4 research outputs found

    Minimizing coordination channels in distributed testing

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    Testing may be used to show that a system under test conforms to its specication. In the case of a distributed system, one may have to use a distributed test architecture, involving p testers in order to test the system under test. These p testers may under some circumstances have to coordinate their actions with each other using external coordination channels. This may require the use of up to p2 p unidirectional coordination channels in the test architecture, which can be an extensive and expensive setup. In this paper, we propose a method to generate checking sequences while minimizing the number of required coordination channels, by adapting existing methods that generate checking sequences to be applied in a centralized test architecture. We consider the case of unidirectional and bidirectional coordination channels, and the case of transitive coordination

    Combining centralised and distributed testing

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    Many systems interact with their environment at distributed interfaces (ports) and sometimes it is not possible to place synchronised local testers at the ports of the system under test (SUT). There are then two main approaches to testing: having independent local testers or a single centralised tester that interacts asynchronously with the SUT. The power of using independent testers has been captured using implementation relation \dioco. In this paper we define implementation relation \diococ for the centralised approach and prove that \dioco and \diococ are incomparable. This shows that the frameworks detect different types of faults and so we devise a hybrid framework and define an implementation relation \diocos for this. We prove that the hybrid framework is more powerful than the distributed and centralised approaches. We then prove that the Oracle problem is NP-complete for \diococ and \diocos but can be solved in polynomial time if we place an upper bound on the number of ports. Finally, we consider the problem of deciding whether there is a test case that is guaranteed to force a finite state model into a particular state or to distinguish two states, proving that both problems are undecidable for the centralised and hybrid frameworks

    Improvements in finite state machines

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    Finite State Machine (FSM) based testing methods have a history of over half a century, starting in 1956 with the works on machine identi cation. This was then followed by works checking the conformance of a given implementation to a given speci cation. When it is possible to identify the states of an FSM using an appropriate input sequence, it's been long known that it is possible to generate a Fault Detection Experiment with fault coverage with respect to a certain fault model in polynomial time. In this thesis, we investigate two notions of fault detection sequences; Checking Sequence (CS), Checking Experiment (CE). Since a fault detection sequence (either a CS or a CE) is constructed once but used many times, the importance of having short fault detection sequences is obvious and hence recent works in this eld aim to generate shorter fault detection sequences. In this thesis, we rst investigate a strategy and related problems to reduce the length of a CS. A CS consists several components such as Reset Sequences and State Identi - cation Sequences. All works assume that for a given FSM, a reset sequence and a state identi cation sequence are also given together with the speci cation FSM M. Using the given reset and state identi cation sequences, a CS is formed that gives full fault coverage under certain assumptions. In other words, any faulty implementation N can be identi ed by using this test sequence. In the literature, di erent methods for CS construction take di erent approaches to put these components together, with the aim of coming up with a shorter CS incorporating all of these components. One obvious way of keeping the CS short is to keep components short. As the reset sequence and the state identi cation sequence are the biggest components, having short reset and state identi cation sequences is very important as well. It was shown in 1991 that for a given FSM M, shortest reset sequence cannot be computed in polynomial time if P 6ā‰ NP. Recently it was shown that when the FSM has particular type (\monotonic") of transition structure, constructing one of the shortest reset word is polynomial time solvable. However there has been no work on constructing one of the shortest reset word for a monotonic partially speci ed machines. In this thesis, we showed that this problem is NP-hard. On the other hand, in 1994 it was shown that one can check if M has special type of state identi cation sequence (known as an adaptive distinguishing sequence) in polynomial time. The same work also suggests a polynomial time algorithm to construct a state identi cation sequence when one exists. However, this algorithm generates a state identi cation sequence without any particular emphasis on generating a short one. There has been no work on the generation of state identi cation sequences for complete or partial machines after this work. In this thesis, we showed that construction of short state identi cation sequences is NP-complete and NP-hard to approximate. We propose methods of generating short state identi cation sequences and experimentally validate that such state identi cation sequences can reduce the length of fault detection sequences by 29:2% on the average. Another line of research, in this thesis, devoted for reducing the cost of checking experiments. A checking experiment consist of a set of input sequences each of which aim to test di erent properties of the implementation. As in the case of CSs, a large portion of these input sequences contain state identi cation sequences. There are several kinds of state identi cation sequences that are applicable in CEs. In this work, we propose a new kind of state identi cation sequence and show that construction of such sequences are PSPACE-complete. We propose a heuristic and we perform experiments on benchmark FSMs and experimentally show that the proposed notion of state identi cation sequence can reduce the cost of CEs by 65% in the extreme case. Testing distributed architectures is another interesting eld for FSM based fault detection sequence generation. The additional challenge when such distributed architectures are considered is to generate a fault detection sequence which does not pose controllability or observability problem. Although the existing methods again assume that a state identi cation sequence is given using which a fault detection sequence is constructed, there is no work on how to generate a state identi cation sequence which do not have controllability/observability problem itself. In this thesis we investigate the computational complexities to generate such state identi cation sequences and show that no polynomial time algorithm can construct a state identi cation sequence for a given distributed FSM