291 research outputs found

    Three Essays on Opinion Mining of Social Media Texts

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    This dissertation research is a collection of three essays on opinion mining of social media texts. I explore different theoretical and methodological perspectives in this inquiry. The first essay focuses on improving lexicon-based sentiment classification. I propose a method to automatically generate a sentiment lexicon that incorporates knowledge from both the language domain and the content domain. This method learns word associations from a large unannotated corpus. These associations are used to identify new sentiment words. Using a Twitter data set containing 743,069 tweets related to the stock market, I show that the sentiment lexicons generated using the proposed method significantly outperforms existing sentiment lexicons in sentiment classification. As sentiment analysis is being applied to different types of documents to solve different problems, the proposed method provides a useful tool to improve sentiment classification. The second essay focuses on improving supervised sentiment classification. In previous work on sentiment classification, a document was typically represented as a collection of single words. This method of feature representation suffers from severe ambiguity, especially in classifying short texts, such as microblog messages. I propose the use of dependency features in sentiment classification. A dependency describes the relationship between a pair of words even when they are distant. I compare the sentiment classification performance of dependency features with a few commonly used features in different experiment settings. The results show that dependency features significantly outperform existing feature representations. In the third essay, I examine the relationship between social media sentiment and stock returns. This is the first study to test the bidirectional effects in this relationship. Based on theories in behavioral finance research, I speculate that social media sentiment does not predict stock return, but rather that stock return predicts social media sentiment. I empirically test a set of research hypotheses by applying the vector autoregression (VAR) model on a social media data set, which is much larger than those used in previous studies. The hypotheses are supported by the results. The findings have significant implications for both theory and practice

    An Entropy-Based Method with a New Benchmark Dataset for Chinese Textual Affective Structure Analysis

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    Affective understanding of language is an important research focus in artificial intelligence. The large-scale annotated datasets of Chinese textual affective structure (CTAS) are the foundation for subsequent higher-level analysis of documents. However, there are very few published datasets for CTAS. This paper introduces a new benchmark dataset for the task of CTAS to promote development in this research direction. Specifically, our benchmark is a CTAS dataset with the following advantages: (a) it is Weibo-based, which is the most popular Chinese social media platform used by the public to express their opinions; (b) it includes the most comprehensive affective structure labels at present; and (c) we propose a maximum entropy Markov model that incorporates neural network features and experimentally demonstrate that it outperforms the two baseline models.</jats:p

    How to Find Opinion Leader on the Online Social Network?

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    Online social networks (OSNs) provide a platform for individuals to share information, exchange ideas and build social connections beyond in-person interactions. For a specific topic or community, opinion leaders are individuals who have a significant influence on others' opinions. Detecting and modeling opinion leaders is crucial as they play a vital role in shaping public opinion and driving online conversations. Existing research have extensively explored various methods for detecting opinion leaders, but there is a lack of consensus between definitions and methods. It is important to note that the term "important node" in graph theory does not necessarily align with the concept of "opinion leader" in social psychology. This paper aims to address this issue by introducing the methodologies for identifying influential nodes in OSNs and providing a corresponding definition of opinion leaders in relation to social psychology. The key novelty is to review connections and cross-compare different approaches that have origins in: graph theory, natural language processing, social psychology, control theory, and graph sampling. We discuss how they tell a different technical tale of influence and also propose how some of the approaches can be combined via networked dynamical systems modeling. A case study is performed on Twitter data to compare the performance of different methodologies discussed. The primary objective of this work is to elucidate the progression of opinion leader detection on OSNs and inspire further research in understanding the dynamics of opinion evolution within the field


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    Textual understanding is the process of automatically extracting accurate high-quality information from text. The amount of textual data available from different sources such as news, blogs and social media is growing exponentially. These data encode significant latent information which if extracted accurately can be valuable in a variety of applications such as medical report analyses, news understanding and societal studies. Natural language processing techniques are often employed to develop customized algorithms to extract such latent information from text. Journalistic 5Ws refer to the basic information in news articles that describes an event and include where, when, who, what and why. Extracting them accurately may facilitate better understanding of many social processes including social unrest, human rights violations, propaganda spread, and population migration. Furthermore, the 5Ws information can be combined with socio-economic and demographic data to analyze state and trajectory of these processes. In this thesis, a data driven pipeline has been developed to extract the 5Ws from text using syntactic and semantic cues in the text. First, a classifier is developed to identify articles specifically related to social unrest. The classifier has been trained with a dataset of over 80K news articles. We then use NLP algorithms to generate a set of candidates for the 5Ws. Then, a series of algorithms to extract the 5Ws are developed. These algorithms based on heuristics leverage specific words and parts-of-speech customized for individual Ws to compute their scores. The heuristics are based on the syntactic structure of the document as well as syntactic and semantic representations of individual words and sentences. These scores are then combined and ranked to obtain the best answers to Journalistic 5Ws. The classification accuracy of the algorithms is validated using a manually annotated dataset of news articles