8 research outputs found

    Экспериментальное исследование температуры в зоне резания при микрошлифовании

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     The article describes the technique and results of experimental studies of micromechanical processing – microgrinding. The main goal of the conducted experiments is the approbation of the developed thermophysical model of microgrinding. This model avoids a large number of experiments with changing materials, technical requirements and production conditions.As the processed material, K-8 grade glass is chosen, which is the most popular material for manufacturing optical and medical devices, such as lenses, prisms, lasers, cuvettes for hemoglobins, etc. The material of the cutting part of the microgrinding tool is polycrystalline diamond. To collect data on cutting forces, the Kistler dynamometer was used. For research and collection of data on the cutting temperature, a unique technique was used, which makes it possible to obtain a thermal imager and image processing using pixels. This technique allows you to record the temperature at any time, and also clearly associate it with the known value of the pixel dimensions.During the experiments it was found that from the filing of feed, the processing time. It was found that the increase in feed rate leads to an increase in temperature, however, the character of the dependence is not linear. In addition, a certain time of running-in of the cutting tool, characterized by temperature stabilization. The nature of heat distribution in the workpiece is also revealed. The collected data allow to test the developed thermophysical model and to calibrate the computer program complex.В статье описана методика и результаты проведения экспериментальных исследований процесса микромеханической обработки – микрошлифования. Главной целью проведенных экспериментов является апробация разработанной теплофизической модели микрошлифования. Данная модель позволит избежать проведения большого количества экспериментов при изменяющихся материалах, технических требований и условий производства.В качестве обрабатываемого материала выбрано стекло марки К-8, которое является наиболее популярным материалом для изготовления оптических и медицинских приборов, таких как линзы, призмы, лучеделители, кюветы для гемоглобинометров и т. д. Материал режущей части микрошлифовального инструмента – поликристаллический алмаз. Для сбора данных по силам резания использовался динамометр Kistler. Для исследования и сбора данных по температуре резания использовалась уникальная методика, заключающаяся в применении тепловизора и последующей обработке изображений по пикселям. Данная методика позволяет фиксировать значения температуры в любой момент времени, а также четко привязать температуру к расстоянию благодаря известному значению размеров пикселя.В ходе проведения экспериментов получены зависимости температуры от величины подачи, времени обработки. Выявлено, что увеличение подачи приводит к увеличению температуры, однако характер зависимости не является линейным. Кроме того, определено время приработки режущего инструмента, характеризующееся стабилизацией температуры. Также выявлен характер распределения тепла в обрабатываемой детали. Собранные данные позволяют апробировать разработанную теплофизическую модель и произвести калибровку вычислительного программного комплекса.

    Modeling of normal force and finishing torque considering shearing and ploughing effects in ultrasonic assisted magnetic abrasive finishing process with sintered magnetic abrasive powder

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    Ultrasonic assisted magnetic abrasive finishing process (UAMAF) is a precision manufacturing process that results nano-scale level finish in a part. Normal force on a particle helps indenting the particle in the work surface whereas horizontal force provides finishing torque that in-turn helps the particle to perform micro-machining. Better understanding of the effect of these forces on material removal and wear pattern of the work-piece necessitates mathematical modeling of normal force and finishing torque and subsequently its validation with experimental results. In the present study, single particle interaction concept is considered to develop a model which is subsequently applied for all active particles of magnetic abrasive powder (MAP). Separation point theory is applied to consider the effect of ploughing below a critical depth and shearing above that depth. Normal components of shearing and ploughing forces are considered for calculating normal force and horizontal components of shearing and ploughing forces are taken to calculate finishing torque. Johnson-Cook model is applied to calculate shearing strength of the work material during UAMAF. The impact of ultrasonic vibrations is considered while calculating strain rate. Images are taken with the help of scanned electron microscope and atomic force microscope to study the material removal and wear mechanism during UAMAF process. Predicted values of force and torque model are validated with the experimental values

    Experimental study on single grit grinding of Inconel 718

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    This article presents an important investigation of material removal mechanism in grinding utilizing single grit scratch tests. The investigation helps people to understand the abrasive cutting behaviour when the abrasive cutting edge shape alters during single grit grinding. The results provide fundamental knowledge of the grinding material removal process, which helps to improve grinding performance and quality. Cubic boron nitride grits of 40/50 mesh size were used to perform scratch tests on the alloy Inconel 718. The concepts of material pile-up ratio and actual material removal area were introduced to measure the material removal efficiency during grinding. It is found that pile-up ratio decreases and actual material removal area increases when the depth of cut increases, albeit the material removal mechanism is highly dependent on the abrasive grit cutting edge shape. The material removal mechanism along the scratch length shows different behaviours at the entrance and exit sides of the scratching passes. When a grit was moving along its scratch path, it pushed material forward resulting in high material accumulation at the exit side of the scratches. Consequently, cutting is more prominent at the entrance side of the scratch, whereas ploughing or pile-up is extremely high at the exit side of the scratches. The research finding provides crucial information for grinding process optimization

    Advances in Microfluidic Technologies for Energy and Environmental Applications

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    Microfluidics have aroused a new surge of interest in recent years in environmental and energy areas, and inspired novel applications to tackle the worldwide challenges for sustainable development. This book aims to present readers with a valuable compendium of significant advances in applying the multidisciplinary microfluidic technologies to address energy and environmental problems in a plethora of areas such as environmental monitoring and detection, new nanofluid application in traditional mechanical manufacturing processes, development of novel biosensors, and thermal management. This book will provide a new perspective to the understanding of the ever-growing importance of microfluidics

    Investigation of Material Removal Mechanism in Grinding: A Single Grit Approach

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    This thesis has investigated material removal mechanisms in grinding by considering single grit workpiece interaction. The investigation was performed both experimentally and using finite element simulation. Rubbing, ploughing and cutting mechanisms occurring during the grinding process were studied at the micro scale. Due to its nature the rubbing phase occurs in a very narrow region of grit-workpiece engagement and is difficult to examine under a microscope and so was investigated using FEM simulation. The ploughing mechanism was thoroughly investigated using both experimental tests and FEM simulations, and a similar trend was observed for the pile up ratio along the scratch path from the experimental tests and the FEM simulations. Ploughing and cutting mechanisms in grinding were found to be highly influenced by grit cutting edge shape, sharpness and bluntness. Cutting is the prominent mechanism when the grit cutting edge is sharp, but ploughing is more prominent when the grit cutting edge becomes flattened. In the case of multiple edges scratch formation, ploughing is dramatically increased compared to single edge scratches. Feasibility of ground surface simulation using FEM is demonstrated using multiple pass scratch formation in a cross direction. Although chip formation mechanism is developed at a relatively higher depth of cut (greater than 10 μm), at small scales down to 1 μm, FEM simulation was not a suitable method to use. To reduce the drawbacks of FEM simulation in micro scale cutting, a meshless simulation technique such as smooth particle hydrodynamics is recommended for future studies

    Pulsed laser ablation of ultra-hard structures: generation of tolerant freeform surfaces for advanced machining applications

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    This thesis covers the laser generation of novel micro-cutting arrays in ultra-hard super-abrasive composites (e.g. polycrystalline diamond, PCD and polycrystalline cubic boron nitride, PCBN). Pulsed laser ablation (PLA) has been used to manufacture repeatable patterns of micro cutting/abrasive edges onto micro structurally different PCD/PCBN composites. The analysis on the influence of microstructural factors of the composite materials in the use of laser ablation technology has been carried out via a novel technique (Focused Ion Beam/High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy/Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy) to identify the allotropic changes occurring in the composite as a consequence of PLA allowing the laser ablated PCD/PCBN surfaces to be characterized and the nanometric changes evaluated. The wear/failure characteristics/progression of the ultra-hard laser generated micro cutting/abrasive arrays has been studied in wear tests of Silicon Dioxide workpiece shafts and the influence of the microstructural factors in the wear properties of the super-abrasive micro cutting edges has been found. Opposing to these highly-engineered micro cutting/abrasive arrays, conventional electroplated abrasive pads containing diamond and CBN abrasives respectively have been chosen as benchmarks and tested under the same conditions. Contact profiling, Optical Microscopy and Environmental Scanning Electron Microscopy have been employed for the characterization of the abrasive arrays/electroplated tools before/during/after the wear/cutting tests. In the PCD abrasive micro-arrays, the type of grain and binder percentage proved to affect the wear performances due to the different extents of compressive stresses occurring at the grain boundaries. Mixed grained PCD arrays performed 25% better than fine grained arrays. All of the PCD laser manufactured arrays showed an increase up to 60% in the tool life when compared to the benchmarked pads. As for the PCBN abrasive micro-arrays, the laser manufactured arrays proved to perform 50% better than the electroplated ones in terms of wear resistance. This eThesis was first deposited on 6 November 2014

    Microgrinding force predictive modelling based on microscale single grain interaction analysis

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    In this paper, a new single grit model between the workpiece and the single grit considering both cutting and ploughing effects is proposed to predict the material deformation and microgrinding forces. The proposed model predictions are compared to the experiment data of the Single Crystal Diamond (SCD) cutting for validation. Extension of the single grit model by stochastic distribution analysis to predict the entire microgrinding forces is also presented.open