227 research outputs found

    Microcomputers and Local Government: A Handbook -- Participants\u27 Manual

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    This handbook has its origins in a conversation between the author and Dr. Theodore Maher in the spring of 1981. The conversation centered on the role that we believed soon would be played by microcomputers in local governments and the concomitant need for training and technical assistance in the acquisition and use of microcomputers

    Microcomputers and Local Government: A Handbook -- Instructors\u27 Manual

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    This handbook, and its accompanying instructor\u27s manual, was written to be used with a one- or two-day workshop on microcomputers and local governments. The handbook was designed· for the local government official with little or no familiarity with microcomputers and their applications to the world of government

    The organisational effects of installing a distributed processing system

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    Bibliography: 238-248.Since its introduction to business in 1952, computerised data processing has undergone a number of substantial changes, both in the hardware and the techniques that are used. The introduction of miniaturisation, and the resultant lowering of the costs of circuitry, has led to the widespread use of mini- and micro-computers. There has also been a large increase in the use of communication facilities. Initially, almost all organisations centralised their computer facilities at the Head Office and systems were run in the batch mode. The need to service the requirements of remote users was resolved by installing on-line facilities and providing unintelligent terminals to those users. Alternatively, stand-alone computers were installed at the remote locations. However, the requirements of businesses for centralised reporting and control led to the need to install processing units at the user sites and to connect those computers, via communications links, to a computer facility located at Head Office. In this way distributed data processing evolved. The provision of this type of processing mode has important implications to the organisation in such areas as costs, staffing, planning, control and systems design. This thesis, therefore, investigates the current (1980) trends in relation to distributed processing. It specifically examines the developments in hardware, software, and data communications. It assesses the criteria that should be considered by an organisation in selecting either the centralisation or distribution of its processing facilities. Through a field study both successful and unsuccessful distributed installations are examined. Conclusions are then drawn and recommendations made, to provide management with working guidelines when assessing the feasibility and practicality of distributed processing for its organisation. The findings of the study are appropriate for both general management and DP management with only centralised computing experience; and for individuals offering professional computer consultancy services to existing or potential users

    Computer bargaining in México and Brazil 1970-1990: dynamic interplay of industry and politics

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    Theories of host country – TNC bargaining seek to explain dependency shifts based on positional assets and relative capabilities. This analysis of the efforts of México and Brazil to promote and direct the development of a national computer industry from 1977 to 1990 reveals a bargaining landscape that is more dynamic than the traditional bargaining model anticipates. This thesis explains the variable nature of bargaining gains and losses by analysing the on-going, complex interplay of political, industry and market forces. Despite industry characteristics that favoured foreign capital, both México and Brazil achieved bargaining gains in the computer industry. Brazilian state actors enticed national finance and industrial groups to invest in the industry, prompted the development of indigenous technological capacity, and limited the market influence of computer transnationals for more than a decade. With more limited policy ambition, support and duration, México had initial success prompting TNC minority joint ventures in microcomputers and extracting concessions from the TNCs for exports. In both cases, however, bargaining gains were not secure; shifts in dependency were not progressive and one-directional. In fact, the study exposes a reverse trend toward greater dependency on foreign capital in both countries. For this reason one may not employ either case to support the obsolescing bargain in high technology industries. This thesis highlights three factors neglected by the traditional bargaining construct: the dynamism of the global computer industry which opened and close

    Conservation of a core neurite transcriptome across neuronal types and species

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    The intracellular localization of mRNAs allows neurons to control gene expression in neurite extensions (axons and dendrites) and respond rapidly to local stimuli. This plays an important role in diverse processes including neuronal growth and synaptic plasticity, which in turn serves as a foundation for learning and memory. Recent high-throughput analyses have revealed that neurites contain hundreds to thousands of mRNAs, but an analysis comparing the transcriptomes derived from these studies has been lacking. Here we analyze 20 datasets pertaining to neuronal mRNA localization across species and neuronal types and identify a conserved set of mRNAs that had robustly localized to neurites in a high number of the studies. The set includes mRNAs encoding for ribosomal proteins and other components of the translation machinery, mitochondrial proteins, cytoskeletal components, and proteins associated with neurite formation. Our combinatorial analysis provides a unique resource for future hypothesis-driven research. This article is categorized under: RNA Export and Localization > RNA Localization RNA Evolution and Genomics > Computational Analyses of RNA RNA Methods > RNA Analyses in Cells

    Kabul Times (September 28, 1967, vol. 6, no. 152)

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    Large protein complexes retained in the ER are dislocated by non-COPII vesicles and degraded by selective autophagy

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    Multisubunit protein complexes are assembled in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Existing pools of single subunits and assembly intermediates ensure the efficient and rapid formation of complete complexes. While being kinetically beneficial, surplus components must be eliminated to prevent potentially harmful accumulation in the ER. Surplus single chains are cleared by the ubiquitin-proteasome system. However, the fate of not secreted assembly intermediates of multisubunit proteins remains elusive. Here we show by high-resolution double-label confocal immunofluorescence and immunogold electron microscopy that naturally occurring surplus fibrinogen Aα-γ assembly intermediates in HepG2 cells are dislocated together with EDEM1 from the ER to the cytoplasm in ER-derived vesicles not corresponding to COPII-coated vesicles originating from the transitional ER. This route corresponds to the novel ER exit path we have previously identified for EDEM1 (Zuber etal. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 104:4407-4412, 2007). In the cytoplasm, detergent-insoluble aggregates of fibrinogen Aα-γ dimers develop that are targeted by the selective autophagy cargo receptors p62/SQSTM1 and NBR1. These aggregates are degraded by selective autophagy as directly demonstrated by high-resolution microscopy as well as biochemical analysis and inhibition of autophagy by siRNA and kinase inhibitors. Our findings demonstrate that different pathways exist in parallel for ER-to-cytoplasm dislocation and subsequent proteolytic degradation of large luminal protein complexes and of surplus luminal single-chain proteins. This implies that ER-associated protein degradation (ERAD) has a broader function in ER proteostasis and is not limited to the elimination of misfolded glycoprotein

    The importance of communication skills: Perceptions of IS professionals, IS managers, and users

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    Information systems (IS) research has shown that communication skills tend to be more important than technical skills to IS staff in project development activities. Yet, research findings indicate that IS staff are lacking in the communication skills they need to interact successfully with users and managers during systems development. Thus, the two purposes of this research were (1) to determine whether IS staff, IS managers, and IS users differ in their perceptions of important communication skills that IS staff need and (2) if differences do exist, to assess the impact of the differences on user satisfaction with IS product and service and on IS manager\u27s job performance evaluations of IS staff. Variables used in this study were written and oral communication skills, interpersonal skills, user satisfaction, and job performance. Confirmatory factor analysis was used to develop models of the constructs, to address validity and reliability issues, and to assess model fit of the variables. Paired-sample T-tests were used to determine whether significant differences in perceptions existed between IS staff and users and between IS staff and managers. Regression analysis was used to analyze the impact of differences on user satisfaction and job performance. Results of the research indicated that significant differences in perceptions of importance of written, oral, and interpersonal communication skills existed between IS staff and users and between IS staff and managers. Also, the results indicated that the greater the difference in perceptions of IS staff and users with respect to written and oral communications, the lower that user satisfaction was and that the greater the difference in perceptions with respect to interpersonal skills, the lower that user satisfaction with user involvement was. Findings indicated that IS staff and managers differed significantly in their perceptions of importance of written, oral, and interpersonal communication skills and that the greater the difference, the lower job performance evaluations were