9,552 research outputs found

    Enforcement in Abstract Argumentation via Boolean Optimization

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    Computational aspects of argumentation are a central research topic of modern artificial intelligence. A core formal model for argumentation, where the inner structure of arguments is abstracted away, was provided by Dung in the form of abstract argumentation frameworks (AFs). AFs are syntactically directed graphs with the nodes representing arguments and edges representing attacks between them. Given the AF, sets of jointly acceptable arguments or extensions are defined via different semantics. The computational complexity and algorithmic solutions to so-called static problems, such as the enumeration of extensions, is a well-studied topic. Since argumentation is a dynamic process, understanding the dynamic aspects of AFs is also important. However, computational aspects of dynamic problems have not been studied thoroughly. This work concentrates on different forms of enforcement, which is a core dynamic problem in the area of abstract argumentation. In this case, given an AF, one wants to modify it by adding and removing attacks in a way that a given set of arguments becomes an extension (extension enforcement) or that given arguments are credulously or skeptically accepted (status enforcement). In this thesis, the enforcement problem is viewed as a constrained optimization task where the change to the attack structure is minimized. The computational complexity of the extension and status enforcement problems is analyzed, showing that they are in the general case NP-hard optimization problems. Motivated by this, algorithms are presented based on the Boolean optimization paradigm of maximum satisfiability (MaxSAT) for the NP-complete variants, and counterexample-guided abstraction refinement (CEGAR) procedures, where an interplay between MaxSAT and Boolean satisfiability (SAT) solvers is utilized, for problems beyond NP. The algorithms are implemented in the open source software system Pakota, which is empirically evaluated on randomly generated enforcement instances

    Incomplete SMT techniques for solving non-linear formulas over the integers

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    We present new methods for solving the Satisfiability Modulo Theories problem over the theory of QuantifierFree Non-linear Integer Arithmetic, SMT(QF-NIA), which consists of deciding the satisfiability of ground formulas with integer polynomial constraints. Following previous work, we propose to solve SMT(QF-NIA) instances by reducing them to linear arithmetic: non-linear monomials are linearized by abstracting them with fresh variables and by performing case splitting on integer variables with finite domain. For variables that do not have a finite domain, we can artificially introduce one by imposing a lower and an upper bound and iteratively enlarge it until a solution is found (or the procedure times out). The key for the success of the approach is to determine, at each iteration, which domains have to be enlarged. Previously, unsatisfiable cores were used to identify the domains to be changed, but no clue was obtained as to how large the new domains should be. Here, we explain two novel ways to guide this process by analyzing solutions to optimization problems: (i) to minimize the number of violated artificial domain bounds, solved via a Max-SMT solver, and (ii) to minimize the distance with respect to the artificial domains, solved via an Optimization Modulo Theories (OMT) solver. Using this SMT-based optimization technology allows smoothly extending the method to also solve Max-SMT problems over non-linear integer arithmetic. Finally, we leverage the resulting Max-SMT(QF-NIA) techniques to solve ∃∀ formulas in a fragment of quantified non-linear arithmetic that appears commonly in verification and synthesis applications.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Tree Projections and Constraint Optimization Problems: Fixed-Parameter Tractability and Parallel Algorithms

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    Tree projections provide a unifying framework to deal with most structural decomposition methods of constraint satisfaction problems (CSPs). Within this framework, a CSP instance is decomposed into a number of sub-problems, called views, whose solutions are either already available or can be computed efficiently. The goal is to arrange portions of these views in a tree-like structure, called tree projection, which determines an efficiently solvable CSP instance equivalent to the original one. Deciding whether a tree projection exists is NP-hard. Solution methods have therefore been proposed in the literature that do not require a tree projection to be given, and that either correctly decide whether the given CSP instance is satisfiable, or return that a tree projection actually does not exist. These approaches had not been generalized so far on CSP extensions for optimization problems, where the goal is to compute a solution of maximum value/minimum cost. The paper fills the gap, by exhibiting a fixed-parameter polynomial-time algorithm that either disproves the existence of tree projections or computes an optimal solution, with the parameter being the size of the expression of the objective function to be optimized over all possible solutions (and not the size of the whole constraint formula, used in related works). Tractability results are also established for the problem of returning the best K solutions. Finally, parallel algorithms for such optimization problems are proposed and analyzed. Given that the classes of acyclic hypergraphs, hypergraphs of bounded treewidth, and hypergraphs of bounded generalized hypertree width are all covered as special cases of the tree projection framework, the results in this paper directly apply to these classes. These classes are extensively considered in the CSP setting, as well as in conjunctive database query evaluation and optimization

    Invariant Generation through Strategy Iteration in Succinctly Represented Control Flow Graphs

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    We consider the problem of computing numerical invariants of programs, for instance bounds on the values of numerical program variables. More specifically, we study the problem of performing static analysis by abstract interpretation using template linear constraint domains. Such invariants can be obtained by Kleene iterations that are, in order to guarantee termination, accelerated by widening operators. In many cases, however, applying this form of extrapolation leads to invariants that are weaker than the strongest inductive invariant that can be expressed within the abstract domain in use. Another well-known source of imprecision of traditional abstract interpretation techniques stems from their use of join operators at merge nodes in the control flow graph. The mentioned weaknesses may prevent these methods from proving safety properties. The technique we develop in this article addresses both of these issues: contrary to Kleene iterations accelerated by widening operators, it is guaranteed to yield the strongest inductive invariant that can be expressed within the template linear constraint domain in use. It also eschews join operators by distinguishing all paths of loop-free code segments. Formally speaking, our technique computes the least fixpoint within a given template linear constraint domain of a transition relation that is succinctly expressed as an existentially quantified linear real arithmetic formula. In contrast to previously published techniques that rely on quantifier elimination, our algorithm is proved to have optimal complexity: we prove that the decision problem associated with our fixpoint problem is in the second level of the polynomial-time hierarchy.Comment: 35 pages, conference version published at ESOP 2011, this version is a CoRR version of our submission to Logical Methods in Computer Scienc

    Invariant Generation for Multi-Path Loops with Polynomial Assignments

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    Program analysis requires the generation of program properties expressing conditions to hold at intermediate program locations. When it comes to programs with loops, these properties are typically expressed as loop invariants. In this paper we study a class of multi-path program loops with numeric variables, in particular nested loops with conditionals, where assignments to program variables are polynomial expressions over program variables. We call this class of loops extended P-solvable and introduce an algorithm for generating all polynomial invariants of such loops. By an iterative procedure employing Gr\"obner basis computation, our approach computes the polynomial ideal of the polynomial invariants of each program path and combines these ideals sequentially until a fixed point is reached. This fixed point represents the polynomial ideal of all polynomial invariants of the given extended P-solvable loop. We prove termination of our method and show that the maximal number of iterations for reaching the fixed point depends linearly on the number of program variables and the number of inner loops. In particular, for a loop with m program variables and r conditional branches we prove an upper bound of m*r iterations. We implemented our approach in the Aligator software package. Furthermore, we evaluated it on 18 programs with polynomial arithmetic and compared it to existing methods in invariant generation. The results show the efficiency of our approach

    The KB paradigm and its application to interactive configuration

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    The knowledge base paradigm aims to express domain knowledge in a rich formal language, and to use this domain knowledge as a knowledge base to solve various problems and tasks that arise in the domain by applying multiple forms of inference. As such, the paradigm applies a strict separation of concerns between information and problem solving. In this paper, we analyze the principles and feasibility of the knowledge base paradigm in the context of an important class of applications: interactive configuration problems. In interactive configuration problems, a configuration of interrelated objects under constraints is searched, where the system assists the user in reaching an intended configuration. It is widely recognized in industry that good software solutions for these problems are very difficult to develop. We investigate such problems from the perspective of the KB paradigm. We show that multiple functionalities in this domain can be achieved by applying different forms of logical inferences on a formal specification of the configuration domain. We report on a proof of concept of this approach in a real-life application with a banking company. To appear in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP).Comment: To appear in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP