219 research outputs found

    Network Vortex: Distributed Virtual Memory for Streaming Applications

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    Explosive growth of the Internet, cluster computing, and storage technology has led to generation of enormous volumes of information and the need for scalable data computing. One of the central frameworks for such analysis is MapReduce, which is a programming platform for processing streaming data in external/distributed memory. Despite a significant public effort, open-source implementations of MapReduce (e.g., Hadoop, Spark) are complicated, bulky, and inefficient. To overcome this problem, we explore employing and expanding upon a recent a C/C++ programming abstraction called Vortex that offers a simple interface to the user, zero-copy operation, low RAM consumption, and high data throughput. In particular, this research examines algorithms and techniques for enabling Vortex operation over the network, including both TCP/IP sockets and data-link RDMA (e.g., InfiniBand) interfaces. We developed a new producer-consumer memory stream abstraction presented as a Vortex stream split across two hosts, travelling through a hidden network communication layer to provide the illusion of writing a continuous stream of data directly into a window of memory on a remote machine, thereby enabling the creation of high-performance networking code and size-agnostic data transport under appropriate circumstances written as simply as an in-memory copy operation, overcoming complications normally inherent in the discrete nature of network packet transfer. While the resulting product is highly workable over standard IP-based internet networks, the design limitations of RDMA technology in interfacing with virtual memory prove to make Vortex streams a suboptimal abstraction for this programming platform, as its central appeal of zero-copy network transfers are rendered largely inaccessible. Alternative algorithms to enhance RDMA performance with Vortex are proposed for future study

    Spinning Relations: High-Speed Networks for Distributed Join Processing

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    By leveraging modern networking hardware (RDMA-enabled network cards), we can shift priorities in distributed database processing significantly. Complex and sophisticated mechanisms to avoid network traffic can be replaced by a scheme that takes advantag

    Towards Low-Latency Byzantine Agreement Protocols Using RDMA

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    Byzantine fault tolerance (BFT) protocols can mitigate attacks and errors and are increasingly investigated as consensus protocols in blockchains. However, they are traditionally considered costly in terms of message complexity and latency due to the required multiple rounds of message exchanges. With the availability of Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA) in data centers, message exchange latency can be reduced compared to TCP, as RDMA enables kernel bypassing and thereby avoids intermediate data copying. Retaining the performance benefits for RDMA during its integration, however, is non-trivial and error-prone. While the use of RDMA has previously been explored for key/value stores, databases and distributed file systems, agreement protocols especially for BFT have so far been neglected. We investigate the usage of RDMA in the Reptor BFT protocol for low-latency agreement and show first steps towards an RDMA-enabled consensus protocol. For this, we present RUBIN, a framework offering similar functionality to the Java NIO selector, which can handle multiple network connections efficiently with a single thread and is employed in several BFT protocol implementations such as BFT-SMART and UpRight

    The data cyclotron query processing scheme

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    Distributed database systems exploit static workload characteristics to steer data fragmentation and data allocation schemes. However, the grand challenge of distributed query processing is to come up with a self-organizing architecture, which exploits all resources to manage the hot data set, minimize query response time, and maximize throughput without global co-ordination. In this paper, we introduce the Data Cyclotron architecture which addresses the challenges using turbulent data movement through a storage ring built from distributed main memory capitalizing modern remote-DMA facilities. Queries assigned to individual nodes interact with the Data Cyclotron by picking up data fragments continuously flowing around, i.e., the hot set. Each data fragment carries a level of interest (LOI) metric, which represents the cumulative query interest as the fragment passes around the ring multiple times. A fragment with a LOI below a given threshold, inversely proportional to the ring load, is pulled o
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