an orientable or non-orientable surface of genus gg with bb boundary components, assuming shortest paths are unique, improving on existing algorithms for many values of gg and nn. The assumption of unique shortest paths can be avoided with high probability using randomization or deterministically by increasing the running time of the homology basis algorithm by a factor of O(logn)O(\log n).Comment: A preliminary version of this work was presented at the 32nd Annual International Symposium on Computational Geometr

    All-Pairs Minimum Cuts in Near-Linear Time for Surface-Embedded Graphs

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    For an undirected nn-vertex graph GG with non-negative edge-weights, we consider the following type of query: given two vertices ss and tt in GG, what is the weight of a minimum stst-cut in GG? We solve this problem in preprocessing time O(nlog3n)O(n\log^3 n) for graphs of bounded genus, giving the first sub-quadratic time algorithm for this class of graphs. Our result also improves by a logarithmic factor a previous algorithm by Borradaile, Sankowski and Wulff-Nilsen (FOCS 2010) that applied only to planar graphs. Our algorithm constructs a Gomory-Hu tree for the given graph, providing a data structure with space O(n)O(n) that can answer minimum-cut queries in constant time. The dependence on the genus of the input graph in our preprocessing time is 2O(g2)2^{O(g^2)}

    Homological Error Correction: Classical and Quantum Codes

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    We prove several theorems characterizing the existence of homological error correction codes both classically and quantumly. Not every classical code is homological, but we find a family of classical homological codes saturating the Hamming bound. In the quantum case, we show that for non-orientable surfaces it is impossible to construct homological codes based on qudits of dimension D>2D>2, while for orientable surfaces with boundaries it is possible to construct them for arbitrary dimension DD. We give a method to obtain planar homological codes based on the construction of quantum codes on compact surfaces without boundaries. We show how the original Shor's 9-qubit code can be visualized as a homological quantum code. We study the problem of constructing quantum codes with optimal encoding rate. In the particular case of toric codes we construct an optimal family and give an explicit proof of its optimality. For homological quantum codes on surfaces of arbitrary genus we also construct a family of codes asymptotically attaining the maximum possible encoding rate. We provide the tools of homology group theory for graphs embedded on surfaces in a self-contained manner.Comment: Revtex4 fil

    Computation of Cycle Bases in Surface Embedded Graphs

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    Classical simulation of measurement-based quantum computation on higher-genus surface-code states

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    We consider the efficiency of classically simulating measurement-based quantum computation on surface-code states. We devise a method for calculating the elements of the probability distribution for the classical output of the quantum computation. The operational cost of this method is polynomial in the size of the surface-code state, but in the worst case scales as 22g2^{2g} in the genus gg of the surface embedding the code. However, there are states in the code space for which the simulation becomes efficient. In general, the simulation cost is exponential in the entanglement contained in a certain effective state, capturing the encoded state, the encoding and the local post-measurement states. The same efficiencies hold, with additional assumptions on the temporal order of measurements and on the tessellations of the code surfaces, for the harder task of sampling from the distribution of the computational output.Comment: 21 pages, 13 figure

    A Turaev surface approach to Khovanov homology

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    We introduce Khovanov homology for ribbon graphs and show that the Khovanov homology of a certain ribbon graph embedded on the Turaev surface of a link is isomorphic to the Khovanov homology of the link (after a grading shift). We also present a spanning quasi-tree model for the Khovanov homology of a ribbon graph.Comment: 30 pages, 18 figures, added sections on virtual links and Reidemeister move