15,413 research outputs found

    Self-Assembled Conjugated Organic/Polymer Microcavities for Optical Resonators and Lasers

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    Optical microcavities play an important role for the next-generation light technology. Recently, we succeeded in fabricating spherical microcavities from π-conjugated polymers (CPs) by simple self-assembly process (Fig. 1).[1] We found that the microcavities show whispering gallery mode (WGM) resonant photoluminescence (PL) upon focused laser excitation, where PL generated inside the sphere is confined via total internal reflection at the polymer/air interface.[2–8] The resonance occurs when the wavelength of the light is an integer multiple of the circumference of the microsphere. The CP-based microcavities have benefits to the conventional microcavities in the following points: [1] simple and low-energy fabrication process to obtain well-defined microspheres, [2] the microcavities function as both cavity and emitter, [3] the microcavities have high refractive index and photoabsorptivity, and [4] potent use for electrically-driven WGM and laser oscillation. In this presentation, recent results on the fundamentals of the self-assembly of the CPs, resonant PL from the CP microspheres, intra- and intersphere light energy conversion, and the future prospects to realize light-, electrically-, and chemically-driven WGM and lasing will be presented.Universidad de MĂĄlaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional AndalucĂ­a Tech

    Polariton Condensation and Lasing

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    The similarities and differences between polariton condensation in microcavities and standard lasing in a semiconductor cavity structure are reviewed. The recent experiments on "photon condensation" are also reviewed.Comment: 23 pages, 6 figures; Based on the book chapter in Exciton Polaritons in Microcavities, (Springer Series in Solid State Sciences vol. 172), V. Timofeev and D. Sanvitto, eds., (Springer, 2012

    Theoretical and experimental study of stimulated and cascaded Raman scattering in ultra-high-Q optical microcavities

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    Stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) in ultra-high-Q surface-tension-induced spherical and chip-based toroid microcavities is considered both theoretically and experimentally. These microcavities are fabricated from silica, exhibit small mode volume (typically 1000 Όm3\mu m^{3}) and possess whispering-gallery type modes with long photon storage times (in the range of 100 ns), significantly reducing the threshold for stimulated nonlinear optical phenomena. Oscillation threshold levels of less than 100 Ό\mu % -Watts of launched fiber pump power, in microcavities with quality factors of 100 million are observed. Using a steady state analysis of the coupled-mode equations for the pump and Raman whispering-gallery modes, the threshold, efficiencies and cascading properties of SRS in UHQ devices are derived. The results are experimentally confirmed in the telecommunication band (1550nm) using tapered optical fibers as highly efficient waveguide coupling elements for both pumping and signal extraction. The device performance dependence on coupling, quality factor and modal volume are measured and found to be in good agreement with theory. This includes analysis of the threshold and efficiency for cascaded Raman scattering. The side-by-side study of nonlinear oscillation in both spherical microcavities and toroid microcavities on-a-chip also allows for comparison of their properties. In addition to the benefits of a wafer-scale geometry, including integration with optical, electrical or mechanical functionality, microtoroids on-a-chip exhibit single mode Raman oscillation over a wide range of pump powers.Comment: 12 pages, 15 figure

    Demonstration of ultra-high-Q small mode volume toroid microcavities on a chip

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    Optical microcavities confine light spatially and temporally and find application in a wide range of fundamental and applied studies. In many areas, the microcavity figure of merit is not only determined by photon lifetime (or the equivalent quality-factor, Q), but also by simultaneous achievement of small mode volume V . Here we demonstrate ultra-high Q-factor small mode volume toroid microcavities on-a-chip, which exhibit a Q/V factor of more than 106(λ/n)−310^{6}(\lambda/n)^{-3}. These values are the highest reported to date for any chip-based microcavity. A corresponding Purcell factor in excess of 200 000 and a cavity finesse of 2.8×1062.8\times10^{6} is achieved, demonstrating that toroid microcavities are promising candidates for studies of the Purcell effect, cavity QED or biochemical sensingComment: 4 pages, 3 figures, Submitted to Applied Physics Letter

    Resonant self-pulsations in coupled nonlinear microcavities

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    A novel point of view on the phenomenon of self-pulsations is presented, which shows that they are a balanced state formed by two counteracting processes: beating of modes and bistable switching. A structure based on two coupled nonlinear microcavities provides a generic example of system with enhanced ability to this phenomenon. The specific design of such structure in the form of multilayered media is proposed, and the coupled mode theory is applied to describe its dynamical properties. It is emphasized that the frequency of self-pulsations is related to the frequency splitting between resonant modes and can be adjusted over a broad range.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure
